Ganaden (2011) De-Listing the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle? Honolulu Magazine.
2012- Beaches Change Constantly as Sand Comes and Goes by Richard Brill.
2012- Pink Hotel's Storied History Reaches Back 85 Years- by Bob Sigall.
2012- O Ka Honu O Polihua. Lanai Times.
2012- Aloha Honua: Bill Puleloa. The Molokai Dispatch.
Pilcher (2012) Hawaii's Unique Turtles. State of the Worlds Sea Turtles SWOT Report.
2012- Hunting for an Answer in Hawaii's War on Deer, Wildlife.
Sutherland (2012) Alone in a Rubber Boat. Hana Hou.
2012- Kimi Werner Freediver- The Hunger Games.
Kramer and Kramer (2013) The Other Islands of Aloha. Hawaiian Journal of History.
Severance (2013) Turtle Soup? Buoy. Hawaii Fishing News.
Oliver Lee- June 3, 2014 - Honolulu Star Advertiser - Tsung Tsin Association.
2014- Navigators Share Memories of Beloved Papa Mau. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2014- A Time Apart. Hawaii Fishing News.
2014- The Majestic Honu by The Nature Conservancy Molokai Staff. NewsFlash.
2014- Development Replaced Aina Haina Fishpond by Bob Sigall Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2014- Territorial Showdowns Over Fishing Rights Are Increasing. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2015- Lanai Excerpts by Alberta de Jetley.
Balazs (2015) Tunnels (Makua) Kauai- Summary of Prominent Findings 14-15 July 2015.
2015- Honu the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle- Malama Na Honu Brochure.
Balazs et al. (2015) A review of the demographic features of Hawaiian green turtles. CCB.
2015- Saying No to NOAA: Protecting Mauna Lua Bay. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2015- Malama Na Honu Brochure.
Walsh (2015) An enchanting encounter. Kauai Traveler Magazine.
2015- Fishhook Database Offers Insights into Old Hawaii. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
Duerr (2015) Bring Honu Conservation Home. Hawaii Fishing News October.
Duerr (2015) Bring Honu Conservation Home. Hawaii Fishing News October.
2016- Remembering Lanai's Heritage, Values.
2016- Save Breakwater at Doris Duke Estate. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
Balazs (2016) For the Archives of Cturtle- USA ESA Status Review.
2016- Coconut Palm Trees Thrive with a Long History in Isles.
2016- Portrayal of Prince Hanalei Sure To Be a 'Kopy Katz' Hit.
Blinski (2016) The mysterious and ancient lives of sea turtles.
2016- Plans to Expand Whale Sanctuary Scrapped. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2016- 2 Hawaii Whale Protectors Await Ruling. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2016- Fishing Among Turtles.Hawaii Fishing News.
2016- A Case for Honu Management. Pacific Islands Fisheries News, WPRFMC.
2016- Target Isle Protest Hui Helped Spur Its Clean Up. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2017- Ewa's Old Man & The Sea. 1963 World Record Sea Bass from Shore. HFN.
2017- Lihue Man is Cited for Abusing Sea Turtle. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2017- Hawaiian green turtle brochure: Recovering but still protected.
2017- Agency OverReaches in Trying to Rollback Marine Monument. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2017- Chinese people in Hawaii and the Wo Hing Society by Busaba Yip.
2017- Hawaii honu tourism brochures.
2017- Hunting Good for Ecosystem, Families. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2018- NOAA Drops Illegal Take Charges Against Hawaiian Cultural Practitioners.
2018- Kauai Man is Charged in Green Sea Turtle's Death. HSA.
2018- Audrey Sutherland: Local woman will be honored at book event.
2018- Season of the Whale- Arctic Circle
2018- Guide to Oahu's North Shore.
2019- Kristian Lei- On The Scene.
2019- Petroglyph Boulder from Kirsch et al.
2019- Faces of Kalaupapa: Father Patrick Killilea. Makani Kai Air Hele Mai.
2019- Migrations by Tom Koppel
2019- Robert Pelekai for Hele Mai. Makani Air Helemai.
2019- Humbly Sharing Hula Tradition: Dion Dizon. Makani Kai Air Hele Mai.
2019- Nene Not Endangered. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2019- Where to see Sea Turtles in Maui, Hawaii – Finding Hawaii's Honu.
2019 - On Point: Early Hawaiians Practiced Spear Fishing at a Spectacular Level. Hana Hou
2019- Clear Water Revival: Can Native Hawaiian Oysters Restore the Waters of Pu'uloa? Hana Hou.
2020- Is There Environmental Racism In Hawaii? Civil Beat.
2020- New Royal Hawaiian Groin is First of Several Planned for Waikiki. HSA.
2020- BBC Travel: The forgotten Hawaiian Islands in Canada.
2021- Rare Nest of Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Hatchlings Rescued.
Puleloa (2021) Man Underwater. Bamboo Ridge Journal of Hawaii Literature and Arts.
2021- Biden Raises Hopes for Native Hawaiians Seeking Federal Recognition. Civil Beat.
2021- Top Dollar Paid for Old Hawaiian Artifacts. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2021- Nā Kahu Manō: He ʻOhana Hawaiʻi E Hoʻi I Ko Lākou Hoʻoilina Ponoʻī - Honolulu Civil Beat.
2021- Message in the Bottle: Major General Kenneth Hara's Quest for Historic Glassware
2021- Towards Sustainable Native Hawaiian Access to a Honu Harvest.
2021- Puerto Rico Should Learn How Statehood Affected Hawaiians.
2021- The Difference Between Cultural Appropriation And Appreciation. July Honolulu Civil Beat.
2021- Kalama Valley 1971 Protests Commemorated.
2021- A 30-Year-Old Rant on Hawaii Tourism Still Rings True by Chad Blair, Honolulu Civil Beat.
2021- Senator Brian Schatz: Congress Needs To Stop 'Ignoring The Needs Of Native People'.
2021- Turtles on the Menu at Meeting of Western Pacific Fishery Council. Environment Hawaii.
Duerr (2021) Turtle Turbulence. Hawaii Fishing News.
2022- Hope For Honu: Green Sea Turtles on The Road to Recovery by Rachel Laderman with Irene Kelly.
2022- Honu. Hawaii Fishing News.
2022- Kaupo, Maui- Three Petroglyph Sites.
2022- The Long Way Home by Dan Meharg. Hana Hou.
2023- Kia'i Kanaloa Statement Regarding the Care and Disposition of Honu.
2023- A Ceremony For A Hawaiian Princess Unlikely To Be Repeated by Denby Fawcett.
2023- The Guns of Yesteryear- The 'Citizens Guard' of Hawaii. Hana Hou.
2023- Indigenous Management Of Hawaii’s Fishponds Is Getting A High Tech Upgrade.
2024- Land of the Wayfarers. Hana Hou.
2024- Communities Set New Precedent on Hawai'i Island by Kia'i Kanaloa.
2024- This Hawaiian Island Vanished- Its Comeback is Crucial. www.CivilBeat.Org by Nathan Eagle.
Balazs (2024) What Do Sea Turtles Mean To You? Letter to Honolulu Civil Beat.
2025- Helping Our Honu. Honolulu Magazine.