Malia Rose van der Kamp (2010) Under the Rainbow. Hawaii Fishing News- Letter to the Editor. Vol.35, No.12, page 19, January.

Ganaden (2011) De-Listing the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle? Honolulu Magazine.

Maly K. & Maly O. (2011) “anohano Lāna‘i” – “Lāna‘i is Distinguished” An Ethnography of Ka‘ā Ahupua‘a And the Island of Lāna‘i

2012- Comment Letter by William Aila Jr. Chairperson BLNR on Ninety Day Petition Finding for Hawaiian Green Turtle.

2012- Beaches Change Constantly as Sand Comes and Goes by Richard Brill.

2012- Pink Hotel's Storied History Reaches Back 85 Years- by Bob Sigall.

2012- O Ka Honu O Polihua. Lanai Times.

2012- Aloha Honua: Bill Puleloa. The Molokai Dispatch.

Pilcher (2012) Hawaii's Unique Turtles. State of the Worlds Sea Turtles SWOT Report.

2012- Hunting for an Answer in Hawaii's War on Deer, Wildlife.

Sutherland (2012) Alone in a Rubber Boat. Hana Hou.

2012- Kimi Werner Freediver- The Hunger Games.

Kramer and Kramer (2013) The Other Islands of Aloha. Hawaiian Journal of History.

Friedlander et al. 2013. Customary marine resource knowledge and use in contemporary Hawaii. Pacific Science.

Severance (2013) Turtle Soup? Buoy. Hawaii Fishing News.

Oliver Lee- June 3, 2014 - Honolulu Star Advertiser - Tsung Tsin Association.

2014- Navigators Share Memories of Beloved Papa Mau. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2014- A Time Apart. Hawaii Fishing News.

2014- The Majestic Honu by The Nature Conservancy Molokai Staff. NewsFlash.

2014- Development Replaced Aina Haina Fishpond by Bob Sigall Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2014- Anger Surges at Big Isle Meeting; West Maui Residents Out In Force Against Federal Recognition.

2014- Territorial Showdowns Over Fishing Rights Are Increasing. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2015- Lanai Excerpts by Alberta de Jetley.

Balazs (2015) Tunnels (Makua) Kauai- Summary of Prominent Findings 14-15 July 2015.

2015- Honu the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle- Malama Na Honu Brochure.

Balazs et al. (2015) A review of the demographic features of Hawaiian green turtles. CCB.

2015- Saying No to NOAA: Protecting Mauna Lua Bay. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2015- Malama Na Honu Brochure.

2015- Protests Over Mauna Kea Unlikely to Ever Go Away- And Other Articles on this Topic. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Walsh (2015) An enchanting encounter. Kauai Traveler Magazine.

2015- Fishhook Database Offers Insights into Old Hawaii. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Duerr (2015) Bring Honu Conservation Home. Hawaii Fishing News October.

Duerr (2015) Bring Honu Conservation Home. Hawaii Fishing News October.

2016- Remembering Lanai's Heritage, Values.

2016- Save Breakwater at Doris Duke Estate. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Balazs (2016) For the Archives of Cturtle- USA ESA Status Review.

2016- Coconut Palm Trees Thrive with a Long History in Isles.

2016- Portrayal of Prince Hanalei Sure To Be a 'Kopy Katz' Hit.

Blinski (2016) The mysterious and ancient lives of sea turtles.

2016- Plans to Expand Whale Sanctuary Scrapped. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2016- 2 Hawaii Whale Protectors Await Ruling. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2016- Fishing Among Turtles.Hawaii Fishing News.

2016- A Case for Honu Management. Pacific Islands Fisheries News, WPRFMC.

2016- Target Isle Protest Hui Helped Spur Its Clean Up. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2017- Ewa's Old Man & The Sea. 1963 World Record Sea Bass from Shore. HFN.

Balazs et al. 2017. Ocean pathways and residential foraging locations for satellite tracked green turtles breeding in Hawaii. Micronesica

2017- Lihue Man is Cited for Abusing Sea Turtle. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2017- Hawaiian green turtle brochure: Recovering but still protected.

2017- Agency OverReaches in Trying to Rollback Marine Monument. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2017- Chinese people in Hawaii and the Wo Hing Society by Busaba Yip.

2017- Hawaii honu tourism brochures.

2017- Hunting Good for Ecosystem, Families. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2018- NOAA Drops Illegal Take Charges Against Hawaiian Cultural Practitioners.

2018- Charges Dropped against two women who buried dead whale- “We feel like we’ve been dragged through the mud,”

2018- Action plan for research and management of hawksbill sea turtles in Hawaii, 2018-2022. NMFS/PIR and PIFWS.

2018- Kauai Man is Charged in Green Sea Turtle's Death. HSA.

2018- Audrey Sutherland: Local woman will be honored at book event.

2018- Season of the Whale- Arctic Circle

2018- Guide to Oahu's North Shore.

2019- Chelonia mydas Hawaiian subpopulation (Hawaiian Green Turtle)- Least Concern Category IUCN Red List.

2019- Kristian Lei- On The Scene.

2019- IUCN Red List Least Concern: Chelonia mydas (Hawaiian subpopulation), Hawaiian Green Turtle Assessment by: Chaloupka, M.Y. & Pilcher, N.J.

2019- Petroglyph Boulder from Kirsch et al.

