1923 until Forever- Jeanette Kaualani Akiu Howard, Kapuna of Punalu'u.

1970s-1980s Punaluu and Other Kau Green Turtle Taggings Compiled by George Balazs HIMB & NMFS.

Handy, Handy and Pukui (1972) Punalu'u. Native Planters of Old Hawaii: Their Life, Lore and Environment. B.P. Museum.

1974- People of Kau Course well attended: Research Papers Available to Residents- Last Page Missing.

1977- Letter of Appreciation to Mr. Arnold L. Howard at Punalu'u from George Balazs HIMB University of Hawaii.

1977- Peoples of Kau.

Wright and Lay (1977) Ecology of the Green Turtle in the Feeding Pastures of Ka'u, Hawaii. Unpublished Report.

1980s-1990s Punaluu Selected Green Turtle Growth Rates from G. Balazs Field Notebook.

1980, 1984 & 1986- Letters from Arnold and Jeanette Howard to George and Linda Balazs.

1981-2010: Summary of 66 Green Turtle Tagging Expeditions to Punaluu, Kau District, Big Island.

1982- Letter to Arnold Howard at Punaluu in Ka'u from George Balazs.

1984- Honu Rises by Aelbert Aehegma.

1984- Illegally Taken Green Turtle at Punaluu. Don Chapman Column.

1984- Male and Female Rocks- Tales of Old Hawaii by Russ Apple. HSB.

1984- Mineral Analysis Pterocladia at Punaluu Kau & Organochloride of Green Turtle Blood Punaluu and Honolii.

1984- MOP Goes Turtle Tagging on the Big Island by Nancy Bernard. Imua Hilo.

1984- Recovery of Punaluu Tagged Turtle 7723 at Ninole Cove by Laura Craig.

1984- Summary of long term recoveries of green turtles made at Punaluu, Kau District, Island of Hawaii by George Balazs.

Herb Kane Letter to George Balazs 4/5/1984

Klemm (1984) Tagging Turtles May Save Their Lives. Magazine of Mid-Pacific Airlines.

1984- Turtle Dance- Poems of Hawaii by Aelbert Aehegma.

1984- Letter from George Balazs to Jon Enriques

Klemm (1984) Learning about green turtle's "lifestyles." Makai.

Chapman (1984) Bloody and illegal poaching of a green turtle. THA.

1984 & 1990 Turtle Sightings at Punaluu.

1986- Letter from George Balazs to David and Judith about Punaluu.

1986- Brewer to Revise Plans for Punaluu Expansion.

1986- MOP Student Values Job Experience- Barry Choy. Seawords.

1987- Letter to Mufi Hanneman, Vice President Corporate Development C. Brewer Punaluu Resort, from Walter Dudley MOP UH-Hilo.

1988- US Official Lauds Selection of Palima for Spaceport.

Winterbottom (1988) Development Proposals for Ka'u. Prosperity Through Preservation in the Great and Majestic District of Ka'u.

Alspach (1988) A study of the ecology of the Hawaiian green sea turtle at Punaluu using tag and recapture methods. UHH MOP Student Report.

1988- Turtle Tagging on the Big Island by Dan Bauer. SeaWords.

1988 Part A- Prosperity and Preservation in the Great and Majestic District of Ka'u. p1-52.

1988 Part B- Prosperity Through Preservation in the Great and Majestic District of Ka'u. p53-105.

1989- Sekitei Completes Big Isle Deal.

Bangay (1989) Letters- Punaluu. Hawaii Tribune Herald.

1989- Letter from Mrs. Jeanette Howard to George Balazs.

1990- Just Say No.

1990s- Kau the Southernmost District of Hawaii.

1990s- Underwater Studies of Green Turtles at Punaluu.

1990s- Punalu'u and HPA. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.

1991- Kapu Kau and Sacred Darkness- Excerpts from The Burning Island by Pamela Frierson.

Penisten and Dudley (1991) Turtle Tag. Hawaii Magazine.

