1990- US Search of Korean Tanker Reveals Sea Turtles & Coral.

Read et al. (1996) Body temperatures and winter feeding in immature green turtles in Morton Bay Southeast Queensland. J. Herp.

Moon, Mackenzie and Owens (1997) Simulated hibernation of sea turtles in the laboratory: I. Feeding, breathing frequency, blood pH, and blood gases. JEZ.

2008- The Hare's Liver. Sejong Cultural Society, Sejong Writing Competition Korean Folk Tales. Bo-Leaf Books, Heinz Insu Fenkl.

Moon et al. (2008) 한국 연안의 바다거북 좌초 현황 문대연, 황선재, 이해영, 유준택 국립수산과학원.

Moon et al. (2009) Distribution and strandings of endangered sea turtles in Korean waters.

Moon et al. (2011) Satellite tracking of green sea turtles in Korean waters.

Jung et al. (2012) Environmental conditions as accidental nesting place of sea turtle located in Jeju Island, Korea.

Jo and Hykle (2012) Insights into sea turtle conservation in the Republic of Korea. IOSEA Newsletter, August 2012.

Jung et al. (2012) Observation and record of sea turtles in bycatch and stranding from Jeju Island of Korea.

Work (2014) Korean Version of Sea Turtle Necropsy Manual HFS, USGS. Translated by Sang-Wha Kim.

Kim et al. (2017) Occurrence of Sea Turtles in the Korean Waters and the Morphological Characteristics of Two Major Species. KFAS.

2017- English Abstract of Farewell, May You Not Return MS Thesis in Korean by Dae Hoon Kang.

Dae Hoon, Kang (2017) "Farewell, and May You Not Return": Sea Turtles, Ancestors, and Shamanism among Women Divers in Jeju Island.

Lamont et al. (2018) Overwintering behavior of juvenile sea turtles at a temperate foraging ground. Ecology.

Mi-Yeon Kim (2018) Can we bring back the third daughter of ocean god to Jeju?

Jang, Balazs, Parker, Kim, Kim, Ng and Kim (2018) Movements of green turtles rescued from pound nets near Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. CCB.

Hong (2019) Correspondence about 110 kg Loggerhead at Jeju Island ROK.

2019- Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Releases 14 Endangered Sea Turtles from Jeju. Seogwipo Yonhap News. 8/28/19.

2019- Announcement: Kick-Off Meeting for PICES SEATurtle Project 26-27 August at Jeju Island, Korea.

2019- Presentation: Kick-Off meeting for PICES SEATurtle Project by Taewon Kim.

2019 Presentation at Jeju: Where are we and where do we come from? Connectivity and habitat use of green turtles in the South China Sea by Kayan Ng et al.

2019 Presentation: Tracking Sea Turtles Around Jeju Island by Soojin Jang.

2019 Presentation: Partnership Research of Marine Turtles: Identifying Loggerhead Pelagic Foraging Ecology by George Balazs.

2019- The Old Women and the Sea. UAH.

2019- Aqua Planet Brochure.

2019- Aqua Planet Jeju Brochure.

2019- Pacific Land Jeju Dolphin Show.

2019 Year-End PICES SEAturtle Team Thoughts from George Balazs

Kim, Balazs, Jang, Kim, Kim, Ng and Nishizawa (2019) PICES Project Sea Turtle Ecology in Relation to Environmental Stressors in the North Pacific. Pacific International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.

2019- Jeju Visitor Map

2019- Jeju Cheonjeyeon-Seonimgyo Bridge Brochure.

2019- Hotel Airport Seoul Brochure.

2019- Jeju Tourist Map and Seogwipo CruiseShip Travel.

2019- Jeju Women Divers.

2019- Welcome to Jeju Pocket Book- An Island of Sky and Sea- Excerpts.

2019- Mt. Hallasan of Jeju Island- Photos and Maps

2019- Knowing Sea Turtles With Boogi Woogi. In Korean.

2019- Guidebook for Rescue and Report of Marine Animals. In Korean.

2019- PICES SEAturtle Kickoff Meeting Program. 26-27 August, Jeju Island ROK.

2019 Presentation: 2012-2019 Sea Turtle Stranding Bycatch & Discussion of Using the Cultural Identity of Sea Turtles for Conservation by Mi-Yeon Kim & Byung-Yeop Kim.

2019- Presentation at Jeju: Migration of green turtles in the Northwest Pacific: Review and future work by Hideaki Nishizawa.

2019- PICES Report Vancouver Meeting on SEAturtle Project by Taewon Kim.

Kim et al. (2019) The feeding preference for the color of plastic debris in the hawksbill turtle. Pices Presentation.

2020- PICES Special Project: Sea turtle ecology in relation to environmental stressors in North Pacific regions by Taewon Kim, Soojin Jang, Mi Yeon Kim and Jibin. Winter Issue of PICES Press Newsletter.

2020- PICES Special Project "SEAturtle" Update to BIO Meeting, September 2020 by Taewon Kim.

2020- Korea Sea Turtle Tracking Summary by Ill Kook Park. Laboratory of Herpetology, Division of Science Education 4th 403, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon 24341, ROK.

Kim et al. (2020) Public Perspective on Increasing the Numbers of an Endangered Species, Loggerhead Turtles in South Korea: A Contingent Valuation. Sustainable Management of Marine Resources.

Kim et al. (2020) First record of the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata, Reptilia: Testudines: Cheloniidae) from South Korea. JA-PB.

2021- Turtle ship Geobukseon in Korea- Wikipedia.

2021- Sea turtles artificially hatched in Hanhwa Aquarium and released by MABIK and Hanhwa. Video on South Korea MBC News.

2021- Seven sea turtles released with Iridium tags by SEAturtle PICES Project.

2021- The Three Tide Pools Called Doguri at Jeju Island South Korea ROK. Description by Professor Taewon Kim, Inha University.

2021- PICES Special Project "SEAturtle" Update to BIO Meeting October 2021 by Taewon Kim.

Kim et al. (2021) Occurrence and diet analysis of sea turtles in Korean shore. J. Ecology & Environment.

Moon et al. (2022) What type of plastic do sea turtles in Korean waters mainly ingest? Quantity, shape, color, size, polymer composition, and original usage. Environmental Pollution.

Moon et al. (2022) Supporting Information for What type of plastic do sea turtles in Korean waters mainly ingest? Quantity, shape, color, size, polymer composition, and original usage. Environmental Pollution.

Kim et al. (2022) Movement Patterns of Juvenile Loggerhead Turtles and Green Turtles Hatched in Captivity and Released in the Korean Waters. Animals.

Jo et al. (2022) Possible link between derelict fishing gear and sea turtle strandings in coastal areas. MPB

2022- Friends of Holt Korea Happy Holidays.

Jang et al. (2023) Overwintering behavior of green sea turtles in a temperate habitat. PICES Poster.

Kim (2023) SEAturtle presentation PICES.

2023- Korea-China-Japan International Forum for Sea Turtle Conservation, Jeju ROC.

Jang et al. (2024) Connectivity between sea turtles off Jeju Island on the Korean Peninsula, and other populations in the Western Pacific.

Park et al. (2024) Identifying the source rookery of green turtles found in feeding grounds around the Korean Peninsula. PeerJ.

2024- What Hawaii Can Learn From South Korea’s Jeju Island. Honolulu Civil Beat.