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Parker et al. (2002) Movement and dive behavior determined by satellite telemetry for male and female olive ridley turtles in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. ISTS-22.

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Hayashi and Tsuji (2008) Spatial Distribution of Turtle Barnacles on the Green Sea Turtle. Ecological Research.

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Thomson et al. (2009) Validation of a Rapid Visual-Assessment Technique for Categorizing the Body Condition of Green Turtles in the Field. Copeia.

Roark, Bjorndal, and Bolten (2009) Compensatory responses to feed restriction in juvenile green turtles. Ecology.

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Russell and Balazs (2009) Dietary shifts by green turtles in the Kaneohe Bay region of the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science.

Kubis (Hargrove) et al. (2009) Growth rates of juvenile green turtles from three ecologically distinct foraging habitats along the east central coast of Florida USA. MEPS.

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