1908-1974 Albert Lewis Tester In Memoriam.
1919-1998 In Memory of Dr. Miklos Dezso Ferenc Udvardy.
1919-2010 Isabella Abbott Seaweed Lady.
1919-2014: Kenny Brown- 24 Hour Vigil Will Honor Beloved Business Leader with Royal Ties.
1920-2016: Remembering Joan Aidem of Molokai.
1921-1999 Johan Paul Schulz In Memoriam. MTN.
1921-2021 Harry Emmett Finch, Our Friend and Mentor Passes at 100 Years of Age.
1921-2015 James W. Cherry Obituary.
1921-2002 John Roscoe Hendrickson Obituary including Living Tag, Living Reputation. MTN.
1921-2002: John Hendrickson Obituary.
1923-1999 Joseph P. Medeiros Jr. "Who Mirrored His Life After His Creator"
1923-2017: Captain Leo Ohai Rest In Peace.
1924-2012 Senator Daniel Inouye; 1895-1986 Mary Kawena Puku; 1917-1997 Reverend Abraham Akaka.
1924-2018 Earl Bakken Shared His Talents With Hawaii.
1925-2003: Harry Clark Jr. WWII Pilot Genavco Air Cargo Owner Dies at 77.
1926-2016: Harriet Gee- Reporter's Career Spanned 43 Years.
1927-2001 A Remembrance of Fred H. Berry. MTN.
1927-2014: Doyle Gates Obituary.
1927-2017: Eddie Kamae Hawaiian Music Virtuoso Also Used Film to Preserve Culture.
1928-2019 Richard Shomura- Founding Father of the MTRP Marine Turtle Research Program.
1929-1999: Aunty Elaine K. Kaopuiki, Lanai Kumu Hula, Dies at 70. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
1930-2016: Louis M. Herman- Researchers Work Led to Deeper Understanding of Dolphins.
1932-2010: The Life of Mau Pialug Traditional Navigator.
1932-2013 Frederico Daniel Bicoy In Loving Memory and Respect.
1935-2018: Dr. Paul James Struhsaker Passed Away 25 July 2018.
Paul James Struhsaker (1935–2018)
1936-2006 Arnold Ross Obituary by Bill Newman and Frederick Schram.
1936-2017: We Honor Binion Amerson. North Texas Lone Star STC Chapter.
1937-2012 Phyllis McOmber (and Jackie Woolsey) Sharing a Vision for Lanai.
1937-2023 Danny Kaleikini Hawaii's Ambassador of Aloha.
1938-2012 Ron Walker Biologist, Conservationist, Colleague and Friend.
1938-2013: Lu Eldredge III Good Friend Nice Person.
1939-2020 Roy Toshio Tsuda Rest In Peace.
1939-2002 Moe Keale In Loving Memory: His Songs Made Him a Son of Hawaii Forever.
1941-2016: In Memory of Paul Louis Jokiel.
1942-2021 Mario Boza In Memoriam.
1942-2014 Kakkala Gopalakrishnan- Gopi In Memory.
1944-2020: Art Whistler Memorial Garden in Samoa.
1943-2023 Michael F. Tillman In Memoriam.
David Boynton 1945-2007 "A Voice for the Hawaiian Wilderness".
1945-2007 David Boynton- Vanished Voices: A Farewell Song to the O'o.
1945-2021- In Memoriam Dr. Alan Bruce Bolten - Bahamas National Trust.
1946-2023 Satish Bhaskar, Pioneer of Sea Turtle Biology in India.
1946-1972 Peace Corps Volunteer Alan Banner Obituary, Western Samoa, God Bless Rest In Peace.
1946-2013: Sherwood Maynard In Loving Memory.
1950-2018: Hawaii Hero Clyde Maurice "Kalani" Ohelo. HSA.
1960-2023: Eleanor Sterling, Accomplished Scientist and Dear Friend & Colleague to Many.
1962-2020 Sue Taei: Warmly Remembering Our MTSG Oceania Member.
1963-2016: Miriam Pillos In Loving Memory.
1966-2024 Wendy Teas Obituary- May God Bless.
1969-2006 Boyd N. Lyon Obituary. MTN.
1976-2022 Shandell Brunson- May God Forever Bless Her and Her Family.
1988- Wayne Gagne Conservationist was a Tireless Worker.
1988- 'Bobby' Hind, Kona Rancher, Legislator, Dies.
1989- The 20 Who Perished on Molokai October 28, 1989 Aloha Island Air Flight 1712.
1994- Leo Brongersma An Appreciation- 1907-1994.
1999- Spencer Tinker Former Director of Waikiki Aquarium Dies.
2001- Distinguished Hawaii Insect Expert Jack Beardsley Dies at 74.
~2005- Rene Sylva 1929-2008- The Son of Maui is Uncle of All Life by David Boynton.
2005- PLEASE HELP- Search on Lanai for Missing 77-Year Old to Resume for Bobby Amaral.
2007- Don Ho Brought Hawaii to the World Via TV.
2007- John Peyton Ex-Isle Official Dies in Crash.
2008- Anson Chong Beloved Law Maker of Fern Forest- 1938-2008.
2008- Richard Marks Kalaupapa Resident Promoted Park Plan.
2008- Rene Sylva 1929-2008 Botanist Championed Hawaii's Native Species.
2009- Tatsuo Goto 1916-2009. Fish Cutter, Peddler Became Top Hawaii Fish Cake Maker.
2009- Tom Gill 1922-2009 Iconic Figure.
2012- Native Hawaiian Leader Charles Maxwell Dies at Age 74.
2012- Senator Inouye Embodied the Best of Aloha. 1924-2012.
2013- Jean King In Loving Memory.
2015- John Pina Craven In Memory.
2015- Way-Big-Wave Surfer Alec Cooke Missing After Night Session.
2015- Mausoleum Preserves Royal History of Hawaii.
2015-Larry Ehukai Mehau In Memory.
2017- Tony Amos: Turtle Bears Ashes of Friend to Species.
2018- Remembering their lives: Marjorie Ziegler, Paul Breese and Bill Paty.
2020- Dr. Joe: Caring for Creatures Great and Small.
2020- Hawaiian Alfred Apaka Remembered 60 Years After His Death. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2020- Frank Tabrah MD Passes at 100 Year of Age.
2020- Memories of Michael Childers (1958-2020) by Leon Hallacher. Seawords Marine Option Program UH.
2020: The Passing of Dr. Nat Frazer.
2020- Henk Reichart: May You Rest In Peace, Dear Friend and Colleague.
2020- Remembering Jack Randall: The World of Science Has Lost a Giant.
2020- In Remembrance – Dr. Joe Herzog.
2021- Richard Fassler's Passing
2021- Native Hawaiian Educator and Activist Haunani-Kay Trask Dies.
2021- Gayland Domingo Enriques Obituary - Jeanette Howard's Beloved Son.
2022- Bill Puleloa With Appreciation and Aloha, 1943-2022.
2022- The Turtle Life and Times of Doc Lew Ehrhart, 1943-2022 Assembled by Steve Johnson.
2022-Bill Puleloa 1943-2022 Rest In Peace Good Friend.
2022- In Memoriam: Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli 1944-2022.
2022- Celebrating the Life of Josephine Mitchel.
2023- Dedicated to the Memory of Dr. Michael F. Tillman, 1943-2023.
2023- Satish Bhaskar Passed Away RIP. Message to Cturtle from Kartik Shanker.
2023- Rob Shallenberger- Colleague and Friend Rest in Peace.