1970s- Mariculture Ltd. and the Conservation of the Green Sea Turtle.
1970s- Cayman Turtle Farm Souvenir Guide.
1970s-1980s George Balazs File for Mariculture Ltd. and Cayman Turtle Farm.
1970s-1980s Part 1 of 2- Mariculture Ltd. Cayman Islands George Balazs File.
1970s-1980s Part 2 of 2- Mariculture Ltd. Cayman Islands George Balazs File.
1973- Far Tortuga by Peter Matthiessen. Excerpts.
1973- New Hope for the Green Sea Turtle.
1973- Turtle Festival Cayman- To Celebrate the Return of Turtle to the Menus.
1974- Two Sides to the Turtle Question. The Aquaculture Newsletter.
1975- Green Turtle Farming and Growing Debates by George Reiger. Sea Frontiers.
Ulrich & Parkes (1978) The Green Sea Turtle- Further Observations on Breeding in Captivity.
1982- Cayman Turtle Farm- One of a Kind in the World.
Comuzzie and Owens (1990) A Quantitative Analysis of Courtship Behavior in Captive Green Turtles.
Walker (1992) The Cayman Turtle Farm. Aquaculture Magazine.
Wood and Wood (1994) Sea Turtles of the Cayman Islands.
Owens (1995) Last Chance Lost-Or Is It- A Book Review. MTN.
Bell and Parsons (2002) Cayman Turtle Farm Head-Starting Projects Yield Tangible Success. MTN.
2003- A Visit to Cayman Turtle Farm.
2012 Part 1 of 3: Cayman Islands Turtle Farm. George Balazs Field Notebook.
2012 Part 2 of 3- Cayman Islands Turtle Farm. George Balazs Field Notebook.
2012 Part 3 of 3: Cayman Islands Turtle Farm. George Balazs Field Notebook.
Warwick et al. (2013) Health implications associated with exposure to farmed and wild sea turtles.
2023- More than 60,000 Turtle Hatchlings Make it to Sea in 2023. Cayman Compass.
2023- Cayman Nesting Correspondence and Information.
2023-Cayman Islands Recent Publications- Message from Brendan Godley.