Longhurst (1967) The Role of Pelagic Crabs in the Grazing of Phytoplankton off Baja California. Ecology.

Fritts (1981) Pelagic Feeding Habits of Turtles in the Eastern Pacific. MTN.

Guess (1981) A Pacific Loggerhead Captured off California's Northern Channel Islands. Herp. Review.

1989- Life in a Gyre- Drifting Pacific Sea Turtles by Jerry Emory.

Marquez (1989) Additional Records of the Pacific Loggerhead Turtle from the Mexican Pacific Coast. Journal of Herpetology.

1990s- Map of North Pacific Sea Mounts 15-30 Degrees North, 150-175 Degrees West.

Sakamoto, Uchida et al. (1990) Deep Diving Behavior of the Loggerhead Turtle Near the Frontal Zone. Nippon Suisan Gakkaiski.

Arenas and Hall (1991) The Association of Sea Turtles and Other Pelagic Fauna with Floating Objects in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. ISTS-11.

S. Uchida and Teruya (1991) TransPacific Migration of a Tagged Loggerhead. International Symposium on Sea Turtles '88 Hiwasa Japan.

Richardson and McGillivary (1991) Post-Hatchling Loggerhead Turtles Eat Insects in Sargassum Community. MTN.

1992- Pulling Turtles Out of the Soup. National Wildlife.

Bolten et al. (1994) Biology of Pelagic Loggerheads in the Atlantic. ISTS-14.

Witherington (1994) Flotsam, Jetsam, Post-Hatchling Loggerheads, and the Advecting Surface Smorgabord. ISTS14.

Bowen et al. (1995) Transpacific migrations of the loggerhead demonstrated with mDNA. Proc. Nat. Acad. Science.

Bolten and Balazs (1995) Biology of the Early Pelagic Stage- "The lost year."

Zug, Balazs and Wetherall (1995) Growth in juvenile loggerhead seaturtles in North Pacific pelagic habitat. Copeia.

1998- Recovery Plan for U.S. Pacific Populations of the Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta). NOAA & FWS.

Chaloupka (1998) Polyphasic Growth in Pelagic Loggerhead Sea Turtles. Copeia.

Resendiz et al. (1998) First Confirmed East-West Transpacific Movement of a Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Caretta caretta, Released in Baja California, Mexico. Pacific Science.

Resendiz et al. (2000) Research and Management of Loggerheads at the CRIP Sea Turtle Research Station. ISTS-18.

Polovina et al. (2000) Turtles on the Edge: Movement of loggerhead turtles along oceanic fronts , spanning longline fishing grounds in the central North Pacific, 1997-1998. Fishery Oceanography.

Nichols et al. (2000) Transpacific migration of a loggerhead turtle monitored by satellite telemetry. Bulletin of Marine Science.

2000-2021 Twenty-Two Legacy Data Journal Publications on Loggerhead Turtles in the North and South Pacific.

Polovina et al. (2001) The transition zone chlorophyll front, a dynamic global feature defining migration and forage habitat for marine resources. Progress in Oceanography.

Peckham & Nichols (2002) Why Did the Turtle Cross the Ocean? Pelagic Red Crabs and Loggerhead Turtles Along the Baja California Coast. ISTS-22.

Parker, Polovina, Balazs and Howell (2002) The Lost Years: Long-Term Movement of a Maturing Loggerhead Turtle in the Northern Pacific Ocean. ISTS-22.

Polovina et al. (2003) Dive depth distribution of loggerhead and olive ridley turtles in Central North Pacific: Might deep long line sets catch fewer turtles? Fisheries Bulletin.

Bolten (2003) Active Swimmers, Passive Drifters. Chapter 4 of Loggerhead Sea Turtles.

Hochscheidlong et al. (2004) Long-Term Cold Acclimation Leads to High Q10 Effects on Oxygen Consumption of Loggerhead Sea Turtles. PBZ.

Shigueto et al. (2004) First Confirmed Occurrence of Loggerhead Turtles in Peru. MTN.

Balazs and Polovina (2004) Pelagic research of Pacific loggerhead sea turtles in partnership with Japan and Taiwan.

Polovina et al. (2004) Forage and migration habitat of loggerhead and olive ridley sea turtles in the central North Pacific Ocean. Fishery Oceanography

Chaloupka, Parker and Balazs (2004) Modelling post-release mortality of loggerhead sea turtles exposed to the Hawaii-based pelagic long line fishery. MEPS.

Chaloupka, Parker and Balazs (2004) Tracking Turtles to Their Death- Reply to Hays et al.

2005- A Hotspot for Loggerhead Turtles: the Kuroshio Extension Bifurcation Region. Yokohama Fisheries Meeting.

Parker, Dutton, Eckert, Kobayashi, Polovina, Dutton & Balazs (2005) TransPacific migration along oceanic fronts by loggerheads released from Sea World San Diego. ISTS 21.

Parker, Cooke and Balazs (2005) Diet of oceanic loggerhead sea turtles in the central North Pacific. Fishery Bulletin.

Etnoyer et al. (2006) Sea-surface temperature gradients across blue whale and sea turtle foraging trajectories off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico.

Seminoff et al. (2006) Loggerhead Turtle Density and Abundance Along the Peninsular Coast of Baja California- A Preliminary Assessment. ISTS-26.

Wingfield (Briscoe) et al. (2006) Using Hydroacoustics to Predict Habitat Use of Foraging Juvenile Loggerhead Turtles in Baja California Sur, Mexico. ISTS-26.

Polovina et al. (2006) La région de la bifurcation de l’extension du Kuroshio : une zone pélagique de première importance pour les tortues caouannes juvéniles. Deep-Sea Research II.

Iwamoto, Futoshi (2006) Muroto Point Caretta Japanese Master's Thesis.

Polovina, Uchida, Balazs, Howell, Parker and Dutton. (2006) The Kuroshio Extension Bifurcation Region: A pelagic hotspot for juvenile loggerhead sea turtles. Deep Sea Research II.

Hochscheid et al. (2007) Overwintering behaviour in sea turtles: dormancy is optional. MEPS.

Peckham et al. (2007) Small-Scale Fisheries Bycatch Jeopardizes Endangered Pacific Loggerhead Turtles. PLos One.

Shigueto et al. (2008) Demography of loggerhead turtles in the southeastern Pacific Ocean: fisheries-based observations and implications for management. ESR.

Polovina, Balazs, Howell, Parker, Seki and Dutton (2008) Foraging hot spots and migration corridors for loggerhead and olive ridley turtles in the ocean North Pacific. ISTS-24.

Peckham (2008) Demographic and conservation implications of alternative foraging strategies in juvenile loggerheads of the North Pacific. PhD Dissertation, UC Santa Cruz.

Mapping the Void (2008) by Dennis Hollier, Hana Hou Hawaiian Airlines Magazine.

Howell et al. (2008) TurtleWatch: A tool to aid in the bycatch reduction of loggerhead turtles in the Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishery. ESR.

Kobayashi et al. (2008) Pelagic habitat characterization of loggerhead sea turtles in the North Pacific. JEMBE.

Boyle and Limpus (2008) The stomach contents of post-hatchling green and loggerhead sea turtles in the Southwest Pacific: an insight into habitat association. Marine Biology.

Endres et al. (2009) Perception of airborne odors by loggerhead sea turtles.

Boyle et al. (2009) Evidence for transoceanic migrations by loggerhead sea turtles in the southern Pacific Ocean. TRS.

2009- Voyage of loggerhead sea turtle by Jack the Lizard WonderWorld.

Wingfield (Briscoe) (2009) On the Formation of a Conservation Hotspot for Juvenile North Pacific Loggerhead Sea Turtles. PhD Dissertation UC Santa Cruz.

Hatase et al. (2010) Oceanic residents, neritic migrants: a possible mechanism underlying foraging dichotomy in adult female loggerhead turtles. Marine Biology.

Howell et al. (2010) Oceanographic influences on the dive behavior of juvenile loggerhead turtles in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine Biology.

Diong et al. (2010) Satellite tracking of loggerhead, olive ridley, and green turtles in the S. China Sea: Are movement patterns and diving behaviors of captive turtles different from their wild counterparts? ISTS-30.

Mangel et al. (2011) Post-capture movements of loggerhead turtles in the southeastern Pacific Ocean assessed by satellite tracking.

