Reed, Minnie (1907) The Economic Seaweeds of Hawaii and Their Food Value. Kamehameha Schools Training Manual.
Abbott (1947) Brackish water algae from the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science.
1960s-1990s Algae File Assembled by George H. Balazs.
Doty (1961) Acanthophora, a possible invader of the marine flora of Hawaii. PS.
Taylor (1964) The Genus Turbinaria in Eastern Seas.
Dawson (1966) Marine Botany- Spermatophytes, Mangrove Associations & Salt Marshes.
1970s-1990s Part 1 of 2: Algae and Dennis Russell G.H. Balazs Collection.
1970s-1990s Part 2 of 2: Algae and Dennis Russell G.H. Balazs Collection.
1970s-1990s Part 1 of 4: Dennis Russell Algae IDs G.H. Balazs Files.
1970s-1990s Part 2 of 4: Dennis Russell Algae IDs G.H. Balazs Files.
1970s-1990s Part 3 of 4: Dennis Russell Algae IDs G.H. Balazs Files.
1970s-1990s Part 4 of 4: Dennis Russell Algae IDs G.H. Balazs Files.
1970s- Algae IDs by Dennis Russell of HIMB George Balazs Green Turtle Stomach Samples GB855-GB914
1970s Part 1 of 2: NWHI Algae Reef Specimens & Green Turtle Stomach Samples Collected by George Balazs HIMB, IDed by Dennis Russell and Prepared by Alan K.H. Kam.
1970s Part 2 of 2: NWHI Algae Reef Specimens & Green Turtle Stomach Samples Collected by George Balazs HIMB, IDed by Dennis Russell and Prepared by Alan K.H. Kam.
1970s Part 1 of 2: Main Hawaiian Islands Algae Reef Specimens & Green Turtle Stomach Samples Collected by George Balazs HIMB, IDed by Dennis Russell and Prepared by Alan K.H. Kam.
1970s Part 2 of 2: Main Hawaiian Islands Algae Reef Specimens & Green Turtle Stomach Samples Collected by George Balazs HIMB, IDed by Dennis Russell and Prepared by Alan K.H. Kam.
Doty (1971) Antecedent event influence on benthic marine algal standing crops in Hawaii. JEMBE.
Abbott and Williamson (1974) Limu: An ethnobotanical study of some edible Hawaiian seaweeds.
1977- The Mangrove in Hawaii by Harry Whitten HSB.
Gore (1977) The Tree Nobody Liked.
Fortner (1978) The Limu Eater: A Cookbook of Hawaiian Seaweed. Sea Grant University of Hawaii.
1979- Fecal and Stomach Algae Pressed Samples of GHB from Green Turtles at Bellows Oahu & Tern Island FFS.
Balazs (1979) Marine benthic algae collected from Kure Atoll, Maro Reef and Necker Bank, NWHI. 'Elepaio.
1979- Green Turtle Stomach Samples from French Frigate Shoals Collected by George Balazs and IDed by Dennis Russell.
1979- Seaweeds in Hawaii.
1979- Halophila Pressings Collected in Kaneohe Bay by George Balazs and Alan K.H. Kam.
1980- The Lure of Limu by Pat Pitzer. Honolulu Magazine.
Wester (1981) Introduction and Spread of Mangroves in the Hawaiian Islands.
Yacowitz & Zaccone (1982) Study of Nutritional Value of the Marine Sponge Chondrilla Nuculata.
Russell (1983) Ecology of the imported seaweed Eucheuma striatum on Coconut Island, Oahu, Hawaii. PS.
Unabia (1984) Grazing of the seagrass Halophila hawaiiana by the snail Smaragdia Bryanae, MS thesis UH Manoa.
Herbert (1986) The Growth Dynamics of Halophilia hawaiiana. Aquatic Botany.
1987- Report of a Turtle Autopsy at Tern Island FFS by Marlyn Major with Stomach Contents ID by Dennis Russell.
1988- Algae Identified from Kiholo Bay Samples by Dennis Russell.
1989- Identification of Algae by Isabella Abbott Collected from Turtle Feces at Kailua Beach by George Balazs.
