1923 until Forever- Jeanette Kaualani Akiu Howard, Kapuna of Punalu'u.
1970s-1980s Punaluu and Other Kau Green Turtle Taggings Compiled by George Balazs HIMB & NMFS.
1974- People of Kau Course well attended: Research Papers Available to Residents- Last Page Missing.
1980s-1990s Punaluu Selected Green Turtle Growth Rates from G. Balazs Field Notebook.
1980, 1984 & 1986- Letters from Arnold and Jeanette Howard to George and Linda Balazs.
1981-2010: Summary of 66 Green Turtle Tagging Expeditions to Punaluu, Kau District, Big Island.
1982- Letter to Arnold Howard at Punaluu in Ka'u from George Balazs.
1984- Honu Rises by Aelbert Aehegma.
1984- Illegally Taken Green Turtle at Punaluu. Don Chapman Column.
1984- Male and Female Rocks- Tales of Old Hawaii by Russ Apple. HSB.
1984- MOP Goes Turtle Tagging on the Big Island by Nancy Bernard. Imua Hilo.
1984- Recovery of Punaluu Tagged Turtle 7723 at Ninole Cove by Laura Craig.
Herb Kane Letter to George Balazs 4/5/1984
Klemm (1984) Tagging Turtles May Save Their Lives. Magazine of Mid-Pacific Airlines.
1984- Turtle Dance- Poems of Hawaii by Aelbert Aehegma.
1984- Letter from George Balazs to Jon Enriques
Klemm (1984) Learning about green turtle's "lifestyles." Makai.
Chapman (1984) Bloody and illegal poaching of a green turtle. THA.
1984 & 1990 Turtle Sightings at Punaluu.
1986- Letter from George Balazs to David and Judith about Punaluu.
1986- Brewer to Revise Plans for Punaluu Expansion.
1986- MOP Student Values Job Experience- Barry Choy. Seawords.
1988- US Official Lauds Selection of Palima for Spaceport.
1988- Turtle Tagging on the Big Island by Dan Bauer. SeaWords.
1988 Part A- Prosperity and Preservation in the Great and Majestic District of Ka'u. p1-52.
1988 Part B- Prosperity Through Preservation in the Great and Majestic District of Ka'u. p53-105.
1989- Sekitei Completes Big Isle Deal.
Bangay (1989) Letters- Punaluu. Hawaii Tribune Herald.
1989- Letter from Mrs. Jeanette Howard to George Balazs.
1990s- Kau the Southernmost District of Hawaii.
1990s- Underwater Studies of Green Turtles at Punaluu.
1990s- Punalu'u and HPA. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.
1991- Kapu Kau and Sacred Darkness- Excerpts from The Burning Island by Pamela Frierson.
Penisten and Dudley (1991) Turtle Tag. Hawaii Magazine.
Parks (1992) Tracking the turtle. Hawaiian Airlines Magazine
1993- Turtles No Cry Now- Saturday Night at the Pahala Theatre by Lois-Ann Yamanaka.
Balazs et al. (1994) Ecology and Cultural Significance of Sea Turtles at Punaluu Hawaii.
1995- Punaluu He La Honu Celebration and East-West Center Workshop. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.
1996- About ARCAS's Hawaii (Guatemala) Sea Turtle Conservation Program.
Polhemus (1996) The Orangeblack Hawaiian Damselfly at Ninole Cove.
Balazs (1996) He La Honu- Turtle Day 1995 In Celebration of Hawaiian Sea Turtles. MTN.
1999- Of Turtles and Tour Buses. Kau News.
1999- Punaluu Residents Seek Bus Ban.
1999- Hawksbill Turtles Nesting at Punaluu.
1999- Students Rescue Rare Turtle from Pond. THA.
Rillero (1999) The Return of Kauila. National Wildlife Magazine.
1999- Helping Hands: The Rescue of Kauila.
1999-2001 Punaluu Kau District News Articles and Other Items.