2019- Faces of Kalaupapa: Father Patrick Killilea. Makani Kai Air Hele Mai.

2019- ANA Honu.

2019- Migrations by Tom Koppel

2019- Robert Pelekai for Hele Mai. Makani Air Helemai.

2019- Humbly Sharing Hula Tradition: Dion Dizon. Makani Kai Air Hele Mai.

2019- Nene Not Endangered. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2019- Where to see Sea Turtles in Maui, Hawaii – Finding Hawaii's Honu.

2019 - On Point: Early Hawaiians Practiced Spear Fishing at a Spectacular Level. Hana Hou

2019- Clear Water Revival: Can Native Hawaiian Oysters Restore the Waters of Pu'uloa? Hana Hou.

Kirch, Carpenter, and Ruggles (2019) Kukuipahu: A Unique Hawaiian Monumental Structure Utilizing Cut-and-Dress Stone Masonry. Rapa Nui Journal.

Goodbred (2020) Towards Sustainable Native Hawaiian Access to Green Sea Turtle Take. Marine & Conservation Policy Research Group, Williams College-Mystic Seaport Maritime Studies Program. Dartmouth College.

2020- Missionaries Made Their Mark in the Islands 2 Centuries Ago by Bob Segall Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2020- Is There Environmental Racism In Hawaii? Civil Beat.

2020- New Royal Hawaiian Groin is First of Several Planned for Waikiki. HSA.

2020- BBC Travel: The forgotten Hawaiian Islands in Canada.

2021- Rare Nest of Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Hatchlings Rescued.

Puleloa (2021) Man Underwater. Bamboo Ridge Journal of Hawaii Literature and Arts.

2021- Biden Raises Hopes for Native Hawaiians Seeking Federal Recognition. Civil Beat.

2021- Top Dollar Paid for Old Hawaiian Artifacts. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2021- Nā Kahu Manō: He ʻOhana Hawaiʻi E Hoʻi I Ko Lākou Hoʻoilina Ponoʻī - Honolulu Civil Beat.

2021- Message in the Bottle: Major General Kenneth Hara's Quest for Historic Glassware

2021- The Struggle to Contain, and Eat, the Invasive Deer Taking over Hawaii. Modern Farmer article by Dan Nosowitz.

2021- Towards Sustainable Native Hawaiian Access to a Honu Harvest.

2021- Puerto Rico Should Learn How Statehood Affected Hawaiians.

2021- The Difference Between Cultural Appropriation And Appreciation. July Honolulu Civil Beat.

2021- Kalama Valley 1971 Protests Commemorated.

Ritts and Wiebe (2021) The story of Wananalua: Stranded whales and contested marine sovereignties in Hawai‘i. Natural & Space.

2021- A 30-Year-Old Rant on Hawaii Tourism Still Rings True by Chad Blair, Honolulu Civil Beat.

2021- Senator Brian Schatz: Congress Needs To Stop 'Ignoring The Needs Of Native People'.

2021- Turtles on the Menu at Meeting of Western Pacific Fishery Council. Environment Hawaii.

Duerr (2021) Turtle Turbulence. Hawaii Fishing News.

2021- One way to counter the ill effects of Hawaii's invasive species: Eat Them. Honolulu Civil Beat.

2022- Letter to USA President Biden from Kitty Simonds WPRFMP About Sustainable Harvest of Green Turtles.

2022- Hope For Honu: Green Sea Turtles on The Road to Recovery by Rachel Laderman with Irene Kelly.

2022- Honu. Hawaii Fishing News.

2022- Kaupo, Maui- Three Petroglyph Sites.

2022- The Long Way Home by Dan Meharg. Hana Hou.

2022- How to kill a god: the myth of Captain Cook shows how the heroes of empire will fall. The Guardian.

2022- Treaty Deadlock: Why an International Treaty with Central and South America Creates a Barrier for Cultural Harvest of Honu in Hawaii. PIF News.

2023- Kia'i Kanaloa Statement Regarding the Care and Disposition of Honu.

2023- Letter from WPRFMC to USFWS Earl Campbell and NOAA PIRO Sarah Malloy about 5-Year Review of DPS Green Sea Turtles.

2023- A Ceremony For A Hawaiian Princess Unlikely To Be Repeated by Denby Fawcett.

2023- The Guns of Yesteryear- The 'Citizens Guard' of Hawaii. Hana Hou.

2023- Indigenous Management Of Hawaii’s Fishponds Is Getting A High Tech Upgrade.

2024- George Balazs: Sea Turtle Conservation Hinges On Cultural Awareness. Honolulu Civil Beat, 3 January.

2024- Land of the Wayfarers. Hana Hou.

2024- Communities Set New Precedent on Hawai'i Island by Kia'i Kanaloa.

Balazs (2024) Hawaii's Sea Turtle Conservation Success Story: A 50-Year Journey of Research, Recovery, and Cultural Awareness. XMAS Abstract.

2024- This Hawaiian Island Vanished- Its Comeback is Crucial. www.CivilBeat.Org by Nathan Eagle.

Balazs (2024) What Do Sea Turtles Mean To You? Letter to Honolulu Civil Beat.

2025- Helping Our Honu. Honolulu Magazine.

2025- How A Canoe Helped Turn Hawaiian Culture: Into A Source Of Pride And Even Influenced Hollywood. Honolulu Civil Beat.