1960s Founder of Sea Life Park- Taylor Pryor.

1964- Add Sea Life Park to Your Holiday Fun! H-SB 12-30-64.

1965- Sea Life Park- Back in the Day.

1967- Letter from JR Hendrickson Oceania Institute to Eugene Kridler and Bob Haws Providing Tagging Data for 8 Green Turtles 1 Hawksbill in Sea Life Park's Leeward Isles Exhibit.

1970s-1990s Part 1 of 2: Sea Life Park G.H. Balazs Letters and Articles File.

1970s-1990s Part 2 of 2: Sea Life Park G.H. Balazs Letters and Articles File.

1973- Hawaii's Concern for its Turtles- 21 Turtles Released from Waikiki Aquarium and Sea Life Park. Sea Secrets.

1973- Nine Large Green Sea Turtles Tagged and Released. Sea Life Park Hawaii News Release+

1974- Letter to George Balazs from SLP Edward W. Shallenberger.

1974- Letter from HIMB George Balazs to Dr. Ed Shallenberger Sea Life Park About Cooperative Sea Turtle Projects.

1974- Letter from George Balazs to Sea Life Park About Transfer of HIMB Captive-Reared Hawksbills.

Hendrickson (1974) Marine Turtle Culture- Overview with photos.

1975- Rare Hawksbill Found in Tide Pool. HSB.

1975- Sea Life Park Booklet.

1975- Ingrid Kang Sea Life Park

1976- Letter to IUCN Tony Mence from George Balazs About Sea Life Park Hawaii.

Balazs (1976) Green Turtle Nesting Activity at Sea Life Park Hawaii.

1976- 4 Giant Turtles Sea-Soned & Aquarium Releases 7 Turtles.

Shallenberger (1977) Captive Breeding of the Green Sea Turtle at Sea Life Park, Hawaii (An Experiment that Worked)

Bourke (1977) Breeding of the Green Sea Turtle at Sea Life Park, Hawaii. Draft Manuscript.

Bourke, Balazs and Shallenberger (1977) Breeding of the Green Sea Turtle at Sea Life Park.

1978- Battered Vagrant Gets a Lift and Finds Home in Hawaii. HSB.

1978- Barnacle Bill the Drifter. Hawaii Fishing News.

Balazs (1981) A Proposal to Undertake the Breeding of Hawksbill Turtles in Captivity at Sea Life Park. NMFS & HIMB.

Kaiser (1983) A New Method of Rearing Green Sea Turtles.

1984- Miami Seaquarium- Sea Turtles. Drum and Croaker.

1984-1986 Correspondence Involving Sea Life Park and the Turtle Bay Hilton.

1985- Release of Sea Life Park Captive-Bred Green Turtles at Bellows, Waimanalo by George Balazs.

Balazs (1986) Information Summary on the Vancouver Aquarium Green Turtles Returned to Hawaii.

1987- Letter to Kitty Nelson Seattle Aquarium from George Balazs About Health Certificate for SLP Sea Turtles.

1987- Dr. Sawa Necropsy Report & Related Correspondence for Hawksbill Collected as a Hatchling Reared by Sea Life Park

1988- Letter to Steve Kaiser SLP from George Balazs About a Large Green Turtle Captive at The Kahala Hilton.

Balazs and Choy (1989) Experimental Carapace Marking of Green Turtles at Sea Life Park- Research Activities Report.

1990- Letter from FWS Karen Willson to George Balazs.

1990- Letter from FWS Office of Management Authority Karen Willson to NMFS George Balazs About Pre-Act ESA Green Turtles and Their Progeny.

1990s Artificial Lagoon and Nesting Beach at Sea Life Park Hawaii. Photos.

1992- Park Program Disease Free. Sunday Star-Bulletin & Advertiser.

1992- Sea Life Park Hawaii News Media Release by Kaiser & Mendez-Cazares.

1992- Capture at Kiholo Bay of SLPH Hatchling Size #1 Tag E622 (H268, H269) Released on Oahu in 1989.

