1952-2002- Annual Number of Tourists Visiting Hawaii- NOTE in the Year 2019 there were 10,424,995.
1999-2008 Timeline of Early Malama Na Honu History by Joanne Pettigrew and Others.
1999- Oahu Beach is Prime Spot for Sea Turtles by Susan Scott.
2000s- Photos of GHB & Marc Rice Satellite Tagging of Honu at Laniakea.
2001- Healthy Turtles Often Bask in Human Company by Susan Scott.
Balazs and Pettigrew (2001-June 2005) Show Turtle Aloha- Archived Laniakea (Turtle Beach)
2004- Honulani Laniakea's Turtle Beach. Photo Album by George Balazs.
2004 Laniakea Honulani from February-June. Photo Album by George Balazs.
2004- Welcome to the Honulani SeaTurtle Cam- Draft and Edits by George Balazs.
2004- Laniakea: Hawaii Place Names, Beaches and Surf Sites.
2004-2010 Part 1 of 2: Laniakea Historical Documents.
2004-2010 Part 2 of 2: Laniakea Historical Documents.
2005- Did you know? Honu the Hawaiian Green Turtle.
2005- Laniakea Turtles Featured in Kokua Line Honolulu Star-Bulletin June 5, July 6 & July 13.
2005- Roadside Attraction Drawing Crowds. The Honolulu Advertiser.
Martinson (2005) Honu and Ecotourism at Laniakea Beach. Social Science 490A Class Report.
2005- Police should bring order to beach popular with turtles. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
2005- Turtle Population Makes a Big Comeback. North Shore News.
2005- Turtles are tourists attractions at Laniakea. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
2005- Turtle Trouble by Susan Essoyan. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
2005- MTRP Honulani Visitors Log.
2005- Hotels, Local Style Can't Coexist on North Shore by Lee Cataluna.
Quaintance (2005) Diel Behavior of Two Adult Basking Turtles at Laniakea, Hawaii. HPA.
2006-2012 Satellite Tracking Maps for Green Turtles Basking at Laniakea by Denise Parker.
2006- North Shore Touts New Road.
2006- What's in a name? Kukae' Ohiki Modern-Day Laniakea by Jan Masterson.
2007- Waves Big But Not So Swell. The Honolulu Advertiser.
2007- Malama na Honu Articles of Incorporation and By Laws.
2007- Part 1 of 2- Malama na Honu Historical Documents Trove.
2007- Part 2 of 2: Malama na Honu Historical Documents Trove.
Rice and Balazs (2008) Diving behavior of the Hawaiian green turtle during oceanic migrations. JEMBE
2008- Humans Helping Turtles: A Way of Life for Honu Group.
2008- Impact Statement in Works for North Shore Road.
2008- Coming Back to Oahu Always a Treat by Susan Scott.
2008- Why Don't Turtles Cross the Road? by Charles Memminger.
2008- Green Turtle Found Slaughtered.
2008- Tracked Turtle L18 Loses a Flipper in Shark Attack. SUSAN SCOTT
2008- No One Knows Why Turtles Dive All Night by Susan Scott.
2008- Injured turtle L18 lays eggs and heads home by Susan Scott.
2008- Reward Fund Growing Nationally for Laniakea Slain Sea Turtle.
2008- Green turtle found dead at Laniakea.
2008- NOAA Examines Slain Turtle
2008- Lite Notebook: Turtles, Dogs and Blind Seers by Charles Memminger.
2009- Joanne Pettigrew & Malama na Honu by Anita DeLeon. CTTC Foothill Chapter.
2009- Why Some Turtles Have To Go by William Herron Sr.
2009- "Gawk This Way" Honolulu Magazine.
2009- "Volunteers have gone too far"
2009-2019 - The Honu Whisperer. 10 Issues of the Newsletter of Malama na Honu.
2012- Showing Some Aloha- Sea Turtle Conservation Efforts in the Hawaiian Islands by Moriah Quinn.
2012- Joanne Pettigrew PIT Tag Scans on Oahu's North Shore.
2013- Laniakea Identification Booklet. Second Edition by Malama na Honu.
2014- No Serious Injuries or Damage as Monster Waves Hit North Shore.
2014- Laniakea: Hawaii Preparatory Academy/NOAA Sea Turtle Research and Conservation Program.
2015- Laniakea Has Ties to Ancients.
2017- Hawaiian Honu Tourism- Color Brochures.
Kelly and Homcy (2017) Trapped in the Crossroads of Honu Conservation. SWOT.
2018- Overtourism and Crowding at Our Favorite Spots. Hawaii Business Magazine.
2018 - Has Maui reached its tourism limit?
2019- Boy Hit by Vehicle at Laniakea. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2019- Laniakea Traffic Needs Controls- Editorial Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2019- Viewing Hawaii Wildlife. Malama Na Honu.
2019- Important Statement on Laniakea Beach by Gavin Lamb, PhD.
2020- Destination Known: Punahele’s Safe Return Home from Lalo.
2020- Punahele's Voyage from Laniakea to French Frigate Shoals and Return.
2020- Petition Comments to Closing Laniakea for 6 Months.
2020- Visitors to Hawaii have worn out their unconditional welcome. CNN.
2020- Ultimate Guide to Turtle Beach Oahu- Hawaii Travel with Kids.
2020- Public Irresponsible at Beaches, Parks July 30 HSA.
2020- The Silver Lining in this Very Dark Cloud. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2021- Turtles, Tourism, and Traffic— Keeping Hawaiʻi Honu Safe.
2021- The Difference Between Cultural Appropriation And Appreciation. Honolulu Civil Beat.
2021- Malama na Honu Summer Newsletter: The Honu Whisperer.
2021- Laniakea on PBS Insights. Tired of Turtle Traffic? Of Course You Are. Public Forum 7-8-21.
2022- On Becoming a Honu Guardian by Amanda Kaufmann of Poipu, Kauai.
2022- Eight College Writing Students Ask About Sea Turtles- by Amanda JS Kaufmann.
2017 - Gavin Lamb Recorded Conversation with Joanne Pettigrew and George Balazs