1952-2002- Annual Number of Tourists Visiting Hawaii- NOTE in the Year 2019 there were 10,424,995.

Rebelo (1994) Evaluating the possibility of making turtle watching an ecotourist attraction. Marine Skill Report for the University of Hawaii Marine Option Program.

1999-2008 Timeline of Early Malama Na Honu History by Joanne Pettigrew and Others.

1999- Turtles here are losing fear of humans by Susan Scott. HSB. "Something Wonderful and Beautiful is Happening".

1999- Oahu Beach is Prime Spot for Sea Turtles by Susan Scott.

2000s- Photos of GHB & Marc Rice Satellite Tagging of Honu at Laniakea.

Borjesson (2000) An Ecological Assessment of Green Turtles in Coastal Foraging and Resting Habitats of Kailua Bay, Laniakea and Papailoa, Oahu, Hawaiian islands. MS Thesis.

2001- Healthy Turtles Often Bask in Human Company by Susan Scott.

Balazs and Pettigrew (2001-June 2005) Show Turtle Aloha- Archived Laniakea (Turtle Beach)

2002- "Old Injury I'm Fine Now" The Short Story of Hawaiian Honu L2 Sleeping Ashore at Laniakea's Honulani Beach.

2004- Honulani Laniakea's Turtle Beach. Photo Album by George Balazs.

2004 Laniakea Honulani from February-June. Photo Album by George Balazs.

2004- Welcome to the Honulani SeaTurtle Cam- Draft and Edits by George Balazs.

Hooven (2004) A sociological study: Human interactions with sea turtles at Laniakea, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Marine Option Program UH.

2004- Laniakea: Hawaii Place Names, Beaches and Surf Sites.

Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2004) Laniakea Oahu- Paradise for Turtle Watchers. Retained for Archival Purposes by Turtle Trax www.turltes.org.

2004-2010 Part 1 of 2: Laniakea Historical Documents.

2004-2010 Part 2 of 2: Laniakea Historical Documents.

2005- Did you know? Honu the Hawaiian Green Turtle.

2005- Letter from William Robinson NOAA Regional Administrator to State of Hawaii Representative Michael Magaoay.

2005- Laniakea Turtles Featured in Kokua Line Honolulu Star-Bulletin June 5, July 6 & July 13.

2005- Roadside Attraction Drawing Crowds. The Honolulu Advertiser.

Martinson (2005) Honu and Ecotourism at Laniakea Beach. Social Science 490A Class Report.

2005- Honulani at Laniakea Including Removal of L4's Time-Depth Recorder at East Island French Frigate Shoals. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.

2005- Police should bring order to beach popular with turtles. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

2005- Turtle Population Makes a Big Comeback. North Shore News.

Balazs- Kokua Line (2005) Sea Turtles can tolerate casual contact. Honolulu Star-Bulletin by June Watanabe

2005- Turtles are tourists attractions at Laniakea. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

2005- Turtle Trouble by Susan Essoyan. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

2005- MTRP Honulani Visitors Log.

2005- Proposed Outreach Strategy for Human/Sea Turtle Interactions in Hawaii. Draft by USFWS Kenneth Foote with Notations by George Balazs.

2005- Hotels, Local Style Can't Coexist on North Shore by Lee Cataluna.

Quaintance (2005) Diel Behavior of Two Adult Basking Turtles at Laniakea, Hawaii. HPA.

2006- Outreach and Research, Policy and Biology: 300 Days of the Laniakea Show Turtles Aloha Campaign.

2006-2012 Satellite Tracking Maps for Green Turtles Basking at Laniakea by Denise Parker.

2006- North Shore Touts New Road.

2006- What's in a name? Kukae' Ohiki Modern-Day Laniakea by Jan Masterson.

2006- Email Letter from Denise Antolini to Nancy Johns Regarding Laniakea Turtle Concerns and Task Force. 2 of 3 Pages.

2006-2007 Meet a Green Turtle, Tour Advertisements, Na Honu Surviving the Rush, and What's in a Name Assortment.

Nichols (2007) Turtles and Tourism: Where the Endangered Species Act Ends and Community Activism Begins.

2007- Waves Big But Not So Swell. The Honolulu Advertiser.

2007- Malama na Honu Articles of Incorporation and By Laws.

2007- Part 1 of 2- Malama na Honu Historical Documents Trove.

2007- Part 2 of 2: Malama na Honu Historical Documents Trove.

Rice and Balazs (2008) Diving behavior of the Hawaiian green turtle during oceanic migrations. JEMBE

2008- Humans Helping Turtles: A Way of Life for Honu Group.

2008- Impact Statement in Works for North Shore Road.

2008- Coming Back to Oahu Always a Treat by Susan Scott.

2008- Why Don't Turtles Cross the Road? by Charles Memminger.

2008- Green Turtle Found Slaughtered.

2008- Tracked Turtle L18 Loses a Flipper in Shark Attack. SUSAN SCOTT

2008- No One Knows Why Turtles Dive All Night by Susan Scott.

2008- Injured turtle L18 lays eggs and heads home by Susan Scott.

2008- Reward Fund Growing Nationally for Laniakea Slain Sea Turtle.

2008- Green turtle found dead at Laniakea.

Work (2008) Diagnostic Case Report No. 21136 Necropsy of Laniakea Butchered Green Turtle L20 (Honey Girl) Pit Tag ID 502E4C2703. USGS Honolulu Field Station.

2008- NOAA Examines Slain Turtle

2008- Lite Notebook: Turtles, Dogs and Blind Seers by Charles Memminger.