Parks (1992) Tracking the turtle. Hawaiian Airlines Magazine

1992-1995 Kauila at Punaluu- He La Honu Turtle Monument Ceremony- Historical Documents of The Honu Project- John Roz & Laura, and Dale Zarrella.

Okano (1993) The effect of turtle grazing on Pterocladia biomass in Punaluu Bay, Hawaii. UHH-MOP Report.

Wibbels et al. (1993) Sex Ratio of Green Turtles Inhabiting the Hawaiian Archipelago. J. Herpetology.

1993- Turtles No Cry Now- Saturday Night at the Pahala Theatre by Lois-Ann Yamanaka.

Balazs et al. (1994) Ecology and Cultural Significance of Sea Turtles at Punaluu Hawaii.

1995- Punaluu He La Honu Celebration and East-West Center Workshop. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.

1996- About ARCAS's Hawaii (Guatemala) Sea Turtle Conservation Program.

Polhemus (1996) The Orangeblack Hawaiian Damselfly at Ninole Cove.

Balazs (1996) He La Honu- Turtle Day 1995 In Celebration of Hawaiian Sea Turtles. MTN.

Larsen (1998) A study of the effect posted signs have on the anthropogenic disturbances received by basking green sea turtles at Punalu'u Beach Park on the Big Island of Hawaii. George Balazs Project Adviser.

1999- Of Turtles and Tour Buses. Kau News.

1999- Punaluu Residents Seek Bus Ban.

1999- Hawksbill Turtles Nesting at Punaluu.

1999- Students Rescue Rare Turtle from Pond. THA.

Rillero (1999) The Return of Kauila. National Wildlife Magazine.

1999- Helping Hands: The Rescue of Kauila.

1999-2001 Punaluu Kau District News Articles and Other Items.

2000s- Review of Amber Pitt ISTS Poster on Punaluu Basking Green Turtles.

Rice, Balazs et al. (2000) Diving, basking and foraging patterns of a subadult green turtle at Punaluu, Hawaii. ISTS 18.

2002- Ninole Kau Pond Rescue, Kailua Beach Yard Nesting, MOC Diet and Miscellaneous China. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.

2002- Turtle Rescue Mission Releases Trapped Duo. Hawaii Tribune-Herald.

2004- Big Islander Jeanette Howard Recalls Life at Punaluu Beach. HSB.

2004- Big Isle residents fear development will ruin the fragile Kau Oceanfront.

2005- New Push for Resort. THA.

Thompson (2005) Isle Masterpiece Stolen.

2005- New Push for Resort in Ka'u. The Honolulu Advertiser.

2005- MOP Alumni Crowned Miss Hawaii.

2006- Draft EIS Sea Mountain at Punalu'u by Group 70 International. Related Articles.

2006- The Town of Punaluu? Proposed Development could Threaten Turtle Haven. Hawai'i Island Journal.

2006-2009 Punaluu and Other Kau News Articles.

2007- Malama Punalu'u Culture & Music Festival.

2007- Malama Punalu'u- The Heart of Kau.

2007- Punalu'u Recovery of Green Turtle 423B494262 Tagged at Puako in 2001.

2008- A Celebration For Our Sacred Lands.

2008- Malama Punaluu Festival Letters to George & Linda Balazs.

2008- Malama Punalu'u Booklet.

2008- Na'ope and Balazs Honored at Malama Pualu'u Festival.

2008- Turtle Tagging at UH-Hilo to Celebrate 25 Years of Research and Education by Jason Trimble MOP Seawords.

2008- Q & A Hawaii District 6 Candidate Guy Enriques. Hawaii Tribune-Herald.

Coney et al. (2008) 25 Years of Turtle Tagging with UHH-MOP. Commemorative photo book presented to George Balazs September 27, 2008.

Bambico (2009) The Future of Punalu'u. Hohonu Journal of Academic Writing UH-Hilo.