1992- Hind Flipper Tracings of Green Turtle Hatchings at Sea Life Park Hawaii by George Balazs

1994 & 1995- Genetics skin samples collected at SLPH for Peter Dutton on 10/10/1994 and 1/23/1995.

1995- Much Ado for the Turtle. The Honolulu Advertiser.

1995- Correspondence Between Michelle Sattler of Sea Life Park and George Balazs of NMFS.

1996- Sea Life Park Should Be Closed by William G. Shannon.

1996- N.Y. Firm Taking Over Sea Life, Waimea Parks. THA.

1998- Recovery Plan for US Pacific Populations of the Green Turtle.

1998- Progress seen in protecting turtle s- with photo of male hawksbill at Sea Life Park Hawaii.

2000- Policy Regarding Controlled Propagation of Species Listed Under the Endangered Species Act. Federal Register Notice by FWS & NOAA.

2000- Sea Life Park Green Sea Turtle Locations: 61 at SLP, 19 on Educational Loan. L. Osborn.

2000s- Sea Turtles Featuring the Hawaiian Honu. Sea Life Park Hawaii.

2001-Letter from FWS Sandy MacPherson to FWS Linda Belluomini cc'ed to NMFS George Balazs.

Braun (2001) Working Group Meeting on Health Issues of Captive Reared Hawaian Green Turtles.

2001- Invitation from George Balazs to March 8, 2001 Meeting on the Health Status of Turtles at Sea Life Park and Mauna Lani Resort.

Balazs et al. (2002) Adaptation of captive-reared green turtles released into Hawaiian coastal foraging habitats, 1990-99. ISTS-20 Orlando, Florida.

2002- Memo from Brian Joseph DVM SLPH to All Mainland Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle Holders.

2002- Melick Aqua Feed Turtle Food Nutrient Labels.

2002-2010- Captive-Bred Sea Life Park Green Turtles Released with Satellite Tags N=40 Maps by Denise Parker.

2003- 1 of 2: Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles on Mainland. Brookfield, Columbus & Dallas. Dossier by DVM Brian Joseph Sea Life Park Hawaii.

2003- 2 of 2: Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles on Mainland. Minnesota & Oklahoma. Dossier by DVM Brian Joseph Sea Life Park Hawaii.

Morris, Balazs, Spraker, Work, and Levine (2003) Pharyngeal nodules in the Hawaiian green turtle. ISTS-22 Miami.

Pelletier at al. (2003) Oceanic survival and movements of wild and captive-reared immature green turtles in the Indian Ocean. Aquat. Living Resour.

2004- Recommendations Concerning Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles On Loan to the U.S. Mainland Zoos & Aquaria.

2005- Diet Choices for Captive Green Turtles by Dr. Bob Morris DVM.

2005-2014 Historical and Thierry Work Necropsy Reports for Green Turtle Case# 25077, 7-7-14 Stranded at Laie, Oahu. Tags 4523704C63 & 452649012A.

2007- Scientists Track Sea Turtles' Movement with Transmitters North of Kauai by Leeland Kim.

2007- Certification Regarding Melamine and Related Compounds in Fish Feed. Melick Aqua Feed Inc.

2007- Case Number 20924 Necropsy Report by USGS Thierry Work for SLP Juvenile Green Turtle Tag WE12.

2008- Case Number 21125 Necropsy Report by USGS Thierry Work for SLP Adult Female Green Turtle.

2008 - NCLA Ocean Cruising with Hawaiian Sea Turtles Aboard the "Pride of America".

2008- NCL News Release: Pride of America Hosts Turtle Release Education Program for Island Keiki.

2010- Permitted Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Facilities within the United States by Region and State/Territory.

2010- Melick 35% Protein Finisher Formulated Floating Pellet Turtle Food.

2010- Radiographs and Photos of PIT Tagged Sea Life Park Captive-Bred Green Turtles by Dr. Robert Morris Makai Animal Clinic. Photos by George Balazs.

2010-2011 Sea Life Park Hawaii PIT Tag Study Using Four Captive-Bred Hatchling Green Turtles by Robert Morris DVM and George Balazs.

Estes Layton (2011) Biological, ecological and conservational implications of temperature-dependent sex determination in sea turtle populations. PhD Dissertation.

