1935- Wild Animals of Hawaii- The Hawksbill Turtle. HSB.

1957- Makau'Ea-Turtle-Shell Hooks: Excerpt from Fishhooks of Hawaii by Te Rangi Hiiroa.

Ross and Balazs (early 1970s) Draft Manuscript Preliminary Feeding Studies with Captive Hawksbill Turtles.

Ernst and Barbour (1972) Turtles of the United States: Marine Turtles University Press of Kentucky- 1969 Molokai hawksbill Nesting Documentation.

1974- Letter to Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Howard from George Balazs HIMB.

Balazs (1974) Hawksbill Turtle. HIMB.

1974-1985 Letters About Hawksbill Nesting in Kau to George Balazs from Nelson Santos, Arnold & Jeanette Howard, Adrian Akau, and Dirk, Linda & Tasha Galiza.

1975- Rare Hawksbill Found in Tide Pool. HSB.

1975- Hawksbill Turtle Products Turtle Data by Janet Blair.

Balazs (1975) Green turtle's uncertain future. Defenders.

1976-1986 Letters About Hawksbill Nesting at Kakuwai Orr's Beach to George Balazs from Richard Carroll, John Orr, and Penny Brown.

1997- List of Hawksbill Turtles Tagged by HAVO 1991-1996 from Larry Katahira to George Balazs.

1978- Letters from William H. Meinecke of Waiohinu, Island of Hawaii, to George Balazs.

Balazs (1978) Sea Turtles of Kahoolawe Island: A Preliminary Study. HIMB.

Balazs (1978) A Hawksbill Turtle in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. Elepaio.

Balazs (1978) Terrestrial Critical Habitat For Sea Turtles Under United States Jurisdiction in the Pacific Ocean.

Pillos (1980-81) The Hawaiian and Other Hawksbills. Waianae High School Class Report with Letter from Miriam Pillos to George Balazs.

1980s-1990s Sighting Reports Conducted by George Balazs Involving Hawksbills in Hawaii (N=12) and American Samoa (N=4) and One Loggerhead (Hawaii).

Balazs (1981) A Proposal to Undertake the Breeding of Hawksbill Turtles in Captivity at Sea Life Park. NMFS & HIMB.

1981- Letter to DOCARE LeRoy Mollena Molokai from HIMB George Balazs.

1982- Halape: Scarred Oasis.

Balazs (1982) Status of Sea Turtles in the Central Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the 1979 World Conference on Sea Turtle Conservation.

1982-2011 Graphic of Size Classes of Hawksbill Strandings in the Hawaiian Islands, 1982-June 2011 (N=98).

1982-2011: Number of Hawksbill Strandings Documented by the Marine Turtle Research Program in the Hawaiian Islands, 1982-June 2011 (N=98).

Wood et al. (1983) Hybridization of Chelonia mydas and Eretmochelys imbricata. Copeia.

Witzell (1983) Synopsis of Biological Data on the Hawksbill Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus,1766). FAO .

Balazs (1983) The fight to save the hawksbill. Letters- Pacific Islands Monthly.

1984- Letter from John Orr to George Balazs About Hawksbill Nesting at His Beach in Puna.

1984- Hawksbill and Green Turtle Confiscation, Tagging, and Release by George Balazs.

Meylan (1985) The role of sponge collagens in the diet of the hawksbill turtle.

1987- Letter to Bishop Museum Karla Nishinami from George Balazs About Hawksbill & Other Donated Sea Turtle Specimens.

1987- Correspondence from Julie Leialoha to George Balazs About a Hawksbill Fatality and Potential Nesting Beach Areas in East Hawaii.

1987- Dr. Sawa Necropsy Report & Related Correspondence for Hawksbill Collected as a Hatchling Reared by Sea Life Park

1987- Letter to Carla Kishinami from George Balazs Providing Data on Olive Ridley & Hawksbill Donated to Bishop Museum.

Meylan (1988) Spongivory in Hawksbill Turtles- A Diet of Glass. Science.

1990- Letter from FWS Karen Willson to George Balazs.

1990s- Help the Endangered Honu'Ea. Brochure.

1990s- Sea Turtles a Hawaii Wildlife Guide. Pacific Whale Foundation.

1991- Turtle Nest at Maalaea Bay Beach. DLNR-DAR Memo from Randy Honebrink.

1991-2014- Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund’s Hawksbill Recovery Project- Initial Report of Nesting Beaches Throughout Greater Maui and Historical Nesting Records, 1991- 2014.

1991-2014- Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund’s Hawksbill Recovery Project- Initial Report of Nesting Beaches Throughout Greater Maui and Historical Nesting Records, 1991- 2014.

1992- Turtlers Keep Up Efforts, Find Hawksbill Turtle During Kiholo Tagging. Ma Ke Kula.

1993- Hawksbill Turtles Make Comeback in Hawaii Waters. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

1993- Hawksbill Road-Kill (3 MB) at Kihei Maui. Photo Album by George Balazs.

1993- Kihei Maui Road-Kill of a Nesting Hawksbill Turtle. Photo Album by George Balazs.

Eckert (1993) The biology and population status of marine turtles in the North Pacific.

Rose, Conant and Kjellgren (1993) Hawaiian Standing Kahili in the Bishop Museum: An Ethnological and Biological Analysis.

1994- Summary of Recommendations Resulting from an Informal Interagency Hawksbill Planning Meeting Convened by Katahira, Forbes, Pultz & Balazs.

Balazs et al. (1994) Ecology and Cultural Significance of Sea Turtles at Punaluu Hawaii.

1994- Rare turtles spotted on Kihei Road. The Maui News.

1994-1998 Part 1 of 2: Maui Hawksbill Correspondence and Articles Compiled by George Balazs.

1994-1998 Part 2 of 2: Maui Hawksbill Correspondence and Articles Compiled by George Balazs.

1995- USGS Diagnostic Case Report #12412 Kealia Pond NWR Adult Female Hawksbill by Thierry Work DVM.

1996- Dr. Hokama Results of Hawkbill Turtle Study for Marine Toxins- Memo to George Balazs 9-23-96.

1996- USFWS Hawksbill Meeting of November 9th on Maui Notes by George Balazs.

1996-97 Hawksbills. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.

1996-2014 Hawksbills necropsied by Thierry Work USGS- Bar Graphics.

1998- Hawksbill Research Coordinating Meeting Convened at the Federal Building in Honolulu, Hawaii.

1998- Progress seen in protecting turtle s- with photo of male hawksbill at Sea Life Park Hawaii.

1998- Shore lights appear to affect nesting of hawksbill turtles. THA.

Katahira and Ellis (1998) Satellite tracking of hawksbill turtles nesting in the Hawaiian Islands. ISTS-16.

Schroeder and Balazs (1998) Caribbean Hawksbill NOAA Satellite Tracking Training Project in Barbados.

1998- US Pacific Recovery Plan for the Hawksbill Turtle.

1999: Letter from FWS Robert Smith to George Balazs About Hawksbill Turtle Research Coordinators Meeting.

1999 Efforts Under Way to Protect Outer Island Hawksbill Turtle Nesting Areas & Baby Turtles Guided to the Ocean.

1999- Helping Hands: The Rescue of Kauila.

2000s- Hawaiian Hawkbill Sea Turtles: A Species Struggling to Survive.

Bennett, Keuper-Bennett and Balazs (2000) Changing the Landscape: Evidence for Detrimental Impacts to Coral Reefs by Hawaiian Marine Turtles. ISTS-20 Orlando, Florida.

Ellis et al. (2000) Short-range reproductive migrations of hawksbill turtles in the Hawaiian Islands as determined by satellite telemetry. ISTS-18.

Balazs et al. (2000) Satellite Tracking of Hawksbill Turtles Nesting in the Hawaiian Islands. Supplement of the 16th Sea Turtle Symposium published in the 18th Sea Turtle Symposium, Tech Memo 436: 279-281.

Ligon and Bernard (2000) Characterization of Foraging and Internesting Habitat for Three Hawksbill Sea Turtles in Maui, Hawaii. Final Report to the Hawaii Wildlife Fund.

2001- USFWS Hawksbill Sea Turtle Research Coordinating Meeting of March 3rd notes by George Balazs.

Keuper-Bennett and Bennett (2002) Home Sweet Home: Aspects of green turtle and hawksbill presence in their feeding, resting and cleaning areas off Honokowai, West Maui 1989-1999. ISTS-20.

2002- List of Hawaii Hawksbill Embryo and Hatchling Genetics Samples Received from Larry Katahira- Compiled by George Balazs MTRP for Peter Dutton SWFSC.

2004- USFWS Hawksbill Coordinating Meeting Brief Notes of February 18th by George Balazs.

2004- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

2005- Annual Report Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Program, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

2005- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

2006- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

2006- Hawksbills Could Beat Extinction by Jan TenBruggencate. Honolulu Advertiser.

2007- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

King (2007) An assessment of sea turtle relative abundance, distribution, habitat and population characteristics within the Kahoolawe Island Reserve Hawaii. MS Thesis NSU.

2008- Specimen List for Shannon Graham UHH from Hawaiian Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Project.

Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2008) Those Other Guys- Chapter 7 Excerpt from The Book of Honu.

2008- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

2009- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

2009- Hawksbill Hatchlings Put on a Show by Indea Young. Big Island Weekly.

2009- Marine Turtle Research Program Hawksbill Update in Hilo Hawaii by Stacy Hargrove May 18.

Graham (2009) Analysis of the foraging ecology of hawksbill turtles on Hawaii Island: An investigation using satellite tracking and stable isotopes. UH-Hilo, MS Thesis.

Parker, Balazs, King, Katahira and Gilmartin (2009) Short-range movements of hawksbill turtles from nesting to foraging areas within the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science.

2010- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

2010- Kamehame Turtle Monitoring Project-Hawksbills: Hawaii World Turtle Trust Project 05.

2010-2015 Final Report World Turtle Trust: Hawai‘i Island Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Project NOAA Fisheries Grant Final Report Award Number: NA10NMF4540137.

2011- Thierry Work USGS Diagnostic Case Report of Hawksbill Tagged 3060, 3061 & 97M Morbid Obesity at Punaluu, Kau.

2011- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

2011- Hawai‘i Island Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Project 2010 Annual Report USFWS Permit: TE-739923-6 State of Hawai‘i DLNR.

2012- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

Seitz et al. (2012) Twenty years of conservation and research findings of the Hawaii Island Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Project, 1989-2009. Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit.

Snover, Balazs, Murakawa, Hargrove, Rice and Seitz (2012) Age and growth rates of Hawaiian hawksbill turtles using skeletochronology. MB.

Van Houtan et al. (2012) Hawksbill sea turtles in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. CCB.

2012- Hawaii Island Hawksbill Recovery Project 2011 Annual Report FWS Permit No. TE-739923-7 by William Seitz.

King (2013) Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund’s Hawksbill Recovery Project- Maui Nest Monitoring and Research Report (1991-2012).

King (2013) Assessment of Maui hawksbill characteristics and habitat utilization- in water surveys & incidential observations 1998-2013. Hawaii Wildlife Fund. PIRO Grant Report.

2013- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Permit Report.

2013- Hawksbill Sea Turtle 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation. NMFS and USFWS.

2014- Fencing Meant to Protect Dunes and Turtles. The Maui News.

2014- Live Kailua Beach Oahu Hatchling Hawksbill October 24th Examination Record by Robert Morris DVM.

2014- Live Kaneohe Marine Base Oahu Hatchling Hawksbill Examination Record by Robert Morris DVM.

2014- A Time Apart. Hawaii Fishing News

2014- A Time Apart- Anonymous (2014) Marine Turtle Newsletter.

Parker et al. (2014) First use of a GPS satellite tag to track a post-nesting hawksbill in the Hawaiian Islands with an indication of possible mortality. MTN.

2014- Hawksbills necropsied by Thierry Work USGS- Bar Graphics.

Van Houtan et al. (2015) Time in Tortoiseshell: A bomb radiocarbon-validated chronology in turtle scutes.

Hagemann (2015) A Sea of Turtles- Ka'elele, B. P. Bishop Museum

Parker, Balazs et al. (2015) Map Guide to Marine Turtle Nesting and Basking in the Hawaiian Islands

Van Houtan et al. (2015) Report from the Hawaii Hawksbill Recovery Implementation Group Meeting. NOAA-PIFSC.

2015-2019 Hawaiʻi Island Hawksbill Project Final Report for 11/01/2015-10-31-2019. Award No. NA15NMD4540116.

Van Houtan (2016) The developmental biogeography of hawksbill sea turtles in the North Pacific.

Sundquist et al. (2017) Long-term monitoring and protection of a rare nesting population of hawksbill sea turtles on Maui: trends and developments from 21 years of research. ISTS-37.

