Balazs (1969) The Composition, Digestibility, and Energy Evaluation of Food Waste Products for Swine in Hawaii. MS Thesis in Animal Sciences, UH Manoa.

Balazs (1970s) Six Mini-Proposals Submitted for Funding. HIMB.

Balazs (Early 1970s) Status of Marine Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands. HIMB Unpublished Manuscript.

Balazs (1970s) Proposed Protection for Marine Turtles. HIMB Unpublished Manuscript.

Balazs (1970s) Summary of Information on Marine Turtles in the Phoenix and Line Islands. Unpublished Manuscript.

Balazs, Hugh and Brooks (1971) Composition, Digestibility & Energy Evaluation of Food Waste Products for Swine in Hawaii. Tech Bull 84, HAES-UH

Balazs (1973) A Project Proposal for Research to be Conducted Within the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge.

Balazs, Ross & Brooks (1973) A Feed Preparation System for Crustacean Diets. SPIFN, Noumea.

Balazs (1973-1980) Research Study Dossier of Marine Turtle Populations in the Hawaiian Islands. HIMB.

Balazs (1973) Summary of Significant Information Relating to Marine Turtle Regulation 36.

1973- Testimony Presented by George H. Balazs September 21, 1973 Concerning Regulation 36 Relating to Protection of Marine Turtles in Hawaiian Waters.

Balazs (1973) Summary Results of the 1973 French Frigate Shoals Green Turtle Investigation. HIMB.

Balazs (1973) Status of Marine Turtles in the Phoenix Island- A Preliminary Survey of Canton Island. HIMB Unpublished Report.

Balazs (1973) Proposal for An Investigation of the Marine Turtle Populations in the Canton Island Area. HIMB

Balazs (1973-1974) Testimony and Related Written Materials on Behalf of Legal Protection for Hawaiian Green Turtles.

1974- Testimony by George H. Balazs HIMB Concerning Senate Bill 1530 Protection of the Hawaiian Green Turtle.

1974- Letter to US Fish & Wildlife Service Lynn Greenwalt from George Balazs.

Balazs & Radovsky (1974) Proposed Protection for Marine Turtles in Hawaii- Working Draft.

Balazs (1974) Letter by George Balazs HIMB to the Honolulu Advertiser Regarding "Loophole Puts Sea Turtles Into the Frying Pan".

Balazs (1974) A Project Proposal for Research to be Conducted Within the HINWR. Submitted to the BSFW USFWS.

Balazs (1974) Survival Status of the Green Turtle Nesting and Basking Colony at French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. AFS-IAGFCC Meeting in Waikiki.

Balazs (1975) Good Example. Letter to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

Balazs (1975) Green turtle's uncertain future. Defenders.

Balazs (1976) Letter to the Editor About Mariculture Ltd. May 26.

Balazs (1976) Data on the Hawaiian Green Turtle Colony at French Frigate Shoals, 1974-1975. HIMB.

Balazs (1976) Extinction Threatened. SSB & A.

Balazs (1976) Green Sea Turtles- Letter to Pacific Islands Monthly About Notches in Shells.

Balazs (1976) Turtle People Interested in Inconel Tags. HIMB.

Balazs (1976) An Investigation of Growth in the Immature Green Turtle Under Natural Conditions. Research Proposal to NYZS.

Balazs (1976) Enewetak Atoll Research Proposal.

BALAZS 1976 HAWAII'S SEABIRDS TURTLES & SEALS $1.95 World Wide Distributors

Balazs (1977) Analyses of Turtle Parts Recovered from the Tiger Shark Stomachs Sampled at Pearl & Hermes Reef and French Frigate Shoals.

1977- George Balazs Terms of Reference for the Consultantship to Advise the SPC on the Future of the SPC Turtle Project Based in Fiji and the Cook Islands.

Balazs (1977) Instructions for the Recovery of Sea Turtle Parts from the Stomachs of Sharks and Carnivorous Fishes. HIMB.

Balazs (1977) HIMB Letter to Senator Daniel K. Inouye

Balazs (1977) South Pacific Commission Turtle Project: A Constructive Review and Evaluation With Recommendations For Future Action.

Balazs (1977) Marine Affairs Coordinator Green Turtle Project Activities Report.

Balazs (1977) Report on the experimental use of large mesh nets as a live-capture technique in the research of Hawaiian green turtles.

Balazs (1977) An investigation of the growth and migrations of immature green turtles under natural conditions: Research Proposal.

Balazs (1977) Information on the recently initiated sale of canned turtle products at Liberty House, Ala Moana Center.

Balazs (1977) Ecological Aspects of Green Turtles at Necker Island. HIMB Report.

Balazs (1977) Six-Point Program for Proposed Green Sea Turtle Management Study in the Hawaiian Archipelago. HIMB.

Balazs (1978) Summary of Information on Tiger Sharks Resulting from Reexamination of Data Collected by the 1967-1969 Cooperative Shark Research and Control Program.

Balazs (1978) Turtle Information Needed. Hawaii Coastal Zone News.

Balazs (1978) A Call for Observations- Turtles in Fish Stomachs. Elepaio.

Balazs (1978) Preliminary Outline for a Pacific Islands Workshop on the Management and Research of Sea Turtles.

Balazs (1978) Summary Report on a Meeting Convened by the NMFS to formulate a National Plan for the Management and Research of Marine Turtles.

Balazs (1978) Summary of Accomplishments for the First Six Months of Year 10 Sea Grant Project Survey and Assessment of Green Sea Turtle Resource in the NWHI.

Balazs (1978) Analyses of Turtle Parts Recovered from Shark Stomachs Sampled at P&H and FFS. HIMB Internal Report.

Balazs (1978) Letter to Editor Entitled "Turtle Scoop" + Letters by Litwin; and Felger, Clifton and Conejo. Outside Magazine.

Balazs (1978) Sea Turtles of Kahoolawe Island: A Preliminary Study. HIMB.

Balazs (1978) Anticipation Dates to Remember- Lecture "Ten days alone on Necker Island: Photographic reflections of a sea turtle biologist" Announcement in Kilo i'a Waikiki Aquarium.

1978-79: NWHI Survey Assessment of green sea turtle resources- Progress Report by George Balazs.

Balazs (1979) Preliminary List of the Dietary Components Recovered from Green Turtles in the Hawaiian Archipelago.

Balazs & Pritchard (1979) Marine Turtles of US Territories in the Central Pacific Ocean and the US Territories of the Pacific Islands. Contract Report to NMFS Richard Shomura.

Balazs (1979) Marine Turtles of US Territories in the Central Pacific. Report to NMFS.

Balazs (1979) Turtle Steaks. Honolulu Advertiser.

Balazs et al. (1979) Radio Tracking Investigations of Habitat Usage and Internesting Behavior of Green Turtles at French Frigate Shoals.

Balazs (1979) Photo- Asleep in the Sun. World Wildlife News.

Balazs (1979) Threatened Species Permit Application. HIMB.

Balazs (1979) Self-Assigned Duties of the Deputy Chair IUCN-SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group.

1979 Dillingham Tide Calendar - Seabirds of the Hawaiian Island- by George Balazs

Balazs (1979) Aerial Survey of New Caledonia- Flight Schedule, Maps, and A1-A150 Inconel Tags to J-L d'Auzon.

Balazs (1979) Significant Aspects of the June 1979 Sea Grant Field Study at French Frigate Shoals.

1980-1994 Turtle Steak Unavailable Despite Radio Commercial + Numerous Other Articles G.H. Balazs Collection.

Balazs (1980) Fact Sheet on the Cleanup Project Carried out at East Island, FFS.

Balazs (1980) Turtles & the Law + other letters and articles.

Balazs (1980) A Study Proposal to Complement Investigations of the Hawaiian Green Turtle Population Currently Underway by the NMFS.

Balazs (1980) Six Action Projects for the Enhancement of Green Turtle Nesting Habitat at French Frigate Shoals and the Possible Increase in the Numbers of Green Turtles in the Hawaiian Population.

Balazs (1980) Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle Management Study- Project Progress Report.

Balazs (1980) Historical Information on Eight Green Turtles Equipped with Transmitters at French Frigate Shoals During June 1980.

Balazs (1980) A Proposal to Enhance the Protection of Sea Turtles in Coastal Waters of Federally Controlled Lands in the Hawaiian Islands.

Balazs (1980) Data Summary for June 1980 Green Turtle Tagging Study Focused on East Island, FFS, NWHI. HIMB.

1980- Leeward Islands (NWHI) Resolution of 1979 by SSC and CNPPA of IUCN Introduced by George Balazs.

Balazs (1980). Fisherman Disputed. Forum, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 24, 1980.

1980s- Handwritten Planning Notes by George Balazs.

1981- George Balazs-Dick Young Notes on Albatross Reguritation.