2011- Authorization Letter from FWS Loyal Mehrhoff to Sea Life Park Hawaii Jeff Pawloski.

Wu (2011) With a little help from their friends. HSA.

2012- President Obama and Family Release Sea Life Park Sea Turtles at Hanauma Bay

Frey et al. (2012) Where are the green turtles in the Main Hawaii Islands coming from? ISTS-31.

Balazs, Morris and Pawloski (2012) Materials and Methodology for Pit Tagging Hatchling Green Turtles Captive-Born at Sea Life Park Hawaii.

2013- Photos of PIT Tagging Honu Hatchlings at Sea Life Park Hawaii.

Frey, Dutton and Balazs (2013) Insights on the demography of cryptic nesting by green turtles in the main Hawaiian Islands from genetic relatedness analysis. JEMBE.

Owens and Blanvillain (2013) Captive reproduction of sea turtles: an important success story.

Balazs, Morris and Palowski (2013) An effective and safe technique to PIT tag hatchling green turtles captive bred at Sea Life Park. Baltimore ISTS.

2013- Letter by SLP Dr. Bethany Doescher DVM about Juvenile green turtle PIT #2372 & 3349.

2014- Technical Breakthrough in Tagging Enables Individual Identification of Hatchling Sea Turtles. Report to the WPFMC from PIFSC.

2014- Case No. 25077 Necropsy Report by USGS Thierry Work for SLP Juvenile Green Turtle Tags YQ36 and PIT 4523704C63.

Dutton, Balazs and Frey (2014) Hawaiian nesting range shift offers rare learning opportunity. SWOT.

2015- Extensive Federal Regulations Impose Significant Cost on US. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2015- Sea Life Park PIT-Tagged and Released Captive-Bred Hatchling 9/3/2011; Resighted 10/17/2015 39.5 SCL, 15 LBS.

Balazs et al. (2015) Settling Down in Hawaii: Adaptation of Captive-bred Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) Released from the Maui Ocean Center.

2015- This is Your Brain on Aquariums: New research finds aquariums deliver health and well-being benefits.

2016- Shell Coloration Change in Captive-Reared Juvenile Green Turtles from Sea Life Park Hawaii by Drs. Joe Herzog and Bob Morris.

2016- Case No. 25287 Necropsy Report by USGS Thierry Work for 6 SLP Juvenile Green Turtles.

2016- Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle Blessing and Release Celebration at the Kahala by Dolphin Quest.

2017- Sea Life Park Hawaii: Where the Heart Meets the Sea.

2018- Agenda for the Workshop Captive Rearing for Research and Conservation. ISTS-38 Kobe Japan.

2019- Honoring Honu. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Tetzlaff et al. (2019) Captive-rearing duration may be more important than environmental enrichment for enhancing turtle head-starting success.

2019- Captive Rearing for Research and Conservation II. Workshop Agenda and Abstracts. ISTS-39. Convened by Jeanette Wyneken and David Owens.

2019- Sea Life Park Hawaii: Where the Heart Meets the Sea.

2019- In honor of World Turtle Day: Honu released at an Oahu beach.

Ye et al. (2020) Observations on the courtship and mating behavior of captive green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Herpetological Conservation and Biology.

2020-Green turtles released. The Maui News.

Shaw et al. (2020) Trace Element Concentrations in Blood and Scute Tissues from Wild and Captive Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. Environmental Toxicology.

2020- How I once owned a dead sperm whale. Episode 5 In Swimming with Fishes by Bob Iversen.

2021- Hawaiian green sea turtles find their way to a new home in the ocean- Earth Day.

2021- Sea Life Park Releases Two Young Honu 6-17-2021.

Barbanti et al. (2022) The architecture of assisted colonisation in sea turtles: building new populations in a biodiversity crisis.

Work (2023) USGS Diagnostic Case Report 25905 Green Turtle Mortality Adult Female Kiana Captive Bred Captive Hatched at SLP.

2024- NOAA French Frigate Shoals Implementation Options Report. Selected Pages.

2025- Homeward Bound Honu. 19 February Release.