Observe the Loss: Milo Radulovich 1926-2007.

Turtle Trax- The World's First Web Site Devoted Entirely to Marine Turtles: www.Turtles.org by Peter Bennett and Ursula Keuper-Bennett.

Dedication to Clothahump.

About Turtle Trax

Turtle Trax Blog

Turtle Trax Table of Contents

Phil Bennett 1956-1997: In Memoriam.

1990s- Honolua Watershed Project, Mahinahina Channel.

Keuper-Bennett (1991) Visiting Diver Suspects Algae Conspiracy.

1991-1993 Articles on Maui Algae Blooms.

1992- Turtle Tumors on the Rise by Ursula-Keuper Bennett. The Maui News.

1992- Stuffed Turtle is No Souvenir by U. Keuper-Bennett. Toronto Star.

1993- Effluent Runoff Linked to Algae. Sugar & Pineapple Contribute 784 Tons a Year of Phosphorous.

1994- Pikake at Honokowai Post Card from Bud Heacox.

1994- Ursula Keuper-Bennett & Peter Bennett Correspondence to George Balazs.

1996- Letter from Peter Bennett and Ursula Keuper-Bennett About Turtle Tumor Disease on Maui.

Letter to 1997 Marine Turtle Fibropapilloma Workshop.

1997- Turtle Protection by Ursula Keuper-Bennett. The Maui News.

1998- French Frigate Shoals--Photo Gallery of 25th Anniversary.

Bennett & Keuper-Bennett (1998) GTFP on the World Wide Web. ISTS-17.

1998- Many Have Helped Study the Hawaiian Sea Turtle by Peter and Ursula Bennett.

Richardson, Herbst, Bennett & Keuper-Bennett (1998) Photo-identification of Hawaiian green sea turtles. ISTS-18.

1998- French Frigate Shoals- 25 Years. George Balazs Message to Cturtle on June 1, 1998.

1998- Letter "Thanks for Recognizing Balazs" to The Maui News from Ursula Keuper-Bennett and Peter Bennett.

1998- French Frigate Shoals 25th Anniversary- from Turtle Trax www.turtles.org

1998-2013 The Algae of Honokowai from TRAX.

Bennett, Keuper-Bennett, and Balazs (1999) Photographic evidence for the regression of fibropapillomas afflicting green turtles. ISTS-19.

Bennett, Keuper-Bennett and Balazs (2000) Changing the Landscape: Evidence for Detrimental Impacts to Coral Reefs by Hawaiian Marine Turtles. ISTS-20 Orlando, Florida.

2000- Many Thanks for Turtle Population. Letter to Editor by Ursula Keuper-Bennett & Peter Bennett.

Keuper-Bennett, Bennett & Balazs (2001) The Eyes Have It- Manifestation of Ocular Tumours in the Green Turtle Ohana of Honokowai, West Maui. ISTS-21.

Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2001) Use of subjective patterns in green turtle profiles to find matches in an image database. ISTS-21.

Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2001) The Use of Subjective Patterns in Green Turtle Facial Profiles to Find Matches in an Image Database. Supplemental Document.

Keuper-Bennett and Bennett (2002) Home Sweet Home: Aspects of green turtle and hawksbill presence in their feeding, resting and cleaning areas off Honokowai, West Maui 1989-1999. ISTS-20.

Balazs et al. (2002) Remote intereactive digital imaging: implementation of a SeaTurtle Cam system in the Hawaiian Islands. ISTS-20 Orlando, Florida.

Balazs, Keuper-Bennett, Bennett, Rice & Russell (2002) Evidence for Near Shore Nocturnal Foraging by Green Turtles at Honokowai, Maui, Hawaiian Islands. ISTS-22.

Summer of 2002: The Prolog.

Bennett, KeuperBennett and Balazs (2002) Remigration and Residency of Hawaiian Green Turtles in Coastal Waters of Honokowai, West Maui, Hawaii. ISTS-20.

2004 Summer at Honokowai, West Maui.

2004 Summer Summary September 4 for Honokowai, West Maui.

2004- Weekly Summary Week 9 August 29, Honokowai, West Maui.

2004 Weekly Summary for Week 3 July 17 at Honokowai, Maui.

2006 Weekly Summary for Week 1 July 8 at Honokowai, Maui.

2006 Weekly Summary Week 2 July 15 Red Red Red Red Rain. Honokowai, West Maui.

2007 The World of Topsy-Turvy at Honokowai, West Maui.

Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2008) Those Other Guys- Chapter 7 Excerpt from The Book of Honu.

Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2008) Chapter 5 Honu at Home- The Book.

Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2008) Chapter 6 The Things Honu Do- The Book.

2008 Blog Archive- Big Mysteries and Little Joys.

2008 Catching Up at Honokowai, West Maui.

2011- Letters to Cturtle by Peter Bennett and Jennifer Homcy about The Future of Honu Management Forum.

2012- Some Perspective on Delisting. Message by Peter Bennett to Cturtle.

Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2015) Testimony on Green Turtle Listing Status- 9/21/2015.

Bennett and Kueper-Bennett (2016) Comments on the Identification and Proposed Listing of Eleven Distinct Population Segments of Green Sea Turtles. MTN.

SickBay Bibliography

About Marine Turtles

The Sickbay

Who's Who Underwater at Honokowai.

Kidz Korner Sea Turtles for Kids.

Astonishingly Technological Breakthrough!

A Sea Turtle Library.

A Tribute to Dr. Archie Carr: Upon Whose Shoulders We All Stand.

Turtle Happenings.

For the Love of Turtles.

Glimpse of a Turtle House: Sea Turtles' Lives Aren't Idyllic.

Morris and Balazs Dermex Trials on Fibropapilloma.

\Kauila Turtle Guardian of Children

For More Videos by Peter Bennett and Ursula-Keuper Bennett Please Use This Link:
