2010-Questionairre to be Completed by Participants in the First International Symposium on Marine Turtles in Tahiti- Prepared by LM of Hybiscus Foundation Tahaa

2010- Correspondence between SPREP TREDS Catherine Siota, Colin Limpus and George Balazs About Tag Recoveries of Captive-Reared Turtles from French Polynesia.

2010- Hibiscus Foundation Tahaa 2009 Liberation Tortues. Tagging Records from Leo Mourou to Juney Ward.

2010- 1st Sea Turtle Symposium Tahiti- The recommendations of International Scientific by Chaloupka, Balazs, Bell, Ciccione and Limpus.

2010- Paea Marae - Two Photos 1964 and 2010 by GHB and LRB.

2010- Pomare Papara Newspaper Article.

2010- Tahiti Punaauia-Paea. La Depeche 7 October.

2010- Les Quotas Accueilli Froidement. 27 October, Papeete.

2010- 21 PIT Tags Transferred to Cecile Gaspar Te Mana Ote Moana in Moorea 29 October.

2010-Document de Synthese 1er Synposium International sur les Tortues Marines en Polynesie Francaise 26-27 October Document de Synthese. In French.

2011- Thierry Work USGS Diagnostic Case Report #17906 8 Captive-Reared Green Turtles for Le Meridien Hotel Bora Bora.

2011- Letters from Leo Morou Hibiscus Foundation Tahaa to George Balazs.

Goutenegre and Perrin (2011) Green sea turtle scoping survey on Mopelia Atoll, Leeward Islands, French Polynesia. ISTS-31 San Diego, Abstract ID 3727 and Poster.

2011- Des tortues suivies par satellite: une étude menée par Te Mana O Te Moana.

2011- Turtles tracked by satellite: A study by Te Mana O Te Moana in English.

2011- Legend of the Birth of the Turtle. Tahiti Beach Press.

2011- Les Tortues Marine en Polynesie Francaise. In French.

2012- Thierry Work USGS Diagnostic Case Report #21726 Wild Green Turtle from Bora Bora.

2013- Thierry Work USGS Diagnostic Case Report #21909 5 Captive-Reared Green Turtles for Le Meridien Hotel Bora Bora.

2014- Thierry Work USGS Diagnostic Case Report #21726 2 Captive-Reared Green Turtles for Le Meridien Hotel Bora Bora.

2014 Part 1 of 2: Approche Ethnoarcheologique Du Complexe Marae Dans L'Archipel Des Tuamotu, Polynesie Francaise by Guillaume Molle.

2014 Part 2 of 2: Approche Ethnoarcheologique Du Complexe Marae Dans L'Archipel Des Tuamotu, Polynesie Francaise by Guillaume Molle.

2015- Thierry Work USGS Diagnostic Case Report #25225 7 Captive-Reared Green Turtles for Le Meridien Hotel Bora Bora.

2015- Sea Turtles in French Polynesia.

2015-Les Tortues Marines En Polynesie Francaise

2015- Sea Turtle Clinic of Moorea, 2004-2014.

Balazs 2016 "A Lifelong Relationship." English version

Balazs (2016) "A lifelong relationship.." French Version

2016- Tahiti the East Coast: The Wild Side. RevaTahiti.

2016- Tuamotu- Le Coureurs d'Atolls. RevaTahiti.

2016- The Marquesan Festival of Arts. RevaTahiti.

2016- Voyage Dans Le Monde Des Images Oceaniennes. RevaTahiti.

Bambridge et al. (2016) The Rahui legal pluralism in Polynesian traditional management of resources and territories.

2016- Six Polynesian turtles equipped with satellite transmitters become the stars of hundreds of school children worldwide. Te Mana O Te Moana.

2017- A Tribute to Tahiti's Alex du Prel, 1944-2017.

2017- Tahiti Photo Album by George Balazs.

2017- Rurutu. Air Tahiti Magazine.

2017- Societe Des ETudes Oceaniennes: Te Niu Ini Ma'ohi.

2017- Tahiti Beach Press: Remembering Yoshi Sinoto and Homer Morgan.

2017/2018- French Polynesia: Islands Travel Guide in French and English.

2018- Te Puka Maruia Photos.

2018- Sea Turtles of the French Territories. SWOT Volume 18.

Touron, Genet and Gaspar (2018) Final report on the green sea turtle egg-laying season of 2017-2018 on the atoll of Tetiaroa - French Polynesia. Te Mana o te Moana.

2018- Les Nouveaux Billets En F CFP.

2018- Hei Moana: Les Sentinelles de l'Ocean. Te Mana o te Moana, French Polynesia.

2018- L'lle De Mehetia. Tahiti Pacifique.

2018- Hawksbill Image on 1000 CFP Notes in French Polynesia.

2018-2019 Letters from Johann Muller at Napuka 98772 to George Balazs.