2000s- Review of Amber Pitt ISTS Poster on Punaluu Basking Green Turtles.
2002- Turtle Rescue Mission Releases Trapped Duo. Hawaii Tribune-Herald.
2004- Big Islander Jeanette Howard Recalls Life at Punaluu Beach. HSB.
2004- Big Isle residents fear development will ruin the fragile Kau Oceanfront.
2005- New Push for Resort. THA.
Thompson (2005) Isle Masterpiece Stolen.
2005- New Push for Resort in Ka'u. The Honolulu Advertiser.
2005- MOP Alumni Crowned Miss Hawaii.
2006- Draft EIS Sea Mountain at Punalu'u by Group 70 International. Related Articles.
2006- The Town of Punaluu? Proposed Development could Threaten Turtle Haven. Hawai'i Island Journal.
2006-2009 Punaluu and Other Kau News Articles.
2007- Malama Punalu'u Culture & Music Festival.
2007- Malama Punalu'u- The Heart of Kau.
2007- Punalu'u Recovery of Green Turtle 423B494262 Tagged at Puako in 2001.
2008- A Celebration For Our Sacred Lands.
2008- Malama Punaluu Festival Letters to George & Linda Balazs.
2008- Malama Punalu'u Booklet.
2008- Na'ope and Balazs Honored at Malama Pualu'u Festival.
2008- Q & A Hawaii District 6 Candidate Guy Enriques. Hawaii Tribune-Herald.
Bambico (2009) The Future of Punalu'u. Hohonu Journal of Academic Writing UH-Hilo.
2010- Green turtles tagged and resighted at Punaluu Bay, 1981-2010.
2012 from Jeanette to Linda and George.
2013- Jeanette Howard Honored. The Ka'u Calendar.
Martin (2016) University of Hawaii at Hilo Marine Option Program Goes Turtle Tagging. Seawords.
2018- Kau Valley Farm. Kau News Brief.
2018- Punaluu Beach Observations by Karla McDermid.
2019- Ali Aloha Traditional Hawaiian Greeting.
2019- Punaluu Tagging by UHH-MOP on 2/25/2019.
2020- E Ho Mai- Hawaiian Blessing Chant Before Entering the Waters of Punaluu in Kau.
2020- Card from Dear Kupuna Jeanette Howard on her 97th Birthday.
2020- Seas & Greetings from Mrs. Jeanette Howard to George and Linda.
2021- Punaluʻu Black Sand Beach (Big Island): Turtles, swimming, and snorkeling.
2022- Here's how these Ka'u kids are learning outside of the classroom. Honolulu Civil Beat.
2022- Punalu’u Turtle and Beach Monitor Program.
2023- Punaluu Tagging by UHH-MOP on 3/31/2023 with Marc Rice HPA, Thierry Work USGS & G.H. Balazs.
2024- Black Sand Beach LLC. DCCA State of Hawaii.
2024- SMA Permit Sought for Punalu'u Accommodations, Commerce. The Ka'u Calendar, February 2024.
2024- Time To Speak With One Voice: Which Punalu'u Do You Want?
2024- Punalu'u Development. The Ka'u Calendar- March.
2024- Hundreds of Hawai'i Island Residents Protest Proposed Housing Project in Punalu'u.
2024- Punalu'u Turtle Tagging Informational Handout by UHH MOP.
2024- Proposed Development at Punalu'u. The Kaʻū Calendar News Briefs 2/13/24.
2024- Punalu'u SMA Windward Planning Commission Agenda.
2024- When It's Gone... It Is Gone Forever! Ka'u Calendar May.
2024- Letter to George Balazs from Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation.
2024- Malama Pono Punalu'u Turtle and Beach Preservation Program Handbook.
2025- The Amazing Legend of Kauila.
2025- What's Happening at Punalu'u? Is What We Have Worth Fighting For?
2025- Punalu'u Water & Sanitation Rate Increase.