2011- Photos of Recovered PNPA 34.9 scl cm, 7.2 kg Loggerhead Released into the Sea of Japan 3.5 mo Recovery 36.1 scl cm, 8.4 kg: 1.2 cm scl & 1.2 kg Increase.

Wingfield (Briscoe) et al. (2011) The Making of a Productivity Hotspot in the Coastal Ocean. PLoS One.

Watanabe et al. (2011) Population structure of the loggerhead turtle a large marine carnivore that exhibits alternative foraging behaviors. MEPS

Kobayashi et al (2011) Pelagic habitat characterization of loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta, in the South Pacific Ocean (2008-2009). ISTS 31.

Ishihara (2011) Life history in maturation process of loggerhead turtles in the North Pacific. PhD dissertation English/Japanese.

Okuyama et al. (2011) Trans-Pacific dispersal of loggerhead hatchlings inferred from numerical simulation modeling. Marine Biology.

Peckham et al. (2011) Demographic implications of alternative foraging strategies in loggerhead turtles of the North Pacific Ocean. MEPS.

Ishihara and Kamezaki (2011) Size at maturity and tail elongation of loggerheads in the North Pacific. CCB.

Ishihara, Kamezaki, Matsuzawa et al. (2011) Reentry of juvenile and sub-adult loggerhead turtles into natal waters of Japan. Current Herpetology (Herpetological Society of Japan).

Kobayashi et al. (2011) Loggerhead movement off the coast of Taiwan: Characterization of a hotspot in the East China Sea and investigation of mesoscale eddies. ICES J.Marine Science.

Kobayashi et al. (2011 In Chinese) Loggerhead turtle movement of the coast of Taiwan: Characterization of a hotspot in the East China Sea. ICES.

Gibson (2012) George's epic swim. Wild Life Magazine.

Arendt et al. (2013) Historical vs. contemporary climate forcing on loggerhead nesting. PloSOne.

Abecassis et al. (2013) A model of loggerhead sea turtle habitat and movement in the Oceanic North Pacific. PLoS ONE.

Allen et al. (2013) Stable isotope analysis reveals migratory origin of loggerhead turtles in the Southern California Bigh. MEPS.

Seminoff et al. (2014) Graphics Excerpt of Core Loggerhead Areas off Baja, 2005-2007.

Parker, Balazs, Rice and Tomkeiwicz (2014) Variability in reception duration of dual satellite tags on sea turtles tracked in the Pacific Ocean. Micronesica.

Kobayashi et al. (2014) Going with the Flow or Not: Evidence of Positive Rheotaxis in Oceanic Juvenile Loggerhead Turtles in the South Pacific Ocean using Satellite Tags and Ocean Circulation Data. PLOS One.

Seminoff at al. (2014) Loggerhead sea turtle abundance at a foraging hotspot in the eastern Pacific: Implicatons for at-sea conservation. ESA.

Narazaki et al. (2015) Summer migration to temperate foraging habitats and active winter diving of juvenile loggerhead turtles in the western North Pacific. Marine Biology.

Balazs, Rice, Parker and Polovina (2015) Ships of Opportunity: Releasing Satellite-Tagged Loggerheads on the High-Seas to Study Their Pelagic Ecology. ISTS-35.

Ships of Opportunity (2015) - ISTS Dalaman, Turkey

Saito et al. (2015) Tracking male loggerhead turtle migrations around Southwestern Japan using satellite telemetry. CCB

Ascani et al. (2016) Juvenile recruitment in loggerhead sea turtles linked to decadal changes in ocean circulation. Global Change Biology.

Turner Tomaszewicz et al. (2016) Intrapopulation variability in the timing of ontogenetic habitat shifts in sea turtles revealed using q15N values from bone growth rings. J. Animal Ecology.

Turner Tomaszewicz et al. (2016) Age and residency duration of loggerhead turtles at a North Pacific bycatch hotspot using skeletochronology. Biological Conservation.

Briscoe et al. (2016) Environmental influences on the trans-oceanic migrations of North Pacific loggerheads. ISTS-36.

Briscoe et al. (2016) Multi-year tracking reveals extensive pelagic phase of juvenile loggerheads in the North Pacific. Movement Ecology.

Christiansen et al. (2016) Spatial variation in directional swimming enables juvenile sea turtles to reach and remain in productive waters. MEPS.

2016- High-seas releases of Pacific loggerheads from ships of opportunity. IOSEA Marine Turtle e-News.

Matsuzawa et al. +24 co-authors (2016) Fine-scale genetic population structure of loggerhead turtles in the Northwest Pacific. ESR.

Parker and Balazs (2016) Partnership overview of Southern Hemisphere loggerhead satellite tracking 2007-2014. ISTS-36 Lima.

Briscoe et al. 2016. Active dispersal in loggerhead sea turtles during the 'lost years.' The Royal Society.

Briscoe et al. (2017) Ecological bridges and barriers in pelagic ecosystems. Deep Sea Research II

Kume et al. (2017) Habitat use of sea turtles in the coastal waters of Tanegashima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture. Umigame Newsletter.

Halpin et al. (2018) First Photographic Evidence of a Loggerhead Sea Turtle in British Columbia.

Seminoff et al. (2018) The Pacific Loggerheads, So Excellent a Connector. SWOT.

2018- Ships of Opportunity: Releasing satellite-tagged little loggerheads on the high-seas to study their pelagic ecology- Kobe, Japan.

Eguchi et al. (2018) Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) in the California Current: Abundance, Distribution, and Anomalous Warming of the North Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science.

2018- Ships of Opportunity: Releasing satellite-tagged little loggerheads on the high-seas to study their pelagic ecology- Kobe, Japan.

2018- Studying North and South Pacific Juvenile Loggerheadhead Pelagic Phase Turtles by Marc Rice ISTS-38.

Saito, Kurita, Okamoto, Kakizoe, Parker, Briscoe, Rice, Polovina and Balazs (2018) Satellite tracking immature loggerhead turtles in temperate and subarctic ocean habitats around the Sea of Japan. Micronesica.

Iverson et al. (2019) Loggerhead sea turtle diving changes with productivity, behavioral mode, and sea surface temperature.

Fukioka (2019) First Record of a Known-Age Juvenile Loggerhead at the Sanriku Coast in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.

2019- Partnership research identifying loggerhead pelagic foraging ecology Presentation at Jeju, Korea by George Balazs.

Welch et al. (2019) Environmental indicators to reduce loggerhead turtle bycatch offshore of Southern California. Ecological Indicators.

Oki, Hamabata, Arata, Parker, Ng and Balazs (2019) Inferred adult foraging grounds of two marine turtle species nesting at Amami-Oshima, Japan. CCB.

Phaller et al. (2020) Odors from marine plastic debris elicit foraging behavior in sea turtles.

Kobayashi et al. (2020) Male-Biased Sex Ratio of Adult-Sized Loggerhead Turtles Migrating to High-Latitude Summer-Restricted Foraging Grounds in the Northwest Pacific.

Sandoval-Lugo et al. (2020) Movements of loggerhead sea turtles in the Gulf of California: integrating satellite telemetry and remotely sensed environmental variables.

Crowe et al. (2020) Riders on the storm: loggerhead sea turtles detect and respond to a major hurricane in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Movement Ecology.

2020- Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) North Pacific Ocean DPS 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation 2020.

Harrison et al. (2021) Identifying global favourable habitat for early juvenile loggerhead sea turtles. J. The Royal Society Interface.

Briscoe et al. (2021) Dynamic Thermal Corridor May Connect Endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtles Across the Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science.

2021- What Happens When 6 Sea Turtles Go Rogue. Eos.

Arendt et al. (2021) Theoretical Modeling and Neritic monitoring of Loggerhead Sea Turtle Sex Ratio in the Southeast United States Do Not Substantiate Fears of a Male-Limited Population. GCB.

Seminoff et al. (2021) Large-scale patterns of green turtle trophic ecology in the Eastern Pacific. Coastal and Marine Ecology.

Cimino et al. (2021) Anomalous poleward advection facilitates episodic range expansion of pelagic red crabs in the eastern North Pacific. Limnol. Oceanogr.

Soeiro et al. (2022) Sea turtle hatchlings can distinguish between coastal and oceanic seawaters.