2010- Green turtles tagged and resighted at Punaluu Bay, 1981-2010.

2012 from Jeanette to Linda and George.

2013- Jeanette Howard Honored. The Ka'u Calendar.

Martin (2016) University of Hawaii at Hilo Marine Option Program Goes Turtle Tagging. Seawords.

2018- Kau Valley Farm. Kau News Brief.

Work, Balazs and Sims (2018) Punaluu Bay, Kau Volcanic Eruption Health Assessment of Green Turtles. JHonolulu Field Station Case Report 25591.

2018- Punaluu Beach Observations by Karla McDermid.

2019- Ali Aloha Traditional Hawaiian Greeting.

2019- Punaluu Tagging by UHH-MOP on 2/25/2019.

2020- E Ho Mai- Hawaiian Blessing Chant Before Entering the Waters of Punaluu in Kau.

2020- Card from Dear Kupuna Jeanette Howard on her 97th Birthday.

2020- Seas & Greetings from Mrs. Jeanette Howard to George and Linda.

2021-‘A Vision for Punaluʻu’: Black Sand Beach Developer Vows Community-Led Project for Neglected Area.

2021- Punaluʻu Black Sand Beach (Big Island): Turtles, swimming, and snorkeling.

2022- Here's how these Ka'u kids are learning outside of the classroom. Honolulu Civil Beat.

Jarvis (2022) Observing Patterns in Turtle Tagging Data through Statistical Analyses. Skill Project Report to the University of Hawaii at Hilo, Marine Option Program.

2022- Observing Patterns in UH Hilo MOP Turtle Tagging Data Through Statistical Analyses Presentation by Olivia Jarvis- MOP Symposium.

2022- Punalu’u Turtle and Beach Monitor Program.

2022- Malama Punalu'u Flyer.

Abrams et al. (2023) Encouraging Respectful Wildlife Viewing Among Tourists: Roles for Social Marketing, Regulatory Information, Symbolic Barriers, and Enforcement. Social Marketing Quarterly.

2023- Punaluu Tagging by UHH-MOP on 3/31/2023 with Marc Rice HPA, Thierry Work USGS & G.H. Balazs.

2024- Letter of Notification from Consultant Daryl Arai About Black Sand Beach LLC (Limited Liability Company) Recent Permit Application.

2024- Black Sand Beach LLC. DCCA State of Hawaii.

2024- SMA Permit Sought for Punalu'u Accommodations, Commerce. The Ka'u Calendar, February 2024.

2024- Time To Speak With One Voice: Which Punalu'u Do You Want?

2024- Punalu'u Ka'u Tagging 3-1-24 by Jen Sims/Lisa Parr/Matt Connelly MOP UHH & HCC (5 New, 8 Recaptures).

2024- Punalu'u Development. The Ka'u Calendar- March.

2024- Hundreds of Hawai'i Island Residents Protest Proposed Housing Project in Punalu'u.

2024- Punalu'u Turtle Tagging Informational Handout by UHH MOP.

2024- It's Been Like a Shell Game & No Decision on Punalu'u Village. Hawaii Tribune Herald 3-7 & 3-8.

2024- Proposed Development at Punalu'u. The Kaʻū Calendar News Briefs 2/13/24.

2024- Punalu'u Volcano School of Arts & Sciences Students Advocate to Protect Local Treasure. Volcano Community News.

2024- Punalu'u SMA Windward Planning Commission Agenda.

2024- "Irresponsible Cartoon re Black Sand Beach" by Eva Liu. Hawaii Tribute Herald's Your Views. 5-26-2024.

2024- When It's Gone... It Is Gone Forever! Ka'u Calendar May.

2024- Letter to George Balazs from Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation.

2024- Malama Pono Punalu'u Turtle and Beach Preservation Program Handbook.

2025- The Amazing Legend of Kauila.

2025- What's Happening at Punalu'u? Is What We Have Worth Fighting For?

2025- Punalu'u Water & Sanitation Rate Increase.