Mellen (1925) Marine Turtles Sleep on Hawaiian Sands: Two Long-Standing Errors Corrected. NY Zoological Society Bulletin, 28:160-161.

1925- A Green Turtle Asleep on a Sandy Beach at Lisianski, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

Grant (1927) Note on Sea Turtles. Copeia.

Brock (1951). Flipper tagging of a green turtle at Layan Island- In: Some Observations on the Laysan Duck. The Auk.

Pritchard and Greenhood (1968) The Sun and the Turtle. International Turtle and Tortoise Society Journal.

1973- Lying in the Sun- Chapter 3 of Kay's Turtles by Robert Bustard.

Balazs and Ross (1974) Observations on the basking habit in the captive juvenile Pacific green turtle.

1975- Letter from Peter Pritchard to George Balazs About Absence of Basking in the Galapagos and Other Aspects.

Balazs (1975) Green turtle's uncertain future. Defenders.

Balazs (1976) Tables on Basking Pages 74-100 IN: Data on the Hawaiian Green Turtle Colony at French Frigate Shoals 1974-1975. HIMB.

Balazs (1976) Hawaiian Green Turtle and Ghost Crab Basking on the Beach at FFS. Herpetological Review.

BALAZS 1976 HAWAII'S SEABIRDS TURTLES & SEALS $1.95 World Wide Distributors

Balazs (1976) Green turtle migrations in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Biological Conservation

1977- Thermal Biology of Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. National Geographic Proposal by G. Causey Whittow and George Balazs.

Whittow and Balazs (1977) The Thermal Ecology of Basking Green Turtles, Chelonia mydas. NGS Research Reports.

1978- Letter from Ray Clare About Historical Green Turtle Basking at Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

1978- Rare Behavioral Traits. A Harmonious Relationship. Sea Secrets.

1979- The Song of the Turtle by Jeremy Cherfas. New Scientist.

Balazs (1979) Hawaii Green Turtle and Monk Seals Basking on the Beach at FFS. Herpetological Review.

1979- Asleep in the Sun: Hawaiian Green Turtle and Monk Seal Photo by George Balazs. World Wildlife News.

Heath and McGinnis (1980) Body Temperature and Heat Transfer in the Green Sea Turtle. Copeia.

Mrosovsky (1980) Thermal Biology of Sea Turtles. American Zoologist.

1980- Basking. Pages 34-38 In G. H. Balazs, Synopsis of Biological Data on the Green Turtle in the Hawaiian Islands.

Fritts (1981) Marine Turtles of the Galápagos Islands and Adjacent Areas of the Eastern Pacific on the Basis of Observations Made by J. R. Slevin 1905-1906. J. Herpetology.

Whittow and Balazs (1981) Basking green turtles. Sea Frontiers.

Whittow and Balazs (1982) Basking Behavior of the Hawaiian Green Turtle. Pacific Science.

Sheekey (1982) Green turtle basking at Tern Island French Frigate Shoals.

Snell and Fritts (1983) The Significance of Diurnal Terrestrial Emergence of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Galapagos Archipelago. Biotropica.

1984- Memo from DAR Don Heacock to Al Katakaru About Green Turtle Basking on the Na Pali Coast of Kauai.

1984- Basking Correspondence by Carl Jantsch Sea World San Diego, George Balazs, and Steve Kaiser Sea Life Park Hawaii.

Kaiser and Balazs (1984) Reports Wanted of Sea Turtles Basking Ashore.

Kam (1984) An unusual example of basking by a green turtle on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Elepaio.

Spotila and Standora (1985) Environmental Constraints on the Thermal Energetics of Sea Turtles. Copeia.

Garnett et al. (1985) Observations of Non-Nesting Emergence by Green Turtles in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Copeia.

Tarr (1987) Non-nesting emergence by Green Turtles at the Cunene River mouth Nanimbia South West Africa. Madoqua.

1990-2014- W578 Historical Tag/Recovery Data for Basking Green Turtle at Sugar beach, Maui on 8/5/14.