Lohmann and Lohmann (2022) How Do Sea Turtles Navigate in the Ocean? SWOT.

2022- Mock Spot 387 Practice Attachment 11/2022 at PNPA Photos for November 25-December 11 by Masanori Mori.

Okuyama et al. (2022) Latitudinal cline in the foraging dichotomy of loggerhead sea turtles reveals the importance of East China Sea for priority conservation. Diversity & Distribution.

2022- Highways of Life- Surface Slicks are Nurseries of the Sea. Hana Hou Magazine.

2022- MOL Car Carrier for High-Seas Little Loggerhead STRETCH Release- Photos by PNPA Director Kurita, Nagoya Harbor, September 2022

Laforge et al. (2023) Uncovering loggerhead navigation strategy in the open ocean through the consideration of their diving behaviour.

2023- Why Did Loggerhead Turtles Move from Japan to North America? Asahi Digital.

2023- Mock Spot 387 Practice Tag Attachment 11/2022 at PNPA- Photos for January, February & March 2023 by Masanori Mori. On 3/2/23 Turtle was SCL 34.2 cm.

Fujita et al. (2023) Polymorphic foraging tactics in a marine reptile: insight from horizontal movement and dive behavior analyses. MEPS.

Crowder et al. (2023) Unraveling the Migratory Mysteries of North Pacific Loggerheads Using Experimental Oceanography. ISTS-41.

2023- Mock Spot 387 Practice Tag Attachment 11/2022 at PNPA- Photos for April 23, 2023 by Masanori Mori.

2023- Mock Spot 387 Practice Tag Attachment 11/2022 at PNPA- Photos for May 17, 2023 SCL 35.4 cm by Masanori Mori.

2023- Mock Spot 387 Practice Tag Attachment 11/2022 at PNPA- Photos for June 7, 2023 SCL 35.9 cm by Masanori Mori.

2023- New Experiment to Test Whether Ocean Warming Opens a Pathway for Sea Turtles. Stanford News.

2023- Investigation by the Port of Nagoya Aquarium: Is sea turtle affected by changes in seawater temperature? Tokai News Web.

2023- Article About Stretch in Japanese. Chunichi News 6-24-2023.

2023- Article About Stretch in Japanese. Asahi News 6-29-2023.

2023- Article About Stretch in Japanese. 7-15-2023 Chunichi News.

2023- Existe Un Corredor Termico que le Permita a la tortuga caguama de Origen Japones Migrarpor Toda la Cuenca del Pacifico para Alimentarse en las Aguas del Noroeste de Mexico?

Kurita et al. (2023) Four Presentations at the December 2023 Aquarium Symposium at Tokyo University.

Huang et al. (2023) Record High Sea Surface Temperatures in 2023.

2024- March Measurements by Masanori Mori for PNPA 2023-Hatched Year Two STRETCH Loggerheads.

2024- Head Photos and X-Rays of Three PNPA Stretch Turtles April 16.

2024- Investigating the impact of climate change on the ecology of loggerhead turtles. PNPA, Nagoya TV.

2024- Meiko Aquarium Loggerhead Sea Turtle Migration Research. Chunichi Newspaper 6/26/24.

2024- STRETCH Satellite Tag Attachment Protocol by Rowan Calder, Wildlife Computers Inc.

2024- MOL Car Carrier Firmament Ace Joins Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium's Loggerhead Turtle Migration Research Project. MOL Press Release.

2024- FIRMAMENT ACE Vehicles Carrier, IMO 9293894, July 13th.

2024- Loggerhead Tracker: What the STRETCH Team is Thinking.

2024- Announcement for Larry Crowder STRETCH Lecture at Hainan Normal University.

2024- PNPA 5333 Mock Satellite Tag Attachment Photos October 26 by Mori-san.

2024- PNPA 5333 Mock Satellite Tag Attachment Photos November 25 by Mori-san.

2024 PNPA 5333 Mock Satellite Tag Attachment Photos December 26 by Mori-san.

Briscoe et al (2025) Multi-decade northward shift of loggerhead sea turtle pelagic habitat as the eastern North Pacific Transition Zone becomes more oligotrophic. Frontiers in Marine Science.

2025- Study Reveals Rapid Shift in Loggerhead Sea Turtles' Range.