Watson (1961) The life history and morphology of a marine trematode, Coitocaecum bathygobium N. Sp., from Bathygobius fuscus (Ruppell) in Hawaii. MS Thesis, UH Manoa.
1962- The Turtle Rock and The Lotus Stone- Molokai's Mysterious Fertility Shrine. by Eugene Ressencourt. UH Manoa.
Standen (1967) An explanatory description of the sand islands of Kure, Midway and Pearl & Hermes Reef.
Chase (1969) The Growth Rate and Feeding Efficiency of the Green Sea Turtle. MS Thesis Research Proposal. Univ. Hawaii.
Scura (1973) Anoxic Physiology of green turtle, Chelonia mydas mydas. PhD Dissertation, University of Miami.
Thompson (1980) Comparative Study of the Anatomy of the Oral Cavity and Alimentary Canal of Green and Loggerhead Turtles: Chapter V and VI excerpts from MS thesis. James Cook University.
Nancy Bray Thompson (1980) Population Dynamics of the Atlantic Green Sea Turtle. PhD Dissertation, University of Rhode Island.
Russell (1981) The Introduction and Establishment of Acanthophora and Eucheuma in Hawaii. Excerpts UH PhD Thesis.
Perry (1982) Magnetite and magnetic sensitivity in the green turtle. MS Thesis University
Unabia (1984) Grazing of the seagrass Halophila Hawaiiana by the snail Smaragdia Bryanae, MS thesis UH Manoa.
Stinson (1984) Biology of Sea Turtles in San Diego Bay, California, and in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean- A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of San Diego State University.
Mahoney (1991) Pterocladia Project Final Report. MOP UH Hilo.
Bromwell (1991) A comparison of growth rates for the turtle barnacle Chelonibia testudinaria from the carapace of healthy and tumored green sea turtles Chelonia mydas in Hawaiian waters. Final Project Botany 455. UH Manoa.
Rebelo (1994) Assessing the Potential Scenic Value of Hawaii's Green Sea Turtles. UH MOP. Student Proposal.
Frutchey (1995) Plasma levels of Vitamin A and E in Marine Turtles. MS Thesis, University of Central Florida.
Swimmer (1997) Physiological consequences of basking, disease and captivity in the green turtle, Chelonia mydas. PhD Dissertation University of Michigan.
Zamzow (1999) Cleaning symbioses between Hawaiian reef fishes and green turtles with and without fibropapillomas. MS Thesis.
Hwang (1999) Characterization of Bone Marrow and Development of a Bone Marrow Biopsy Technique in Green Turtles.
Borjesson (2000) An Ecological Assessment of Green Turtles in Coastal Foraging and Resting Habitats of Kailua Bay, Laniakea and Papailoa, Oahu, Hawaiian islands. MS Thesis.
Shrestha (2000) The detection and characterization of interferon-gamma from the Hawaiian green sea turtle. MS Thesis, UH Manoa.
Sigurdsson (2000) An Ecological Assessment of Chelonia mydas in Coastal Foraging and Resting Habitats of Hanauma Bay and Wawamalu Oahu. MS Thesis.
Woo (2000) Ecological Impacts and Interactions of the Introduced Red Alga Kappaphycus Striatum In Kaneohe Bay, MS thesis UH Manoa.
Holloway (2001) A comparative study of the feeding ecology of Chelonia mydas and the incidental ingestion of prorocentrum spp. MS Thesis UCF.
Pepi (2002) Effects of green turtle fibropapillomatosis on the reproductive success and egg composition of green turtles nesting at French Frigate Shoals, HINWR. MS Thesis UH.
Ghiulamila (2002) Nutritional composition of two edible Hawaiian seaweeds: Ahnfeltiopsis concinna and Gracilaria salicornia. Senior Thesis, University of Hawaii at Hilo.
Kubis (2003) Growth rates of juvenile green turtles from three developmental habitats along the east central coast of Florida. MS UCF.
Tremblay (2003) Growth Rates Of Juvenile Hawaiian Green Turtles Reared In Captivity at the Maui Ocean Center. UH Hilo Senior Thesis.
King (2007) An assessment of sea turtle relative abundance, distribution, habitat and population characteristics within the Kahoolawe Island Reserve Hawaii. MS Thesis NSU.
Jit (2007) Status of sea turtle conservation in Fiji: an assessment of international, regional & national focus. MS Thesis, Supervisor Prof. Joeli Veitayaki, Univ. South Pacific.
Peckham (2008) Demographic and conservation implications of alternative foraging strategies in juvenile loggerheads of the North Pacific. PhD Dissertation, UC Santa Cruz.
Fong (2009) The study in plasma biochemistry of free-ranching and captive sea turtles in Taiwan. MS Thesis. TNOU.
Graham (2009) Analysis of the foraging ecology of hawksbill turtles on Hawaii Island: An investigation using satellite tracking and stable isotopes. UH-Hilo, MS Thesis.
Wingfield (Briscoe) (2009) On the Formation of a Conservation Hotspot for Juvenile North Pacific Loggerhead Sea Turtles. PhD Dissertation UC Santa Cruz.
Wabnitz (2010) Sea turtle conservation and ecosystem-based management with a focus on green turtles and seagrass beds. PhD Thesis, UBC.
