2011- Marine Turtle Research Program (MTRP)- Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) by Stacy Hargrove, George Balazs et al.

Balazs and Brunson (2011) MTRP Recommended Tools for Marine Turtle Stranding Response.

2011-2017 1 of 2: South Pacific Longline By-Catch Green Turtle Necropsy Reports by Thierry Work (N=13 Totalling N=26).

2011-2017 2 of 2: South Pacific Longline By-Catch Green Turtle Necropsy Reports by Thierry Work (N=13 Totalling N=26).

2011- MTRP Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) by Hargrove, Balazs et al.

Morris, Work and Balazs (2011) Guidelines for euthanasia decisions of fibropapilloma green turtles in the Hawaiian Islands.

Hargrove and Balazs (2011) Coming of Age- Four Decades of Tagging Sheds Light on Time to Maturity for Hawaiian Green Turtles. ISTS-31.

2011- Fond Aloha to Stacy Hargrove Leaving Hawaii. Cturtle Message by George Balazs.

2011- External Review Report 26-28 July by Selina Heppell and Team.

2011- Tagging Database for Sea Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands- Excel to PDF Created April 2011.

2011- Stranding Database for Sea Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands- Excel to PDF Created April 2011.

2011- Nesting Database for Sea Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands- Excel to PDF Created April 2011.

2011- Nearshore Database for Sea Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands- Excel to PDF Created April 2011.

2011- A Road Map for Scientific Collaborations Between PIRO & PIFSC on Marine Turtles by Kyle Van Houtan.

2012- Five Evacuated from Storm-Hit Isles. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Brunson et al. (2012) Marine turtle strandings documented by PIFSC/PSD/MTRP from Laie Point to Makahoa Point, Oahu, 1983-3/2012 (N=120). Internal Report IR-12-013.

2012- Six-Month Report of Sea Turtle Strandings in the Hawaiian Islands, January-June, 2012.

2012- Highly Artistic Flow Chart for MTRP's Oracle Turtle Data Processing System (OTDPS) by Devon Francke.

2012- Flow Chart for MTRP's Oracle Turtle Data Processing System (OTDPS) by Stacy Kubis.

Balazs (2012) MTRP Marine Turtle Research Training and Information Exchange: List of Participants.

Marks, Morris and MTRP Staff (2012) 1990-2011 Review of live marine turtle strandings with abnormal buoyancy.

Marks and MTRP Staff (2012) 1990-2011 Results for live marine turtle strandings due to shark attack.

Marks and MTRP Staff (2012) 1990-2011 Results for live marine turtle strandings due to intentional human-induced trauma.

Marks and MTRP Staff (2012) 1990-2011 Summary of live marine turtle strandings caused by boat impact trauma.

Personnel List (2012) East Island, French Frigate Shoals.

2012- NIST Paul Becker Letter to PIFSC Directors Sam Pooley and Michael Seki.

2012- MTRP Key R & D Accomplishments 2008-2011 Compiled by MTRP Leader George Balazs.

2012- Letter to George Balazs from Helen Golde NMFS Office of Protected Resources.

2012-2017 NMFS Permit #15685 to Take Protected Species for Scientific Purposes Issued to Samuel Pooley PIFSC.

2013- Some Post-Publication Review Comments on Kettinger et al.

2013- Copy of Federal Register Notice: Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information. Federal Register 5/14/2013.

2013- Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information. Federal Register 5/14/2013.

Nurzia Humburg and Balazs (2013) Hawaiian and other Pacific Region historical marine turtle skeletal collection of dried materials containing specimens from 59 green turtles, 17 olive ridleys, 6 loggerheads, and 2 leatherbacks.

2013- Expanding Public Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research.

2013- Letter of Appointment to the Protected Species Committee of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.

Balazs et al. (2013) International partnership building resulting from group conversation session of PIFSC scientists. FY13 Milestone Report.

Francke et al. (2013) Marine Turtle Strandings in the Hawaiian Islands Jan - Dec 2013. PIFIC IR-14-003.

2013- Studying Sea Turtles Further Up The Chain by Joe Spring.

Balazs (2013) Performance Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2013.

2013- 30-Year NOAA Award Ceremony Statements for George Balazs.

2013- Sea Turtle Samples Collected at Smithsonian Museum Support Center August 19 by George Balazs for Peter Dutton SWFSC.

NOAA PIFSC PARR Request Form for Sea Turtle Research Results and Machine-Readable Data Under Public Access to Research Results 2013 Executive Order by President Obama.

2014- Necropsy Report of an Excessively Buoyant Green Turtle by Thierry Work USGS.

2014- NOAA Inouye Regional Center Opened Recently-$331 Million. HFN.

2014- Program Highlights for March-June 2014.

Balazs and Brunson (2014) Update 808 MTRP Stranding Information Bulletin, 1990-2013.

2014- Letter by George Balazs to President Chang, Ching-Fong, National Taiwan Ocean University.

2014- MTRP Program Highlights March-June 2014.

Balazs (2014) Performance Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2014.

2014- Letter of Recommendation by George Balazs for Yoshi Matsuzama's Nomination for ISTS President.

2014- Letter of Appreciation to George Balazs from Donna Wieting, Director OPR.

2014- Invitation Letter to China-USA Workshop in Honolulu from Conveners George Balazs and Jeffrey Seminoff.

2014- Letter of Invitation to George Balazs to Service on Katharine Clukey's Masters Committee University of Hawaii.

2014- Organizational Chart of the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center.

~2015- Body Condition Examples of Hawaiian green turtles by Study Site Locations.