Russell (1990) Algae Identifications Relating to Green Turtles.
Bjorndal (1990) Digestibility Of The Sponge Chondrilla Nucula. Bulletin of Marine Science.
Bjorndal et al. (1991) Digestive fermentation in green turtles feeding on algae. Bulletin of Marine Science.
Smith, Celia (1992) Diversity in Intertidal Habitats: An Assessment of the Marine Algae of Select High Islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago.
Dennis Russell (1993) Materials & Methods for Determining the % Content of Algal Species in Sea Turtle Samples.
1993- Maxwell Doty Researcher Gives Hope to Developing Countries. UH SeaGrant.
Balazs et al. (1993) Marine turtle feaces on Hawaiian beaches. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Russell and Balazs 1994. Colonization by the alien marine alga Hypnea musciformis in the Hawaiian Islands and its utilization by the green turtle. Aquatic Botany.
1996- Seaweed Invasion Along Ewa Beach Making People Ill.
1997- Invitation with Pressed Limu Cover for the 22nd Student Symposium on Marine Affairs.
Nagai et al. (1997) Manauealides: Some of the Causative Agents of Red Alga Poisoning in Hawaii. JNatProd.
Bjorndal (1997) Foraging Ecology of Sea Turtles.
1997- Completed algae identifications from turtle stomach samples by Dennis J. Russell.
1997- Study tracks seaweed piles to cesspools, fertilizers. THA.
1998-2013 The Algae of Honokowai, Maui.
1998- Moreton Bay Australia Samples Identified by Dennis Russell.
Apt and Schlech (1998) Ululania stellata a new genus and species of parasitic red algae from Hawaii (infecting Acanthophora). Phycologia.
1998- Identification of algae from sea turtle necropsy samples July 1998-March 1999 by Dennis J. Russell.
Allen (1998) Mangroves as alien species: the case of Hawaii. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters.
Pendoley & Fitzpatrick (1999) Browsing of Mangroves by Green Turtles in Western Australia. MTN.
Forbes (1999) Diet sampling and diet analysis. IUCN/MTSG.
Limpus and Limpus (2000) Mangroves in the Diet of Chelonia mydas in Queensland, Australia. Page 13 MTN.
2000-2001 Midway Atoll Algae and Seagrass Identification by Dennis J. Russell.
Russell and Balazs (2000) Identification Manual for Dietary Vegetation of the Hawaiian Green Turtle.
Smith, Smith and Hunter (2000) An experimental analysis of the effects of herbivory and nutrient enrichment on benthic community dynamics on a Hawaiian reef.
McDermid (2002) List of Hawaiian seaweeds and nutritional composition- Kaloko Turf Collections.
Ghiulamila (2002) Nutritional composition of two edible Hawaiian seaweeds: Ahnfeltiopsis concinna and Gracilaria salicornia. Senior Thesis, University of Hawaii at Hilo.
2002- Dennis Russell algae IDs of 10 Fecal Washups at Federation Camp Lanai; Kahue, Lanai; White Rock Lanai; Kapoho Puna Flush; & Honokowai Maui 40 Fecals.
Smith et al. (2002) Distribution and reproductive characteristics of nonindigenous and invasive marine algae in the Hawaiian Islands. PS.
Landsberg (2002) The effects of harmful algal blooms on aquatic organisms. Reviews in Fisheries Science.
Arthur (2003) The toxic cyanobacteria Lyngbya majuscula as a component of green turtle diet in the Hawaiian Islands.
McDermid and Stuercke (2003) Nutritional composition of edible Hawaiian seaweeds. Journal of Applied Psychology.
2003- The Mangrove Debate.
Russell, Balazs, Phillips, and Kam (2003) Discovery of the sea grass Halophila in the diet of the Hawaiian green turtle. Pacific Science.
McCutcheion, McDermid and Balazs (2003) A nutritional analysis of the turf algal diet and fecal pellets of the green turtle. Abstract-Journal of Phycology, 39:41.
Mumby et al. (2004) Mangroves enhance the biomass of coral reef fish communities in the Caribbean. Letter to Nature.
McDermid et al. (2005) Total dietary fiber content in Hawaiian marine algae.
