2011- Letters to Cturtle by Peter Bennett and Jennifer Homcy about The Future of Honu Management Forum.
2011- Fed may remove honu from "Threatened" List. Hawaii News Now.
2011- Agenda for The Fishers Forum as part of 151st Meeting of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.
2011- Fishers Forum Advertisement: The Future of Honu Management.
Hetzel (2011) Hickam Shorebird Survey Index and Bellows Sea Turtle Population Monitoring: Final Report.
2011- De-Listing the Hawaiian Green Turtle. Honolulu Magazine.
2011- Turtle Photo Stirs Readers. Hawaii Tribute Herald.
Rowberry (2011) The Kay Gray Award 2011: Nominee George Balazs. Testudo The Journal of the British Chelonia Group.
2012- Some Perspective on Delisting. Message by Peter Bennett to Cturtle.
2012- Delisting Honu a Difficult Call. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
Markrich (2012) Let the data determine how to protect Hawaiian green sea turtles. Island Voices. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2012- PIRO's Management Plan for Green Turtles - Final Working Draft (Not Finalized for Green Turtles as of July 2019).
Seitz et al. (2012) Twenty years of conservation and research findings of the Hawaii Island Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Project, 1989-2009. Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit.
2012- Petition to Classify the Hawaiian Green Turtle Population as a Discrete Population Segment and Delist the DPS under the Endangered Species Act.
Civic Clubs Petition for Green Sea Turtle Delisting (2012) Hawaii Fishing News.
2012- Photo Depictions of Auto-Grafting a Juvenile Green Turtle.
2013- Omorgus Bettle Damage to Sea Turtle Eggs.
Akaka (2013) Honu: Where do they go from here?
2013- Time to Cull the Herd by Von Drehle. Time Magazine.
Scott (2014) Turtle-Cleaning Station Raises Islander's Spirits. Ocean Watch.
2014- Rethink Needed on Turtle Conservation
2014- Swimming Gently with the Honu Here in Hawaii: Underwater Photography.
2014- Invasive Species by Bryan Walsh - Time Magazine July 28.
2014- The Graceful Green Turtle Inspires Name of Sailboat by Susan Scott.
~2015- Body Condition Examples of Hawaiian green turtles by Study Site Locations.
Susan Scott (2015) Turtles Rebound in Hawaii But, Most Use 1 Nesting Site. Ocean Watch.
Ships of Opportunity (2015) - ISTS Dalaman, Turkey
2015- Sea Turtles Might Stop Basking as Sea Warms. Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Note *Validity Questioned by GHBalazs*
2015- Green Sea Turtle Still at Risk, say Wildlife Agencies.
2015- US Agency Keep Threatened Status for Turtles. The Maui News.
2015- Floating Coconut Turtle Heads by Cherie Chung.
2015- Comments by the API on the Proposal to Remove the Current Range-Wide Listing for Green Sea Turtles and List 8 Distinct Population Segments.
Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2015) Testimony on Green Turtle Listing Status- 9/21/2015.
Hagemann (2015) A Sea of Turtles- Ka'elele, B. P. Bishop Museum
Parker, Balazs et al. (2015) Map Guide to Marine Turtle Nesting and Basking in the Hawaiian Islands
2015- Nesting Turtle Science Flawed. Dr. Kittinger et al. Versus Dr. Severance. Hawaii Fishing News.
2015- Letter Concerning USA Endangered Species Act Hawaiian Civic Club Listing Petition.
2015- Cultivating 'Honu'- Honu By The Sea by Johnson Enos.
Evans and Evans (2016) It's a Shell Game. SERSTM.
2016- Final Rule to List Eleven Distinct Population Segments of the Green Sea Turtle as Endangered or Threatened and Revision of Current Listings Under Federal Register.
Jones and Martin (2016) Population-level impacts of proposed incidental take of olive ridley, loggerhead, and green turtles in the Hawaii deep-set longline fishery. IR-17-007.
Parker (2016) Chapter 5- Sea Turtle Nesting and Basking Mapping In: Roberson et al. 2016.
2016- Long Before Perry and Price, Aku Ruled Hawaii's Airwaves.
2016- IUCN Helped Save Sea Turtles by George Balazs and Thierry Work.
2016- Sea Turtles Are Wonders to Witness Everywhere by Susan Scott Ocean Watch.
2016- High-seas releases of Pacific loggerheads from ships of opportunity. IOSEA Marine Turtle e-News.
Parker and Balazs (2016) Map guide to green turtle foraging areas located in proximity to basking sites in the Hawaiian Islands.
Balazs, Parker and Seminoff (2016) China/USA Strategic Plan Document for 2014-2016. PIFSC, NOAA Hawaii, August 2016, Unpublished Report, 23p.
Parsons, MacPherson and Villagomez (2017) Marine “Conservation”: You Keep Using That Word but I Don’t Think It Means What You Think It Means.
McCracken (2017) Estimation of Bycatch with Sea Turtles, Seabirds, and Fish in the 2014 and 2015 Hawaii Permitted Deep-Set Longline Fishery. IR-17-010.
