2010- Turtle Soup Recipe: The Mini Cookbook in My Family. In Japanese.

2010- Japan, Tanegashima, Hiwasa-Minami, Enoshima and PNPA Aquaria, and Singapore. Photo Album by George Balazs.

Nishizawa et al. (2010) Differences in the skull morphology between juvenile and adult green turtles: Implications for the ontogenetic diet shift. Current Herpetology.

Sasaki et al. 2010. Endangered traditional beliefs in Japan: Influences on snake conservation. Herp. Conservation and Biology.

2010- Hiwasa Chelonian Museum Brochure.

2010- Hiwasa Town Brochure.

2003-2011 How long do Wildlife Computers' transmitters on loggerhead turtles in the North Pacific stay transmitting? Graphic by Denise Parker.

2011- Argos Tags to be Deployed in the Sea of Japan.

Kamezaki (2011) Assessing the State of Japanese Coastal Fisheries and Sea Turtle Bycatch. Contract Report to the WPRFMC.

Omuta (2011) Conservation Project on Yakushima Islands. In Conservation of Pacific Sea Turtles Edited by Dutton et al.

2011- Sea of Japan Loggerhead Releases with 3.5 Month Recovery of 36.1cm SCL Turtle.

Ishihara (2011) Life history in maturation process of loggerhead turtles in the North Pacific. PhD dissertation English/Japanese.

Okuyama et al. (2011) Trans-Pacific dispersal of loggerhead hatchlings inferred from numerical simulation modeling. Marine Biology.

Ishihara, Kamezaki, Matsuzawa et al. (2011) Reentry of juvenile and sub-adult loggerhead turtles into natal waters of Japan. Current Herpetology (Herpetological Society of Japan).

2011- Sanyo Pachinko Atlantis Lagoon with Sea Turtles- Booklet.

2011- Letter from the Sea Turtle Association of Japan to the PIFSC Deputy Director Michael Seki Regarding PLoS One 2011 Publication by Kyle Van Houtan.

Ishihara and Kamezaki (2011) Size at maturity and tail elongation of loggerheads in the North Pacific. CCB.

Fujii (2012) Folklore: History of relationship between people and sea turtles.The Natural History of Sea Turtles in Japan.

Kramer and Kramer (2013) The Other Islands of Aloha. The Hawaiian Journal of History.

Kurita, Saito, Okamoto, Soichi, Kamezaki and Balazs (2012) Captive breeding of hawksbill turtle and attempt to return them to wild. 8th International Aquarium Congress.

Asuka Ishizaki (2014) Summary Report of the 3rd East Asia Regional Meeting, 34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation.

2014- Amami Oshima Japan newspaper articles featuring STAJ keynote talk by George Balazs.

Kei Okamoto (2014) Morphology of the Black Turtle in Japan. PhD Dissertation.

Ishihara, Kamezaki, Matsuzawa and Ishizaki (2014) Assessing the Status of Japanese Coastal Fisheries and Sea Turtle Bycatch. In Japanese.

Okamoto and Kamezaki (2014) Morphological variation in Chelonia mydas from coastal waters of Japan...Current Herpetology.

2015- Giant maguro donated to shrine of fish-god Ebisu.

Saito et al. (2015) Tracking male loggerhead turtle migrations around Southwestern Japan using satellite telemetry. CCB

2015- Balazs, Ng and Okamoto: Amami-Oshima Umigame Meeting Announcement.

2015- Living with Sea Turtle Expansion of Modern Fishery and Sea Turtle Grave. In 26th STAJ Symposium Proceedings.

Hamabata et al. (2016) mtDNA Analysis suggests local origin of pelagic stage juvenile green turtles collected in Japanese coastal waters. PS.

Matsuzawa et al. +24 co-authors (2016) Fine-scale genetic population structure of loggerhead turtles in the Northwest Pacific. ESR.

Kameda et al. (2017) Change in population structure, growth and mortality rate of juvenile green turtle after the decline of the sea turtle fishery in Yaeyama Islands, Ryukyu Archipelago. Marine Biology.

2017- Safeguards Required to Harvest 'Wild Animal' Meat. Tokyo.

Kume et al. (2017) Habitat use of sea turtles in the coastal waters of Tanegashima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture. Umigame Newsletter.

Kondo et al. (2017) Factors affecting the long-term dynamics of green turtles in Ogasawara, Japan: Influence of natural and artificial production of hatchlings and harvest pressure. CCB.

Rice and Balazs (2017) Pelagic Phase Research of Juvenile Loggerhead Turtles Made Possible by Professional Aquaria in Japan and New Caledonia. ISTS-38 Workshop.

Matsuzawa (2018) Sea Turtle Conservation in the Land of Urashima Taro. SWOT. Volume 13

Nishizawa et al. (2018) Comparison of the rookery connectivity and migratory connectivity: insight into movement and colonization of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in Pacific–Southeast Asia. Marine Biology.