Smith, Runcie and Smith (2005) Characterization of a large-scale ephemeral bloom of the green alga Cladophora sericea on the coral reefs of West Maui, Hawai’i.
Hart (2006) Predation on the invasive sponge, Mycale grandis, in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. John Stimson HIMB Project Adviser.
2006- Turtles key suspects in UFO debate by Charles Memminger. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
2006- Lanai Limu Collections by Karla McDermid Team and Colleagues. University of Hawaii at Hilo, HPA, and MTRP.
Vroom et al. (2006) Marine Algae of French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: Species List and Biogeographic Comparisons.
2006- The Lurking Algae Menace: Counter Attack.
Gilman et al. (2007) Assessment of mangrove response to projected relative sea-level rise and recent historical reconstruction of shoreline position. EMA.
McDermid, Stuercke and Balazs (2007) Nutritional composition of marine plants in the diet of the green sea turtle in the Hawaiian Islands. Bulletin of Marine Science.
Arthur and Balazs (2008) A comparison of immature green turtle diets among seven sites in the main Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science.
Weijermann et al. 2008. Attempt to control the invasive red alga Acanthophora spicifera in a Hawaiian fishpond. PS.
Kubis (Hargrove) et al. (2009) Growth rates of juvenile green turtles from three ecologically distinct foraging habitats along the east central coast of Florida USA. MEPS.
Russell and Balazs (2009) Dietary shifts by green turtles in the Kaneohe Bay region of the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science.
Arthur et al. (2009) Feeding ecology of green turtles in Shoalwater Bay, Australia. MTN.
Vermeij et al. (2009) Release from native herbivores facilitates the persistence of invasive marine algae. Biological Invasions.
Wabnitz, Balazs, Beavers, Bjorndal, Bolten, Christensen and Hargrove (2010) Ecosystem structure and processes at Kaloko Honokohau, focusing on the role of herbivores, including the green turtle in reef resilience. MEPS.
Hauk (2010) The Super Sucker Project. Lawaia Magazine.
Wills (2010) The foraging ecology of the green sea turtle on the east coast of Hawaii'i Island. UH at Hilo Masters Thesis TCBES, UMI No. 1485464, July, 130p.
Smith, Hunter and Smith (2010) The effects of top-down versus bottom-up control on benthic coral reef community structure.
2010- Environmentalism Gone Mad: Hawaii's Mangrove Trees Poisoned in Herbicide Experiment and Left to Rot.
Longenecker et al. (2011) Macrofaunal Invertebrate Communities on Hawaii’s Shallow Coral-Reef Flats: Changes Associated with the Removal of an Invasive Alien Alga.
2011- In Hawaii Mangrove's Drawbacks Outweigh Benefits. Environment Hawaii.
2011- Collector Urchins Munch Up Fast Growing Invasive Algae by Susan Scott Ocean Watch.
Russell, Hargrove and Balazs (2011) Marine sponges, other animal food, and nonfood items found in digestive tracts of the herbivorous marine turtle in Hawaii. Pacific Science.
Yong et al. (2013) Analysis of formulae for determination of seaweed growth rate.
Russell and Balazs (2015) Increased use of non-native algae species in the diet of the green turtle in a primary pasture ecosystem in Hawaii. AEHM.
McDermid, Lefebvre and Balazs (2015) Nonnative Seashore Paspalum Consumed by Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles: Evidence for Nutritional Benefits. Pacific Science
Prior, Booth and Limpus (2016) Investigating diet and diet switching in green turtles. AJZ.
Kittle and McDermid (2016) Glyphosate herbicide toxicity to native Hawaiian macroalgal and seagrass species. J. Appl. Ph
Goecke and Carstenn (2017) Fish communities and juvenile habitat associated with non-native Rhizophora mangle in Hawaii.
Stimson and Larned (2018) Recent declines in invasive macroalgae on coral reefs in Kāne‘ohe Bay, Hawai‘i: evidence for phase shift reversals. Unpublished Manuscript.
Neilson et al. (2018) Herbivore biocontrol and manual removal successfully reduce invasive macroalgae on coral reefs. PeerJ.