2017- Luck Runs out for "Piggy Bank".
2017- Please Do Not Disturb.
2018- Sea Turtles Eat With Their Flippers. Nature.
2018- Be The Change- A Guide to Saving Our Oceans by The Wipeout Crew Kaiser High School with Teacher Paul Balazs.
2018- A Look Back: Scientist Dedicates Career to Sea Turtles in Hawai‘i.
2018- A Rebuttal by Lynch et al. to Wilcox et al. published one year ago today in Scientific Reports.
Reininger (2019) Spatial distribution of green turtle nests at French Frigate Shoals: Implications for Carrying Capacity. ISTS-39.
2019 - Sea Survivors.
2019- Honu Take Great Lengths to Find Places to Lay Eggs. Susan Scott Ocean Watch.
2019- Scientific Research is Not a Sacred Thing: Sometimes it Must Give Way to Other Values. by Randall Kosaki, HSA Island Voices.
2019- Status, scope and trends of the legal and illegal international trade in marine turtles. Report to Cites.
2019- Saving Our Oceans: An Innovative Solution for a Global Problem.
2019- Sea Turtles Are Down But Not Out. NG
2019- #HONUCOUNT2019
2019- Addiction to Plastic.
Wood, Balazs, Rice, Work, Jones, Sterling, Summers, Brooker, Kurpita, King and Lynch (2019) Perfluorinated environmental contaminant concentrations in sea turtle blood and eggs from Hawaii to Saipan. PICES Poster Presentation.
2020-Safe Consumption of Wild Game - IFT.org.
2020- Annual Report of HMAR (Hawaii Marine Animal Response).
Cutt and Martin (2020) Sea Turtle Stranding Response & Rescue: 2019 Summary of Results, Maui, Hawaii. Marine Institute Maui Ocean Center.
2020- Bellows: Saving Green Sea Turtles by Nina Wu. Honolulu Star-Advertiser 6-12-2020.
2020- Hawaii Marines Are Now Guarding Nests of Endangered Species. 9/7/20 Civil Beat.
2020- "WestPac Renewed Effort to Delist Threatened Turtles." Environment Hawaii April Issue.
2020- The Few, The Proud, The Black and Brown in Marine Science by Alex Troutman.
2020- Sea Turtle Conservation Program 2020 Annual Report of the Marine Institute, Maui Ocean Center.
Howell, Stacy et al. (2021) Northern Gulf of Mexico Sea Turtle Strandings: A Summary of Findings and Analyses from 2015–2019. NMFS OPR-69.
2021- Save Doris Duke's Pool and Cromwell's.
2021- Hawaii Marine Animal Response- HMAR Annual Report.
2021- Maui Ocean Center Marine Institute- NOAA Sea Turtle Nutritional Consultation- Patient - Hilo 02- Wailoa
2021- Guide to the Developmental Stages of a Sea Turtle Egg/Embryo.
2021- Rare Turtles Rescued in Ka'u. West Hawaii Today 2-9-21.
2021- Honolulu was already transformed by tourism in 1969 by Chad Blair, Honolulu Civil Beat.
Cutt, Browne, and Dibble-Kah (2022) 2021 Impact Report: MOC Marine Institute Sea Turtle Conservation Program. MOC Marine Institute.
2022- PA E MAYA We Are Here by Charles Mann.
Mungai et al. (2023) Using Mototool Marks to Monitor Post-Release Behavior of Green Sea Turtles (Honu - Chelonia mydas) on Maui. ISTS-41.
Cutt, T. J., Browne, C. Y. K., Mungai, M.E., & Gardner, M.E. (2023). MOC Marine Institute Sea Turtle Program, 2022 Impact Report. Wailuku, HI: Marine Institute at Maui Ocean Center.
2023- Popular Diamond Head Swimming Hole To Be Demolished.
2023- The Mafia's Morristown. The Numismatist.
2023- ISTS-41 Abstracts of Presentations by MTBAP Staman et al., Allen et al., Mungai et al., and Clemans et al.
2024- Man OK After 217 Covid Vaccines.
2024- 9 people dead and 78 others hospitalized after eating sea turtle meat on Zanzibar's Pemba Island. Africa news.
2024- Four Decades of Green Turtle Strandings on Hawai‘i Island (1983–2022): Causes, Trends, and Future Mitigation. By Skylar Dentlinger et al. HCC Poster.
2024- Published: UH Hilo alumna investigates four decades of green sea turtle strandings on Hawaiʻi Island.
2024- "Turtles All The Way Down"- An Ambling Yet Authentic Look at OCD. Movie Review.
2024- Question to AI Chat GPT About Determining Co-Authors for a Journal Publication.
Owens, Schwenter & Ratay (2024) Preliminary assessment of the ANYKIT Endoscope (borescope) for use in sex identification prior to necropsy in sea turtles.
2024- Sacred Buffalo Calf Offers Hope Amid Efforts to Revive Species.
2024- 17,000 Axis Deer Were Killed On Maui This Year, But They Just Keep Coming - Honolulu Civil Beat.