2010- Paea Marae - Two Photos 1964 and 2010 by GHB and LRB.
2010- Pomare Papara Newspaper Article.
2010- Tahiti Punaauia-Paea. La Depeche 7 October.
2010- Les Quotas Accueilli Froidement. 27 October, Papeete.
2010- 21 PIT Tags Transferred to Cecile Gaspar Te Mana Ote Moana in Moorea 29 October.
2011- Letters from Leo Morou Hibiscus Foundation Tahaa to George Balazs.
2011- Des tortues suivies par satellite: une étude menée par Te Mana O Te Moana.
2011- Turtles tracked by satellite: A study by Te Mana O Te Moana in English.
2011- Legend of the Birth of the Turtle. Tahiti Beach Press.
2011- Les Tortues Marine en Polynesie Francaise. In French.
2012- Thierry Work USGS Diagnostic Case Report #21726 Wild Green Turtle from Bora Bora.
2015- Sea Turtles in French Polynesia.
2015-Les Tortues Marines En Polynesie Francaise
2015- Sea Turtle Clinic of Moorea, 2004-2014.
Balazs 2016 "A Lifelong Relationship." English version
Balazs (2016) "A lifelong relationship.." French Version
2016- Tahiti the East Coast: The Wild Side. RevaTahiti.
2016- Tuamotu- Le Coureurs d'Atolls. RevaTahiti.
2016- The Marquesan Festival of Arts. RevaTahiti.
2016- Voyage Dans Le Monde Des Images Oceaniennes. RevaTahiti.
2017- A Tribute to Tahiti's Alex du Prel, 1944-2017.
2017- Tahiti Photo Album by George Balazs.
2017- Rurutu. Air Tahiti Magazine.
2017- Societe Des ETudes Oceaniennes: Te Niu Ini Ma'ohi.
2017- Tahiti Beach Press: Remembering Yoshi Sinoto and Homer Morgan.
2017/2018- French Polynesia: Islands Travel Guide in French and English.
2018- Sea Turtles of the French Territories. SWOT Volume 18.
2018- Les Nouveaux Billets En F CFP.
2018- Hei Moana: Les Sentinelles de l'Ocean. Te Mana o te Moana, French Polynesia.
2018- L'lle De Mehetia. Tahiti Pacifique.
2018- Hawksbill Image on 1000 CFP Notes in French Polynesia.
2018-2019 Letters from Johann Muller at Napuka 98772 to George Balazs.
2019- Proceedings of the 39th Symposium in Charleston, South Carolina: https://www.
2019- Air Tahiti Flight Schedule April-November Horaires Te Mau Hora No Te Manureva.
2019- A Journey to the Disappointment Islands. BBC Travel.
2019- Oceanie: Les Destins Les Plus Marquants.
2019- Le Heiva, Symbole Culturel Du Fenua.
2019- Aidons Nos Oiseaux Marin.
2019- A Quand Une Gestion Decent De Nos Defunts? Tahiti Pacifique.
2019- Le Gouvernment Recoit les Six Mairess de Marquises.
2020- Tetiaroa: Brando Paradise Costco advertisement.
2020- Islands Airline Bientot En Piste! Tahiti Pacifique.
2020- Le Pufenua, Ou Enterrement Du Placenta- Placenta Burial. Tahiti Pacifique.
2020- Tahiti Beach Press. February.
2020- Notre Tourisme, Notre Economie. Te Mana O Te Moana. Honua Terre Magazine.
2020- Huahine Tourisme Map Society Islands.
2020- Hotel Tiare Tahiti in Papeete.
2020- The Tiare Tahiti Hotel is Closing its Doors. TNTV Tahiti Nui Télévision.
2020- Petroglyph Honu Stone on Moorea in French Polynesia.
2020- 60 years ago the first Paris-to-Tahiti flight landed in Faa'a. Radio1 Tahiti.
2020- Ela Poroi passed away at 98 - Polynesia the 1st.
2020- Jean-Claude Soulier: Goodbye friend!
2020- The 1857 Cannibals of Tematangi- Les Cannibales de Tematangi.
2020- Waltzing with Brando Movie. Radio 1 Tahiti.
2021- Sable de Tahaa: the white gold that illuminates the tombs - Polynesia the 1st.
2021- Tombs on the family land: the tradition continues.
2022- Edouard Fritch & Patrick Galenon Tahiti Info Newspaper Articles.
2022-2023 French Polynesia Islands Travel Guide.
2023- Letter to PF President Moetai Brotherson from George Balazs Sent by Express Mail.
2023- How an Ancient Practice Aids Marine Conservation: Rahui and the Art of Marine Conservation.
2023- Fenua Ma. Presentation du Syndicat. In French.
2023- Ensemble, Agissons Pour Le Bien-Etre Humain & Animal.
2024- Archipel des Tuamotu. Excerpt.
2024- Une Etude Pour Faire Rayonner Le Tahitien. Tahiti Info.
2024- French Polynesians revive traditional rāhui to protect fish — and livelihoods.
2024- A Pearl of the South Seas. Hana Hou.
2024- An “Exceptional” Green Turtle Nesting Season in Tetiaroa. Tahiti Info.
2024- Invasion d'algues a' Toahotu. Tahiti-Infos.
2024-Beware of Stonefish. Tahiti Infos.
Papafitsoros, Hoh et al. (2025) Sea Turtle Photo Identification- A Practical Guide.