2018- The Under Sea Gardeners. Hana Hou Magazine.
McDermid, Jha, Rice,and Balazs (2018) Of Turtles and Trees: Nutritional Analysis of Tree Heliotrope leaves Consumed by Green Turtles in Hawaii. Micronesica
Bahr, Coffey, Rogers and Balazs (2018) Observations of a rapid decline in invasive macroalgal cover linked to green turtle grazing in a Hawaiian marine reserve. Micronesica.
2019- Iolani Literature Students Clear Limu from Maunalua Bay.
Brown (2019) An ecological comparison of turf algae between two sites on West Maui that differ in anthropogenic impacts. Masters Thesis University of Hawaii at Manoa.
McDermid et al. (2019) Seaweed resources of the Hawaiian Islands. Botanica Marina.
Soper et al. (2019) Non-native mangroves support carbon storage, sediment carbon burial, and accretion of coastal ecosystems. Global Change Biology.
Brown (2019) An ecological comparison of turf algae between two sites on West Maui that differ in anthropogenic impacts. Masters Thesis University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Rogers et al. (2020) Loggerhead sea turtle found preying on a sea cucumber on a reef in Belize.
2020- First Lady of Limu: Dr. Isabella Aiona Abbott. Hana Hou.
2020- First Annual Workshop on Green Turtle Diets in Hawaii- Food for Thought in 2020. Dossier of Documents Compiled by George Balazs.
McDermid et al. (2020) Identification of gastrointestinal microbiota in Hawaiian green turtles. Evolutionary Bioinformatics.
Sherwood et al. (2020) Taxonomic determination of the cryptogenic red alga, Chondria tumulosa sp. from PMNM Hawai‘i: A new species displaying invasive characteristics.
Esterban et al. (2020) A global review of green turtle diet: sea surface temperature as a potential driver of omnivory levels. Marine Biology.
Saderne et al. (2020) Total alkalinity production in a mangrove ecosystem reveals an overlooked Blue Carbon component. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
Stimson & Larned (2021) Reduction in Cover of Two Introduced Invasive Macroalgae by Herbivores on Coral Reefs of Kane‘ohe Bay, Hawai‘i.
Mulochau et al. (2021) Green sea turtle feeding on Synapta maculata (Holothuroidea: Synaptidae) on a seagrass bed (Syringodium isoetifolium) at Reunion Island, western Indian Ocean.
Nakahara et al. (2021) Introduced Mangroves Along the Coast of Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i May Represent Novel Habitats for Megafaunal Communities. Pacific Science.
Colwell et al. (2021) Molecular Systematics of the Native Seagrass, Ruppia cf. maritima (Ruppiaceae, Alismatales), on Hawai‘i Island. Pacific Science.
Mulochau et al. (2021) Green sea turtle feeding on Synapta maculata on a seagrass bed at Reunion Island, western Indian Ocean.
2021- Multitalented Mangroves: Spotlight on the trees that could save the planet.
Gonzalez-Paredes et al. (2021) Gastrointestinal transit times in juvenile green turtles: An approach for assessing digestive motility disorders JEMBE.
Work and McDermid (2021) Necropsy report of a juvenile green turtle collected at Wake Island, including identification of stomach algae. USGS & UH-Hilo.
Lewis and Granek (2021) Drivers of zooplankton community composition in a novel ecosystem: Hawai'i mangroves as a case study. JAE.
2021- Mangrove restoration has ecological and economic benefits, report reveals. University of Tokyo.
2021- “Invasive species” has a harmful nativist bias - Vox.
Work (2021) Necropsy reports of five juvenile green turtles stranded on Hawaii Island, including identification of stomach algae by Karla McDermid UH-Hilo.
2022- Governor Signs Community-Driven “Year of the Limu” Proclamation.
Dulai et al. (2023) Risk to native marine macroalgae from land-use and climate change-related modifications to groundwater discharge in Hawaiʻi.
Kittle et al. (2024) Chondrus retortus (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) in Hawai‘i: a taxonomic and biogeographic puzzle.
2025- A 'Devil' Seaweed Is Spreading Inside Hawaiʻi's Most Protected Place. Honolulu Civil Beat.