Sundquist and Bernard (2018) Factors in historical hatchling production and implications for nesting hawksbill sea turtles on Maui. ISTS-38.

2017- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Annual Activities Report Report for Permit TE829250.

2018- Action plan for research and management of hawksbill sea turtles in Hawaii, 2018-2022. NMFS/PIR and PIFWS.

2018- Feature Story: Conservation Partners Come Together to Save a Hawaiian Hawksbill Turtle.

2018- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Annual Activities Report for Native Endangered and Threatened Species Recovery Surveys, Monitoring, and Research on the Hawksbill Sea Turtles, Green Sea Turtles and Olive Ridley Sea Turtles.

2018- Hawksbill Turtle USGS Diagnostic Case Report #25562 by Thierry Work.

2019- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Final Report: The Research, Protection, and Monitoring of Maui Nui’s Nesting and Foraging Hawksbill Populations: Award Number NA15NMF45.

2019- Hawaiian Hawksbill Happenings: 2018 Year in Review- Presentation by Cheryl King.

2019- Necropsy Report of a Hawksbill Turtle Case No. 25645 Haleiwa Oahu by Thierry Work DVM Honolulu Field Station, USGS.

Meagher (2020) Monitoring of the Critically Endangered Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Honu ʻea) on Hawaiʻi Island. TCBES Report for MS at UH-Hilo.

2020- One Program's Quest to Save an Endangered Population

2020- Flickers of Good News for Honu'Ea in the Hawaiian Islands by George Balazs.

NOAA and USFWS (2020) Annual Hawaii Hawksbill Turtle Network Meeting. Summary Report. Convened April 14, 2020. Honolulu, Hawaii.

2020- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Annual Activities Report for 2019: Surveys, Monitoring, and Research on the Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Green Sea Turtle, and Olive Ridley Sea Turtle. FWS Permit TE829250-9 & DLNR Permit SAP 2018 (56)/2019 (68).

2020- Honu'Ea Are Truly Local, Study Finds. Mindy Penneybacker Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Gaos, LaCasella, Kurpita, Balazs, Hargrove, King, Bernard, Jones & Dutton (2020) Hawaiian hawksbills: a distinct and isolated nesting colony in the Central North Pacific Ocean revealed by mitochondrial DNA. CG.

2020- Satellite Tracking of a Nesting Hawksbill on Maui PTT 178534 Named 'Mama Hua'. Hawaii Wildlife Fund Press Release.

2020- Test Your Knowledge on Hawaiian Hawksbills at NOAA Fisheries.

2020-"The Night Gives Birth to Dark Red Turtles"- A 1999 Cultural Video Classic on Hawksbills in the Hawaiian Islands.

2020- Hawaii Preparatory Acdemy Helping a Hawksbill in Trouble.

2021- Work Underway to Protect Endangered Hawksbill Sea Turtles on Maui. Maui Now.

Gaos et al. (2021) Hawksbill Nesting in Hawai‘i: 30-Year Dataset Reveals Recent Positive Trend for a Small, Yet Vital Population. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Gaos et al. (2021) Interactions Among Hawaiian Hawksbills Suggest Prevalence of Social Behaviors in Marine Turtles. CCB.

2022- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Annual Activities Report.

Brunson et al. (2022) Three decades of stranding data reveal insights into endangered hawksbill sea turtles in Hawai‘i. ESR.

2023- Hawaii Wildlife Fund Annual Activities Report.

2023- Thierry Work USGS Diagnostic Case Report 2587 for 8 Hawksbill Turtles.

Horne et al. (2023) Non-Random Mating Within an Island Rookery of Hawaiian Hawksbill Turtles: Demographic Discontinuity at a Small Coastline Scale.

Van Houtan et al. (2023) Sequential Scute Growth Layers Reveal Developmental Histories of Hawksbill Sea Turtles. MB.

2024- Hawaiʻi Island Hawksbill Turtle Project 2023 Annual Report.

Nunley et al. (2025) Potential transoceanic dispersal of Geodia cf. papyracea and six new tetractinellid sponge species descriptions within the Hawaiian reef cryptofauna. PeerJ.

Hawaiian-English Sea Turtle Coloring Book

The Hawaiian hawksbill photo-ID catalog, 1998-present, by Hawaiian Hawksbill Conservation: www.HIhawksbills.org