Rice and Balazs (2008) Hawaiian Green Turtles Dive to Record Depths During Oceanic Migrations. ISTS-28.

2009- Joanne Pettigrew & Malama na Honu by Anita DeLeon. CTTC Foothill Chapter.

2009- Why Some Turtles Have To Go by William Herron Sr.

2009- "Gawk This Way" Honolulu Magazine.

2009- "Volunteers have gone too far"

2009- Who Killed Honey Girl? Unpublished Draft Dated 12-7-2009 by Leslie Ann Hayashi, Illustrated by Kathleen Wong Bishop. Suggested Edits by G.H. Balazs.

2009-2019 - The Honu Whisperer. 10 Issues of the Newsletter of Malama na Honu.

2010- NMFS Email from George Balazs to Wende Goo About Laniakea Honu Guardians & Scott Ray 'Roping Off' Request.

Rice and Balazs (2010) Hawaiian green turtles dive to record depths during oceanic migrations. ISTS-28.

2012- Showing Some Aloha- Sea Turtle Conservation Efforts in the Hawaiian Islands by Moriah Quinn.

2012- Joanne Pettigrew PIT Tag Scans on Oahu's North Shore.

2013- Laniakea Identification Booklet. Second Edition by Malama na Honu.

2014- No Serious Injuries or Damage as Monster Waves Hit North Shore.

Hooven (2014) with Forward by George Balazs: A sociological study: human interactions with sea turtles- Laniakea 2002-2003. September/October 2014 'Elepaio.

2014- Laniakea: Hawaii Preparatory Academy/NOAA Sea Turtle Research and Conservation Program.

2015- Laniakea Has Ties to Ancients.

2017- Hawaiian Honu Tourism- Color Brochures.

Kelly and Homcy (2017) Trapped in the Crossroads of Honu Conservation. SWOT.

Balazs et al. 2017. Ocean pathways and residential foraging locations for satellite tracked green turtles breeding in Hawaii. Micronesica

2018- Overtourism and Crowding at Our Favorite Spots. Hawaii Business Magazine.

2018 - Has Maui reached its tourism limit?

Lamb (2019) Towards a Green Applied Linguistics: Human–Sea Turtle Semiotic Assemblages in Hawai‘i. Applied Linguistics.

2019- Boy Hit by Vehicle at Laniakea. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2019- Laniakea Traffic Needs Controls- Editorial Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Lamb (2019) Final- The Nexus of Discourse and Practice in Sea Turtle Tourism and Conservation at Laniakea Beach, Hawaii. PhD Dissertation, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 264p.

2019- Viewing Hawaii Wildlife. Malama Na Honu.

2019- Important Statement on Laniakea Beach by Gavin Lamb, PhD.

2019-2021 Malama Na Honu Annual Reports and Certificate of Good Standing. Business Registration Division, State of Hawaii.

2020- Destination Known: Punahele’s Safe Return Home from Lalo.

2020- Punahele's Voyage from Laniakea to French Frigate Shoals and Return.

2020- "Closing the beach will be a win for public health and the turtles"- One of the Comments to our Petition to Close Laniakea for 6 Months.

2020- Petition Comments to Closing Laniakea for 6 Months.

2020- Visitors to Hawaii have worn out their unconditional welcome. CNN.

2020- Prepping for Tourists Heading for Laniakea Turtle Beach by George Balazs July 2 Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2020- Ultimate Guide to Turtle Beach Oahu- Hawaii Travel with Kids.

2020- Commentary by Federal Wildlife Enforcement Officer on Laws Relating to Human Interactions with Sea Turtles in Hawaii-9/2020.

2020- Public Irresponsible at Beaches, Parks July 30 HSA.

2020- The Silver Lining in this Very Dark Cloud. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2020- "Closing the beach will be a win for public health and the turtles"- One of the Comments to our Petition to Close Laniakea for 6 Months.

2021- Turtles, Tourism, and Traffic— Keeping Hawaiʻi Honu Safe.

Balazs (2021) Where, How and Why do Sea Turtles Bask?  Original Prepared for State of the Worlds Sea Turtles (SWOT).

2021- The Difference Between Cultural Appropriation And Appreciation. Honolulu Civil Beat.

2021- Malama na Honu Summer Newsletter: The Honu Whisperer.

2021- Laniakea on PBS Insights. Tired of Turtle Traffic? Of Course You Are. Public Forum 7-8-21.

Balazs (2021) Three Questions/Comments submitted for the July 8 PBS Hawaii Insights Forum on Laniakea Turtle Beach Traffic.

2021- Laniakea on PBS Hawaii Insights: Tired of Turtle Traffic? Of course you are. Announcement by Senator Gil Riviere.

2022- On Becoming a Honu Guardian by Amanda Kaufmann of Poipu, Kauai.

2022- Eight College Writing Students Ask About Sea Turtles- by Amanda JS Kaufmann.

Abrams et al. (2023) Encouraging Respectful Wildlife Viewing Among Tourists: Roles for Social Marketing, Regulatory Information, Symbolic Barriers, and Enforcement. Social Marketing Quarterly.

2023- The Honu Whisperer. Malama na Honu Volume 8 Issue 1.

2023- Emotions run high as sea turtles take over popular Hawaii beaches. SFGate.com by Ashley Harrell 11-11-23.

2024- A Surf Legend's Long Ride. The New Yorker.

2017 - Gavin Lamb Recorded Conversation with Joanne Pettigrew and George Balazs