Balazs (1981) Summary Status Report for Program Activities Involving Marine Turtles. NMFS-HL.

Balazs (1981) Biting Errors. Letter to Hawaii Tribune-Herald.

Balazs (1981) Captive Reared Green Sea Turtles Released into the Wild. Press Release.

Balazs (1981) Sea Turtles as Natural Fish-Aggregation Devices. Letter to News Media.

Balazs (1981) Large Sea Turtle Found Living in the Ala Wai Boat Harbor. Press Release.

Balazs (1981) A Proposal to Undertake the Breeding of Hawksbill Turtles in Captivity at Sea Life Park. NMFS & HIMB.

Balazs (1981) Letter to MTSG Members from George Balazs About Importance of Exchanging Information.

Balazs (1981) Cooperative Marine Turtle Conservation and Assessment in the Tokelau Islands- Proposal to WWF.

Balazs and Gilmartin (1981) Freeze-Marking Experimentation with Juvenile Green Turtles.

1981 Dillingham Tide Calendar- Featuring the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands- from the air and on the sea by George Balazs

Balazs 1981. "The Leeward Islands" (1981) Aloha- The Magazine of Hawaii

Balazs (1981/1982) Annotated Bibliography of Sea Turtles Taken by Longline Gear.

Balazs (1982) Sea Turtles and Their Traditional Usage in Tokelau. Report for WWF-US and Office for Tokelau Affairs.

Balazs (1982) Intent to Submit a Research Proposal on Rose Atoll to Sea Grant College Program.

Balazs (1982) The Hidden Hawaiian Islands.

Balazs (1982) Hawaii's Fishermen Help Sea Turtles. Hawaii Fishing News.

Balazs (1982) Recruitment, Growth and Developmental Habitat Requirements of Green Turtles in Their Nearshore Foraging Pastures. Proposal to Sea Grant UH.

Balazs (1983) Handwritten Letter to Dr. Emmett Aluli About Recovery of Hawaiian Green Turtles Relevant to Aesthetics, Culture, Science, and Human Nutrition.

Balazs (1983) Status Review Document for Pacific Sea Turtles. SWFC Admin Report H-83-15.

Balazs (1983) Opposition Letter to Mr. Parsons, Wildlife permit office, FWS, about import of farmed turtle.

Balazs (1983) Subsistence use of sea turtles at Pacific Islands under the jurisdiction of the United States.

Balazs (1984) Mystery Tag Found in Hawaii. MTN.

Balazs, Whittow et al. (1984) Biological Assessment of Nearshore Habitat for the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle

Balazs (1984) Brief Trip Report to Investigate the Occurrence of Turtles at the Warm Water Discharge of the Maui Electric Plant.

Balazs (1984) Tokelauan Request for Confiscated Tortoiseshell. Draft Guest Editorial for MTN.

Balazs (1984) Brief Summary of Knowledge on Sea Turtles of Pitcairn and Oeno.

Balazs (1985) Green Sea Turtle Research in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

Balazs (1985) Impact of Ocean Debris on Marine Turtles: Entanglement and Ingestion.

Balazs and Gilmartin (1985) A suggested modification of tagging pliers. MTN.

Balazs (1986) Information Summary on the Vancouver Aquarium Green Turtles Returned to Hawaii.

Balazs and Forsyth (1986) Status and ecology of marine turtles at Johnston Atoll: 1985 Assessment.

Balazs (1987) Project Proposal for a Constructive Review & Evaluation of the Hawksbill Turtle Project of the Micronesian Mariculture Demonstration Center.

Balazs (1987) List of Sites in the Main Hawaiian Islands where Sea Turtles are known to have Nested in Recent Years.

Balazs, Forsyth and Kam (1987) Excerpts of Kahului Bay Maui Study. From- Preliminary Assessment of Green Turtle Habitat Utilization. NOAA-TM-71.

Balazs (1987) Annotated list of shark attacks in the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii Fishing News.

Balazs (1988) Suggestions Wanted for Shell Marking Technique. Hawaii Wildlife Newsletter.

Balazs (1988) DX'ing with the Gooney Birds. Letter for CQ Magazine.

Balazs (1988) Objectives of Your Turtle Work and Methods to Use. Handwritten.

Balazs (1988) Recommendations and Options for Green Turtle Monitoring and Tagging at FFS for 1989.

Balazs and Choy (1989) Assessment of Hawksbill Nesting at Apua Point. NMFS Research Activities Report.

