Balazs and Brunson (2011) MTRP Recommended Tools for Marine Turtle Stranding Response.
2011- MTRP Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) by Hargrove, Balazs et al.
2011- Fond Aloha to Stacy Hargrove Leaving Hawaii. Cturtle Message by George Balazs.
2011- External Review Report 26-28 July by Selina Heppell and Team.
2011- Tagging Database for Sea Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands- Excel to PDF Created April 2011.
2011- Stranding Database for Sea Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands- Excel to PDF Created April 2011.
2011- Nesting Database for Sea Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands- Excel to PDF Created April 2011.
2011- Nearshore Database for Sea Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands- Excel to PDF Created April 2011.
2012- Five Evacuated from Storm-Hit Isles. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2012- Six-Month Report of Sea Turtle Strandings in the Hawaiian Islands, January-June, 2012.
2012- Flow Chart for MTRP's Oracle Turtle Data Processing System (OTDPS) by Stacy Kubis.
Balazs (2012) MTRP Marine Turtle Research Training and Information Exchange: List of Participants.
Marks and MTRP Staff (2012) 1990-2011 Results for live marine turtle strandings due to shark attack.
Personnel List (2012) East Island, French Frigate Shoals.
2012- NIST Paul Becker Letter to PIFSC Directors Sam Pooley and Michael Seki.
2012- MTRP Key R & D Accomplishments 2008-2011 Compiled by MTRP Leader George Balazs.
2012- Letter to George Balazs from Helen Golde NMFS Office of Protected Resources.
2013- Some Post-Publication Review Comments on Kettinger et al.
2013- Expanding Public Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research.
2013- Studying Sea Turtles Further Up The Chain by Joe Spring.
Balazs (2013) Performance Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2013.
2013- 30-Year NOAA Award Ceremony Statements for George Balazs.
2014- Necropsy Report of an Excessively Buoyant Green Turtle by Thierry Work USGS.
2014- NOAA Inouye Regional Center Opened Recently-$331 Million. HFN.
2014- Program Highlights for March-June 2014.
Balazs and Brunson (2014) Update 808 MTRP Stranding Information Bulletin, 1990-2013.
2014- Letter by George Balazs to President Chang, Ching-Fong, National Taiwan Ocean University.
2014- MTRP Program Highlights March-June 2014.
Balazs (2014) Performance Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2014.
2014- Letter of Recommendation by George Balazs for Yoshi Matsuzama's Nomination for ISTS President.
2014- Letter of Appreciation to George Balazs from Donna Wieting, Director OPR.
2014- Organizational Chart of the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center.
~2015- Body Condition Examples of Hawaiian green turtles by Study Site Locations.
Work and Balazs (2015) Sea Turtle Rehabilitation and Euthanasia in Hawaii.
2015- Protected Sea Turtles Put Kibosh on Arizona Memorial Visits.
Francke et al. (2015) Marine Turtle Strandings in the Hawaiian Islands Jan-Dec 2014 PIFSC IR-15-008.
Balazs (2015) Performance Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2015.
2016- NOAA apologizes for how it disposed of sea turtle carcasses-
2016- Turtles Trashed- NOAA apologizes for how it disposed of sea turtle carcasses.
2016- Turtles and Whales. Hawaii Fishing News.
Murakawa (2016) 2015 Hawaiian sea turtle stranding data. NOAA PIFSC Data Report DR-16-009.
Balazs (2016) Performance Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2016.
2016- NOAA Scientific Data Stewardship: Public Access to Research Results (PARR).
2016- George Balazs' Phased Retirement- Letter Circulated 12-21-2019 by TTodd Jones.
2016- Feds Apologize for Dead Sea Turtles in Landfill.
2017- 1000th Sea Turtle Released- Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Release by MTRP/MTBAP.
2017- Making Federal Research Results Available to All. President Obama White House Archives.
2017- Tag Series Listing PDF- Batches of Tags Distributed by MTRP Over the Years.
2017- Call City or State Numbers for Animal Carcass Disposal- Hawaii Report.
2017- George Balazs Candidacy Statement for ISTS Treasurer Election.
2017- UH Graduate School Letter of Recommendation for Shandell Brunson by George Balazs.
2018- A Look Back: Scientist Dedicates Career to Sea Turtles in Hawai‘i.
2018- Researchers Evacuated from Atoll as Storm Nears. October HSA.
2018- TTodd Jones MTBAP PIFSC NOAA Farewell to George Balazs.
2018- PDF of Tagging Data in Excel Spread Sheet from Marc Rice current to 2018.
2018-2020 Longline Necropsy Reports for 18 Sea Turtles by USGS Thierry Work.
2018-2027 NMFS Scientific Research Permit No. 21260.
2019- NOAA Scientists Report Good News on Monk Seals and Sea Turtles.
2019- New FRMD Director at the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center.
2019- Country's Largest Employer? Guess Who. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2019- John Henderson Interview.
2020- About Bob Iversen Author of Swimming with Fishes.
2020- Sea Turtle Research in the Pacific by NOAA Fisheries.
2020- DLNR News Release-Minus One Flipper Turtle No. 1036 Returns Home, 31 January.
2020- Turtle Loses a Flipper but Gains Second Change. Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
2020- 22 Boat Strikes of Sea Turtles Raises Alarm, DLNR News Release of December 11.
2020-2022- East Hawaii 18 Sea Turtle Stranding Records. MOP UH Hilo.
2022- Letter from NOAA to Researchers About Change in Standard Requirement for the use of PIT Tags.
2022-2023 Bob and Judith Iversen Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
2023- MTBAP PIFSC Data Request Form Under PARR.
2024- Best Practices for Designating Authorship- NOAA Scientific Integrity Committee. 9-24-2024.
2024- Job Posting - Marine Turtle Field Camp Research Assistant (job ID #224778).