2015- Background and PIFSC Response: Panel Reports of the Protected Species Science Program Review July 27-31, 2015 Honolulu, Hawaii.

Work and Balazs (2015) Sea Turtle Rehabilitation and Euthanasia in Hawaii.

2015- Surveying and assessing presence of marine turtles and cetaceans near the Nalani tug boat sinking at Barbers Point, Oahu. MP-15-01 NOAA PIFSC.

2015- Protected Sea Turtles Put Kibosh on Arizona Memorial Visits.

2015- Green Turtle Success Stories- Study and Recovery of Hawaiian green turtle population celebrates 40 years of data. CCB Allen Press.

Francke et al. (2015) Marine Turtle Strandings in the Hawaiian Islands Jan-Dec 2014 PIFSC IR-15-008.

Balazs (2015) Performance Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2015.

2016- NOAA apologizes for how it disposed of sea turtle carcasses-https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/33265136/noaa-apologizes-for-how-it-disposed-of-sea-turtles/

2016- Turtles Trashed- NOAA apologizes for how it disposed of sea turtle carcasses.

2016- Turtles and Whales. Hawaii Fishing News.

Murakawa (2016) Number of in-water strandings by species, condition (live/dead) and state (or territory) between 2005 and 2015. NOAA PIFSC DR-16-008.

Murakawa (2016) 2015 Hawaiian sea turtle stranding data. NOAA PIFSC Data Report DR-16-009.

Balazs (2016) Performance Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2016.

2016- NOAA Scientific Data Stewardship: Public Access to Research Results (PARR).

2016- USGS Public Access to Results of Federally Funded Research at the U.S. Geological Survey. https://www.usgs.gov/about/organization/science-support/science-quality-and-integrity/public-access-results.

2016- George Balazs' Phased Retirement- Letter Circulated 12-21-2019 by TTodd Jones.

2016- Feds Apologize for Dead Sea Turtles in Landfill.

2017- 1000th Sea Turtle Released- Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Release by MTRP/MTBAP.

2017- Notes, Information, and Items needed Relating to Sea Turtle Nesting Work at French Frigate Shoals. MTBAP.

Murakawa (2017) Number of sea turtle strandings from Kahului, Maui between 1990 and 2015. NOAA PIFSC DR-17-003.

2017- An Analysis of Federal Policy on Public Access to Scientific Research Data by Kriesberg, Huller, Punzalan and Parr. Data Science Journal.

2017- Making Federal Research Results Available to All. President Obama White House Archives.

2017- Tag Series Listing PDF- Batches of Tags Distributed by MTRP Over the Years.

2017- Call City or State Numbers for Animal Carcass Disposal- Hawaii Report.

2017- George Balazs Candidacy Statement for ISTS Treasurer Election.

2017- UH Graduate School Letter of Recommendation for Shandell Brunson by George Balazs.

2018- A Look Back: Scientist Dedicates Career to Sea Turtles in Hawai‘i.

2018- Six Necropsy Reports of Green Turtles by Thierry Work, USGS National Wildlife Health Center, Honolulu Field Station.

2018- Researchers Evacuated from Atoll as Storm Nears. October HSA.

2018- TTodd Jones MTBAP PIFSC NOAA Farewell to George Balazs.

2018- PDF of Tagging Data in Excel Spread Sheet from Marc Rice current to 2018.

2018-2020 Longline Necropsy Reports for 18 Sea Turtles by USGS Thierry Work.

2018-2027 NMFS Scientific Research Permit No. 21260.

2019- Update on 2019 NOAA field season for marine turtle research in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

2019- NOAA Scientists Report Good News on Monk Seals and Sea Turtles.

2019- Standard Research Protocols for Nesting and Basking Marine Turtles in the Pacific Islands Region. USFWS Pacific Islands Fish & Wildlife Office and NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center.

2019- New FRMD Director at the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center.

2019- Country's Largest Employer? Guess Who. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2019- John Henderson Interview.

2019- Longline Necropsy Reports by Thierry Work of 2 Green Turtles, 2 Loggerheads, and 14 Olive Ridleys. USGS National Wildlife Health Center, Honolulu Field Station.

2019- Thierry Work Necropsy of a Green Turtle Originally Tagged Nesting in 1999 at French Frigate Shoals. USGS National Wildlife Health Center, Honolulu Field Station.

2020- About Bob Iversen Author of Swimming with Fishes.

2020- Sea Turtle Research in the Pacific by NOAA Fisheries.

Staman et al. (2020) Status and trends of honu, or green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas), in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Abstract HCC September.

2020- DLNR News Release-Minus One Flipper Turtle No. 1036 Returns Home, 31 January.

2020- Turtle Loses a Flipper but Gains Second Change. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

2020- 22 Boat Strikes of Sea Turtles Raises Alarm, DLNR News Release of December 11.

2020-2022- East Hawaii 18 Sea Turtle Stranding Records. MOP UH Hilo.

2021- The Importance of Improving NOAA's Public Access to Research Results PARR Compliance. 5/25/2021.

2022- Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies- Executive Office of the President, Office of Science & Technology Policy. August 2022.

2022- Letter from NOAA to Researchers About Change in Standard Requirement for the use of PIT Tags.

2022-2023 Bob and Judith Iversen Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

2023- MTBAP PIFSC Data Request Form Under PARR.

2023-2024: SAP 2024-01: MTBAP, PIFSC to Study, Sample, Rescue & Rehabilitate Sea to Support Biological Recovery.

2024- Best Practices for Designating Authorship- NOAA Scientific Integrity Committee. 9-24-2024.

2024- Job Posting - Marine Turtle Field Camp Research Assistant (job ID #224778).