Balazs & Choy (1989) Research Activities Report- Efforts to Sample Sea Turtles with Tangle Nets at the Entrance to Kawainui Canal, Kailua Bay.

Balazs (1989) Research Activities Report- Monitoring of Sea Turtles and Their Habitats in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu.

Balazs and Choy (1989) Experimental Carapace Marking of Green Turtles at Sea Life Park- Research Activities Report.

Balazs (1989) Tumors Continue to Spread in Hawaiian Green Turtles. Hawaii Wildlife Newsletter.

Balazs (1989) Enlightenment. Outdoor & Travel Photography Sea Hunt.

Balazs (1990) Sea Turtle Tag Center of the Pacific. NMFS Honolulu Laboratory.

Balazs (1990) Research Activities Report: Summary of Recent Findings Relating to Green Turtles at Kawela Bay, Oahu.

Balazs et al. 1990. Status and ecology of marine turtles at Johnston Atoll: 1987 Assessment.

Balazs (1991) Scuds & Spaceport- No Scuds.

Balazs (1991) Objectives of the NMFS Sea Turtle Research Project Conducted off Waikiki.

Balazs and Wetherall (1991) Assessing Impacts of North Pacific High-Seas Driftnet Fisheries on Marine Turtles- Progress & Problems.

Balazs (1991) 3 Letters in Support of Making Waikiki a Marine Life Sanctuary.

Balazs (1992) Letter to MOP Mail Bag About Shark Attacks.

Balazs, Siu & Landret (1992) Sea Turtles of French Polynesia- Report of a Research Expedition to Scilly Atoll and Motu One.

Balazs, Siu and Landret (1992) Ecological aspects of green turtles nesting at Scilly Atoll in French Polynesia. ISTS-12.

Balazs (1992) Interim Recovery Plan For Hawaiian Sea Turtles. SWFSC Administrative Report.

Balazs (1992) Innovative techniques to facilitate field studies of the green turtle. ISTS-12.

Balazs (1993) Shark Attacks Are Not Mistakes.

Balazs (1993) Merely a Vicious Rumor. Surfing Magazine.

Balazs (1993) Marine Turtle Specialist Group. Species.

Balazs (1993) Sharks and Turtles.

Balazs (1993) Deadly Digestion. Letter (Stand Alone) to Honolulu Weekly 1-27-1993.

Balazs (1993) "Deadly Digestion" Letter to the Honolulu Weekly Page 2 January 27, 1993- Includes Full Issue for Historical Purposes.

Balazs (1994) Green Sea Turtle Plan is Working. Kauai Times.

1994- Turtles Need Protection by George Balazs.

1994- Untangling our marine resources at Kiholo Bay. HFN.

Balazs (1994-1995) 11 Short Letters Published in Hawaii News Journals.

Balazs and Morris (1995) Protocols for the Longline Fishery Observer Program to Collect Tissue Biopsies from Sea Turtles for DNA Analysis.

Balazs (1999) Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking: Bringing People Together for Conservation.

Balazs and Guinea (1999) A Constructive Review of the Status of Green Turtle Research, Monitoring and Methodologies in Queensland, Austrailia with Recommendations for Future Action.

Balazs (2000) Sea Turtles and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). MTN.

Balazs (2000) Sea Turtle Research and Conservation in Oceania. NMFS Marine Turtle Research Program.

Balazs (2001) Unofficial informal non-scientific survey legalizing hunting honu.

Balazs (2002) Conservation and Research of Sea Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands: An Overview. Proceedings WPRFMC.

Balazs (2004) Recommendations resulting from a consultancy at Le Meridien, Bora Bora, French Polynesia.

Balazs and Polovina (2004) Pelagic research of Pacific loggerhead sea turtles in partnership with Japan and Taiwan.

Balazs (2005) Hawaiian Sea Turtle Journey Home. Aloha Festivals Na Honu Hawaii.

2005- Special Achievement Award to George H. Balazs. National Wildlife Federation.

2008- Certificates of Recognition & Resolution to George Balazs from the Hawaii County Council & Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

Balazs (2008) Report of a Sea Turtle Training Mission to Palmyra Island for the American Museum of Natural History.

2012- "Fire in the Turtle House"- A decade of positive conservation influence. Message to Cturtle by George Balazs.

2012- Sea Turtles and the US Endangered Species Act. Message by George Balazs to Cturtle.

Balazs, Broderick, Godley and Work (2012) Inspection of Cayman Turtle Farm- 10-12th December 2012: Report to the Cayman Turtle Farm Ltd.