Asuncion (2010) Characterizing juvenile green sea turtle habitat use in Kawainui, Oahu: A multi-disciplinary approach. HPU MS thesis.
Summers (2010) Monitoring of green and hawksbill sea turtles at a near shore foraging area in the CNMI using an indigenous approach committee. UH MS Thesis.
Francke (2011) To Dive or Not to Dive: Juvenile Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Behavior and Habitat Use in Kawai’nui, O’ahu, Hawai’i. MS Thesis, HPU.
Wabnitz and Christensen (2011) Ecosystem Models to Explore Management Options for Kona's Coastal Environment. NOAA Grant Final Report.
Estes Layton (2011) Biological, ecological and conservational implications of temperature-dependent sex determination in sea turtle populations. PhD Dissertation.
Kelly (2012) Using stable isotope analysis to assess the foraging habits of Palmyra Atoll green turtles. MS Thesis, Columbia University.
Jang (2012) Green sea turtle mtDNA analysis- A preliminary trial analyzing population genetic structure. CBES 620 Molecular Biology Reseach Techniques, UHHilo Final class report.
Murakawa (2012) Determination of growth spurts in Hawaiian green sea turtles using skeletochronology and histological analysis of gonads. MS Thesis, UH Manoa.
Luna (2013) Turtlephilia in the Pacific: An integrated comparative analysis from the perspectives of biological cultural, and spiritual ecology. PhD Dissertation.
Read (2015) Population Structure, Migration and Habitat Ecology of the Green Turtle in the Grand Lagon Sud of New Caledonia. PhD Dissertation Griffith University.
Kowalski (2015) Investigating population genetic structure among green turtle rookeries of the NW Pacific. NTOU Taiwan MS Thesis.
Tagarino (2015) Spatio-temporal patterns of hawksbill nesting and movements in American Samoa. Univ. Philippines.
Clukey (2016) Assessment of plastic ingestion and persistent organic pollutants in sea turtles across the Pacific. MS Thesis UH Manoa.
Henkel, Crystal (2016) Examining the impact of the island mass effect on carbonite chemistry in the nearshore reef ecosystem of the NWHI. MS Thesis, HPU.
Piacenza (2016) Quantitative tools for monitoring strategy evaluation and assessment of sea turtle populations. OSU, PhD Dissertation.
O'Connor (2016) Mapping and analysis of coral reef damage related to boating in Kaneohe Bay with unmanned aerial systems.MS Thesis University of Hawaii.
Lamb (2019) Final- The Nexus of Discourse and Practice in Sea Turtle Tourism and Conservation at Laniakea Beach, Hawaii. PhD Dissertation, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 264p.
Lim (2019) Analysis of Indoor Radon in Texas and Depleted Uranium in Hawai’i. PhD Dissertation, Texas Tech University.
Brown (2019) An ecological comparison of turf algae between two sites on West Maui that differ in anthropogenic impacts. Masters Thesis University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Kane (2019) Coastal Evolution of Pacific Islands in Response to Sea Level Change During the Mid-Holocene. PhD Dissertation UH-Manoa.
Hoffman (2020) Turtle Tracking Trouble: The Influence of Carapace Morphology and Composition on Transmitter Adhesion to Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Sea Turtle Keratin. MS Thesis University of Charleston.
Early-Capistran (2021) Connecting the past and the present: an evaluation of the long-term abundance of the black turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the Gulf of California. PhD Dissertation.
Jarvis (2022) Observing Patterns in Turtle Tagging Data through Statistical Analyses. Skill Project Report to the University of Hawaii at Hilo, Marine Option Program.
Song (2022) Hotspot areas of green turtles in Chinese waters, and the rookery genetics and temperature features of nesting ground at Xisha Islands. MS Thesis Xiamen University PRC.
Smith (2022) Whatʻs on the Menu? Unexpected Forage Plants in Green Turtle Diets on Hawaii Island. Senior Thesis, UH-Hilo.
Chapman (2023) Hungry Hungry Honu: East Hawaiʻi Island green turtle diet determination utilizing stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) Senior Thesis UHH.
Dentlinger (2023) Four Decades of Green Turtle Strandings on Hawai‘i Island (1983 – 2022): Identifying Causes and Assessing Trends. Senior Thesis UHH.
Maassen (2023) The Last Meal: Diet Analysis of Stranded Green Turtles on East Hawai‘i Island. Senior Thesis UHH.
Seiler (2023) Keepers of the Reef: Chelonia mydas and The Ecological Implications of Tourism Interactions in Kāne‘ohe Bay. HPU Class Report.
Quon (2024) Northern Pacific Loggerhead Sea Turtle Movement and Sea Surface Temperature Studying the Thermal Corridor Hypothesis. ESS 141: Remote Sensing of the Oceans Final Project, Stanford University.
Marshall (2024) Monitoring Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) Behavior and Abundance in Kāneʻohe Bay: Do Basking Coves Indicate Coral Substrate Selection? HPU Class Report.
Matlyn Ua (2024) Fibropapillomatosis and Pollutants in Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. English 287 Introduction to Scientific Writing. UH-Hilo.
Pecoraro (2024) Assessing Census and Resighting of Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles in Coastal Waters of Hawai’i Island. Senior Thesis, University of Hawaii- Hilo.
Lewine (2024) Assessing Fibropapillomatosis Trends in Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) On Hawai‘i Island. Senior Thesis University of Hawaii-Hilo.