1960s-1970s Part 1 of 2: Hawaiian Green Turtle Tagging with USFWS & HSDF&G Inscriptions Assembled by George H. Balazs from FWS Files.

1960s-1970s Part 2 of 2: Hawaiian Green Turtle Tagging with USFWS & HSDF&G Inscriptions Assembled by George H. Balazs from FWS Files.

1961-1973 Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Green Turtle Tagging Data Compiled By George H. Balazs Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology HIMB.

1969- Huntington Alloys-Monel Alloy. The International Nickel Company.

Late 1970s- Summary of Turtle Tags on Floating Wood Released as Drift Test in the Hawaiian Islands by George Balazs & Alan Kam.

1970s- Identification Tags, Bands, and Supplies Catalog. National Band & Tag Company, Newport, KY and Arnold Precisions Metal Rolling Catalog.

1970s- List of HIMB Sea Turtle Tag Numbers.

1970s-HIMB 3 Captive-Reared Green Turtles 2056, 2500,2378; 2051, 2495 (W-S 853); 2054, 2499, 2053, 2498 (L. Gin).

1970s- 2635 and 2636 Tagged by Skip Naftel and Jerry Johnson.

1970s-1980s Tag Recovery Data G.H. Balazs Folder

1970s-1980s Tagging File for Marine Turtles by George Balazs.

1970s -1990s Part 1 of 2 George Balazs Tags and Tagging File.

1970s-1990s Part 2 of 2 George Balazs Tags and Tagging File.

~1973- Tag Series of Monel Tags.

1973- Index Cards of Turtles Tagged at East Island FFS George Balazs First Project Year.

1973- Index Cards of GHB Tagging at Waikiki, Kiholo Bay and Makai Pier Oahu.

1973- 747 FWS Six 1968 Tagged East Is. Male Resighted by GHB 1973 & 1975 Basking on Trig Island FFS.

1973- Kiholo Bay, Hawaii, Marine Turtle Tagging Data Collected by George Balazs.

1973-1976- Index Cards of Green Turtles Captive Reared at HIMB Coconut Island by GHB.

1975- Turtles Released from Coconut Island Kaneohe Bay by George Balazs.

1975- Index Cards of GHB Tagging at FFS 14-19 February 1975.

Balazs (1975-1977) Historical correspondence on the development and production of Inconel tags for sea turtles. 78 pages.

1975-1989- Index Cards of Tag Series and Tag Type Distributed to Named Persons by GHB.

1976- Number of adult green turtles tagged at FFS and tag recovery records. Working Draft Document by George Balazs

1976- First-Ever Inconel Tag Applied at French Frigate Shoals by George Balazs on November 19 at Whale-Skate Island Basking Male Tag No. 2072 HIMB Inscription. GH Balazs Field Notebook Excerpt.

1977- Order Form from National Band and Tag Co. for Size 3 (6001-7000) and Size 1 (7001-8000) Monel Alloy Tags.

1977-1981 Body Measurements for Tuamotuan Green Turtle Reared in Captivity Tagged 2081 & 2496.

1978- Paul Jokiel HIMB 2478 & 2479 Tagging of a 39.4 cm Green Turtle in Kaneohe Bay Oahu Hawaii September 1, 1978.

1978- Tag 2504 47.9cm Princeville on Scuba by Alan Kam- MT231 at FFS in 2010.

Balazs (1978) Recovery data for adult green turtles observed or originally tagged at French Frigate Shoals.

1978-1980 Tuamotu Green Turtle Tags 2081 & 2497 Released at Bellows.

1980s-2000s Part 1 of 2: HIMB Tag Recovery Assortment of Correspondence Archived by George Balazs.

1980s-2000s Part 2 of 2- HIMB Tag Recovery Assortment of Correspondence Archived by George Balazs.

1980- Tags & Measurements for HIMB 2498-2053, 2500-2378, 2499-2054, 2497, 2051-2495, 2052-2496 Alan Kam & George Balazs.

1980- Zinc Oxide, Tattoo and Freon Carapace Marking Tests for Green Turtles by G.H. Balazs and A.K.H. Kam at HIMB.

1981- Letter to Kahala Hilton Hotel from HIMB George Balazs About Tagged Captive Green Turtles 2051, 2053, 2054, and 2056.

1981, 1982 & 1984- Release Data and Letters for LIving Tag Turtles from FFS

1982- Letter from Thane Wibbels about Kemp's Ridley with HIMB Tag.

1983- Photos of Tags 5667, 6498, Size 1 Monel, and Autograft by George Balazs.

Year Unknown- Green Turtle Tagging in Hawaii Using HIMB Inconel Tags 6798, 6851, 6799, 6853, 6852.