Balazs, Morris and Palowski (2013) An effective and safe technique to PIT tag hatchling green turtles captive bred at Sea Life Park. Baltimore ISTS.

Balazs (2013) CNP10 Hawaiian Islands- Revised Master File for Status Review Team.

Balazs et al. (2013) International partnership building resulting from group conversation session of PIFSC scientists. FY13 Milestone Report.

Balazs (2014) Schematic Model for Fibropapillomasis Disease Transmission in Hawaiian green turtles.

Balazs and Brunson (2014) Update 808 MTRP Stranding Information Bulletin, 1990-2013.

2014- 2nd Anniversary IUCN Hawaiian Green Turtle Assessment. Message by George Balazs to Cturtle.

Balazs, Seminoff, Work and Parker (2014) Dossier Report of the China/USA Workshop in Hawaii

Balazs (2014) Magnificent Marine Turtles of the Hawaiian Islands: An Amazing 40-Year Rise to Abundance. STAJ-25 in Amamioshima.

2015- Green Sea Turtle is Part of Hawaii by George H. Balazs.

Balazs (2015) Tunnels (Makua) Kauai- Summary of Prominent Findings 14-15 July 2015.

2015- 40 Years of Hawaiian Green Turtle Research Results. Message by George Balazs to Cturtle.

Balazs In Duerr (2015) Bring Honu Conservation Home. Hawaii Fishing News.

Balazs and Balazs (2015) Fall and Rise of the Hawaiian Honu: A 50-Year Witness to Cultural and Conservation Change. Hawaii Conservation Conference, Hilo.

2016- IUCN Helped Save Sea Turtles by George Balazs and Thierry Work.

Balazs (2016) For the Archives of Cturtle- USA ESA Status Review.

2016- "For the Archives of Cturtle" Message by George Balazs about Final USA Rulemaking for Retaining Hawaiian Green Turtle Listing Status Under ESA.

Balazs 2016 "A Lifelong Relationship." English version

Balazs (2016) "A lifelong relationship.." French Version

Balazs, Parker and Seminoff (2016) China/USA Strategic Plan Document for 2014-2016. PIFSC, NOAA Hawaii, August 2016, Unpublished Report, 23p.

Balazs et al. (2017) Excerpt- After 45 Years of Research a New Era Should be Initiated.

Balazs, Hargrove and Chaloupka (2017) Draft Manuscript titled Modeling Marine Turtle Growth at Hanauma and Kawainui, Oahu.

Balazs (2018) Hawaiian Hurricane Walaka's submergence of East Island. Cturtle Message by George Balazs with Link to Washington Post Article and Numerous Comments by Readers.


2019- George Balazs Message to Cturtle about PIT Tag Application Procedures- from the 2012 MTRP SOP for French Frigate Shoals in the Hawaiian Islands.

Balazs Statements on the Hawaiian Green Turtle Listing Status

Balazs Statements on the Hawaiian Green Turtle Listing Status

Balazs Statements on the Hawaiian Green Turtle Listing Status

Balazs Statements on the Hawaiian Green Turtle Listing Status

2021- Seeking Sightings of Sea Turtle Nestings in the Hawaiian Islands 2015-2020. 3/8/2021 Message to Cturtle by George Balazs.

Balazs (2021) Five Decades with Hawaii's Green Turtles- A Commentary Composed for Cturtle.

Balazs (2022)- The Fight to Take Back Hawaii- Including Sea Turtles- "Victims of Premeditated Theft". Message to Cturtle.

Balazs (2022) 49 Years Ago Today- June 1st, 1973. Message to Cturtle.

Balazs (2023)- About Honu Heros: From the Viewpoint of George Balazs.

Balazs (2024) Hawaii's Sea Turtle Conservation Success Story: A 50-Year Journey of Research, Recovery, and Cultural Awareness. XMAS Abstract.

Balazs (2024) What Do Sea Turtles Mean To You? Letter to Honolulu Civil Beat.

Balazs and Batibasaga (2024-2025) Ratu Honor to George from Aisake with Faith in the Turtles Resiliency.

Balazs (2025) A Look Back and a Look Forward: Honu at Punalu'u and Honu'ea at Honokohau.

2025- What ChatGPT says about the web site

Balazs (2025)- Comments on The Fight to Take Back Hawaii- Including Sea Turtles- "Victims of Premeditated Theft". Message to Cturtle.