Matsuzawa (2018) Report on Beyond Protection of the Sea Turtle: The 38th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology & Conservation, 18-23 February 2018 in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan. MTN 154.

2018 - 30-Year Reunion at Hiwasa Japan

2018- Beyond Protection of Sea Turtles- Special Session ISTS-38 Kobe, Japan.

2018- Keynote Opening Address by President Yoshi Matsuzawa. ISTS-38, Kobe Japan.

2018- Keynote Opening Address by Naoki Kamezaki. ISTS-38 Kobe Japan.

2018-2019 Stories From Mother Lake.

Oki, Hamabata, Arata, Parker, Ng and Balazs (2019) Inferred adult foraging grounds of two marine turtle species nesting at Amami-Oshima, Japan. CCB.

2019- Shikoku Aquarium Sponsorship Program.

2019- Turtle-shell divination in Tokyo- First time in 29 years.

2020- Loggerhead Turtle Nesting at the Northern Tip of Nesting Range. Ichinomiya Beach.

2020- Nippon Maru Stops in Honolulu. HSA.

2020- 112 Years, 344 Days Old.

Okuyama et al. (2020) Quarter-Century (1993–2018) Nesting Trends in the Peripheral Populations of Three Sea Turtle Species at Ishigakijima Island, Japan. CCB.

Hamabata et al. (2020) Natal Origin Identification of Green Turtles in the North Pacific by Genome-Wide Population Analysis With Limited DNA Samples. FMS.

2020- On Japan’s Chichijima island, old bonds with America runs deep. The Washington Post.

Kitayama et al. (2021) Histological findings of sperm storage in green turtle (Chelonia mydas) oviduct.

2021- Cultural Astronomy of the Japanese Archipelago- By Akira Goto. Excerpts including page 31 Urashima Taro

2021- Northern Border Islets Might Have Disappeared Off Hokkaido.

2021- Shikoku Aquarium Web Page- Kagawa, Japan- Director Dr. Yoshimasa Matsuzawa-  https://shikoku-aquarium.jp/en/

Bettelheim (2021) The Tortoise in the Temple: Orientalism, Japonisme, and the Exploitation of Asian Turtle Mystique in Western Popular Imagination. Bibliotheca Herpetologica.

2022- More than 30 sea turtles found dead on Kumejima Island - Fishermen admit involvement, with stab wounds to neck, etc.

Bettelheim (2022) Flânerie or Flimflammery? -The Urban Myth of the Flâneur and Turtle-Walking. Including Endo Period Japan Pages 7-12. Bibliotheca Herpetologica.

2022- Why does Japan’s most famous ocean legend end at this temple in the middle of the mountains? SoraNews24 -Japan News.

2022- Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium Brochures.

2022- Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium Booklet.

2022- PNPA Encounters of Joy With Living Things Through Which New Discoveries Await.

2023 ELNA Everlasting Nature- https://www.elna.or.jp/research/

Hamabata et al. (2023) Twenty-year changes in the composition of a mixed stock of foraging green turtles in the Yaeyama Islands of Japan.

Kameda et al. (2023) Apparent survival probability and abundance of juvenile green turtles in the foraging ground at Kuroshima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago. ESR.

2023- Urashima Taro.

Hatase and Watanabe (2023) Warmer air temperatures do not negatively affect body size and emergence success of loggerhead turtle hatchlings at Yakushima, Japan, the largest rookery in the N. Pacific. ISTS-41.

Kobayashi & Munoz (2023) Green Turtle Tagged in Okinawa Found 19 Years Later Nesting in Guam. MTN No. 166.

2023 Part 1 of 2: 34th Japaneae Sea Turtle Symposium in Nagoyako.

2023 Part 2 of 2: Data Supplement for 34th Japaneae Sea Turtle Symposium in Nagoyako.

2023- Nesting of Sea Turtle in Japan. STAJ.

2023- Sea Turtle Association of Japan Membership Application.

2023- PNPA, ELNA & Shikoku Aquaria 2024 Calendars.

Kosaka et al. (2023) Effects of Emergence on Hatchling Phenotypes in Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) of the North Pacific.

2023- Name Cards Given to George Balazs at the PNPA 34th STAJ Symposium.

2024- The Urashima Taro Robotic in Front of the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium.

2024- Kyoto Aquarium Brochure.

2024- Sanjusangen-do Brochure. Kyoto.

Inoue and Ishihara (2024) Estimation of survival rates of loggerhead sea turtles in Japan using a novel framework. Ecological Modelling.

Ishihara et al. (2024) Genetic characteristics of loggerhead turtles in the coastal corridor of the North West Pacific, around the Cape Muroto, Japan.

2024- 年晩夏に高知県近海に来遊したアカウミガメ成体雌2個体の秋冬季における回遊経路〇山口永晏・斉藤知己(高知大学海洋生物研究教育施設. STAJ Miyazaki, Japan.

2024- LIA Life Investigation Agency. In Japanese.

2025- Shibori Dyeing Technique. Gift from PNPA Director Kurita.