Limpus et al. (1994) The Basking Greens of Bountiful Island- Kay's Turtles Revisited. ISTS-14.

Balazs (1996) Behavioral changes within the recovering Hawaiian green turtle population. ISTS-15.

Green (1997) Basking in Galapagos Green Turtles. ISTS-17.

1997- Hardiness- Section 3.3.2 that includes Basking- Excerpt from Synopsis of Biological Data on the Green Turtle by Harry Hirth.

1999- Basking- Turtles Enjoy Sun and Sand.

Rice, Balazs et al. (2000) Diving, basking and foraging patterns of a subadult green turtle at Punaluu, Hawaii. ISTS 18.

Rice, Balazs and Zatz (2001) SeaTurtle Cam: Live interactive video feed of basking Hawaiian green turtles. ISTS-21.

2001- Healthy Turtles Often Bask in Human Company by Susan Scott.

Rice, Balazs, Kopra and Whittow (2002) Ecology and behavior of green turtles basking at Kiholo Bay, Hawaii. ISTS-20.

Quaintance, Rice and Balazs (2002) Basking, Foraging and Resting Behavior of Two Sub-Adult Green Turtles in Kiholo Bay Lagoon, Hawaii. ISTS-22.

Quaintance (2005) Diel Behavior of Two Adult Basking Turtles at Laniakea, Hawaii. HPA.

Balazs et al. (2005) Green turtle foraging and resting habitats at Midway Atoll 1975-2000. ISTS-21.

2005- Roadside Attraction Drawing Crowds. The Honolulu Advertiser.

Quaintance et al. (2005) Monitoring sea turtle basking behavior with remote video cameras. ISTS-21.

Swimmer (2006) Relationship between basking and fibropapillomatosis in captive green turtles. CCB.

Zarate et al. (2006) Basking Behavior of Green Turtles in the Galapagos Islands. ISTS-26.

2006-2012 Satellite Tracking Maps for Green Turtles Basking at Laniakea by Denise Parker.

2008- Aerial Views of Green Turtle Basking on Lanai by Cheryl King.

2008- Why Don't Turtles Cross the Road? by Charles Memminger.

Scott (2010) Basking in the Sun Makes Our Green Turtles Unique

Rice and Balazs (2011) Basking green turtles at Midway Atoll. ISTS San Diego Poster Presentation.

Maxwell et al. (2014) The Influence of Weather and Tides on the Land Basking Behavior of Green Sea Turtles in the Galapagos Islands. CCB.

Hooven (2014) with Forward by George Balazs: A sociological study: human interactions with sea turtles- Laniakea 2002-2003. September/October 2014 'Elepaio.

2015- Basker with Little Girl at Hookipa by Busaba Yip.

Tarr and Elwen-Braby (2015) Report on a Turtle and Cetacean Assessment Survey to the Kunene River Mouth, Northern Namibia – January 2014.

Parker, Balazs et al. (2015) Map Guide to Marine Turtle Nesting and Basking in the Hawaiian Islands

Chambault et al. (2016) Inter-nesting behavioural adjustments of green turtles to an estuarine habitat in French Guiana. MEPS.

Parker and Balazs (2016) Map guide to green turtle foraging areas located in proximity to basking sites in the Hawaiian Islands

Kelly and Homcy (2017) Trapped in the Crossroads of Honu Conservation. SWOT.

Murakawa and Balazs (2017) Bibliography of Terrestrial Basking and Non-Nesting Emergences in Marine Turtles.

Black (2018) The Impact of the Terrestrial Basking Event of Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles on Visitors at Ho'okipa, Maui. MS Thesis, Thompson Rivers University.

Balazs (2021) Where, How and Why do Sea Turtles Bask?  Original Prepared for State of the Worlds Sea Turtles (SWOT).

2023- Emotions run high as sea turtles take over popular Hawaii beaches. by Ashley Harrell 11-11-23.

2023- Maui Basker with Mom and Daughter Photo by Busaba Yip.

2024 – Ultimate Circle Island Tours

2022 Coming Ashore to Bask on Maui

2022 Coming Ashore to Bask on Maui