2019- Proceedings of the 39th Symposium in Charleston, South Carolina: https://www.internationalseaturtlesociety.org/publications/proceedings/

2019- Air Tahiti Flight Schedule April-November Horaires Te Mau Hora No Te Manureva.

2019- A Journey to the Disappointment Islands. BBC Travel.

2019- Oceanie: Les Destins Les Plus Marquants.

2019- Map of Papeete.

2019- Le Heiva, Symbole Culturel Du Fenua.

Touron and Gaspar (2019) Final report on the green sea turtle nesting season of 2018-2019 on Tetiaroa atoll, French Polynesia. Te Mana o te Moana.

2019- Aidons Nos Oiseaux Marin.

2019- Tahiti Beach Press.

Boissin, Neglia, D'hauteserre, Tatarata and Planes (2019) Evolutionary history of green turtle populations from French Polynesia highlights the putative existence of a glacial refugium. Marine Biodiversity.

2019- A Quand Une Gestion Decent De Nos Defunts? Tahiti Pacifique.

2019- Le Gouvernment Recoit les Six Mairess de Marquises.

2019- Western Tuamotu Map.

2020- Tetiaroa: Brando Paradise Costco advertisement.

2020- Huahine Tourist Guide.

2020- Islands Airline Bientot En Piste! Tahiti Pacifique.

2020- Air Tahiti Network Map.

2020- Le Pufenua, Ou Enterrement Du Placenta- Placenta Burial. Tahiti Pacifique.

2020- Tahiti Beach Press. February.

2020- Notre Tourisme, Notre Economie. Te Mana O Te Moana. Honua Terre Magazine.

2020- Huahine Tourisme Map Society Islands.

2020- Papeete Tourist Map.

2020- Hotel Tiare Tahiti in Papeete.

2020- The Sea Turtle Care Center in Moorea: 15 years of Actions to Protect the Sea Turtles of French Polynesia, 2004–2019.

2020- In French- Le Centre de soins des tortues marines de Moorea 15 ans d’action en faveur de la protection des tortues marines, 2004–2019.

Sear et al. (2020) Human settlement of East Polynesia earlier, incremental, and coincident with prolonged South Pacific drought. PNAS.

2020- The Tiare Tahiti Hotel is Closing its Doors. TNTV Tahiti Nui Télévision.

2020- Polynesians have native American blood- Des polynésiens ont du sang amérindien - Polynésie la 1ère.

2020- Petroglyph Honu Stone on Moorea in French Polynesia.

2020- 60 years ago the first Paris-to-Tahiti flight landed in Faa'a. Radio1 Tahiti.

2020- Ela Poroi passed away at 98 - Polynesia the 1st.

2020- Jean-Claude Soulier: Goodbye friend!

2020- The 1857 Cannibals of Tematangi- Les Cannibales de Tematangi.

2020- Waltzing with Brando Movie. Radio 1 Tahiti.

2022- 15 Years of Green Sea Turtles Nesting Sites Monitoring: Tetiaroa Atoll, French Polynesia. Te Mana O Te Moana.

2021- Sable de Tahaa: the white gold that illuminates the tombs - Polynesia the 1st.

2021- Tombs on the family land: the tradition continues.

2022- Le Proces d'un Massacre a Manuae & Peche a la Tortue Repression Absolue. Tahiti Infos 5 & 6 September.

2022- Edouard Fritch & Patrick Galenon Tahiti Info Newspaper Articles.

Philippe et al. (2022) Radiation Exposures and Compensation of Victims of French Atmospheric Nuclear Tests in Polynesia.

2022-2023 French Polynesia Islands Travel Guide.

2023- Vertical Bliss: The Tiny Pacific Island of Makatea is Rock Climber's Hidden Surprise. Hana Hou.

Dolfo et al. (2023) Population genetic structure and mixed stock analysis of the green sea turtle reveal reproductive isolation in French Polynesia.

2023- Letter to PF President Moetai Brotherson from George Balazs Sent by Express Mail.

2023- How an Ancient Practice Aids Marine Conservation: Rahui and the Art of Marine Conservation.

2023- Fenua Ma. Presentation du Syndicat. In French.

2023- Ensemble, Agissons Pour Le Bien-Etre Humain & Animal.

2024- JPK case 27 years later, the family denounces a “denial of justice” and delivers its “convictions”. Tahiti Infos.

2024- Archipel des Tuamotu. Excerpt.

2024- Une Etude Pour Faire Rayonner Le Tahitien. Tahiti Info.

2024- French Polynesians revive traditional rāhui to protect fish — and livelihoods.

2024- A Pearl of the South Seas. Hana Hou.

2024- An “Exceptional” Green Turtle Nesting Season in Tetiaroa. Tahiti Info.

2024- Invasion d'algues a' Toahotu. Tahiti-Infos.

2024-Beware of Stonefish. Tahiti Infos.

Papafitsoros, Hoh et al. (2025) Sea Turtle Photo Identification- A Practical Guide.