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2010- A Change of Heart. Fiji Times.

2010- Migratory Cultural Icon. Fiji Times.

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2014- Stephen Corry: Conservation Must Work With, Not Against, Indigenous Peoples.

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Alvarez-Varas et al. (2020) Cultural Role of Sea Turtles on Rapa Nui (Easter Island): Spatial and Temporal Contrast in the Pacific Islands. Island Studies Journal.

2020- Programme for Sea Turtle Health Assessment Workshop by Thierry Work USGS. February/March 2020.

2020- Some Polynesians Carry Native American DNA, Study Finds. NYT.

Piovano et al. (2020) Diet and recruitment of green turtles in Fiji, South Pacific, inferred from in-water capture and stable isotope analysis. MEPS.

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2020- SEA TURTLES IN OCEANIA: IUCN/MTSG Annual Regional Report 2020. Multiple County Authors. Edited by Thierry Work, Denise Parker and George Balazs.

2020- Chapter Authors of the IUCN/MTSG Sea Turtles of Oceania Regional Report 2020 Edited by Thierry Work, Denise Parker and George Balazs.

Yamani et al. (2020) Adjusting the Conservation Values through Common and Traditional Laws to Protect Turtles: The Case Of Enggano Island. IJSTR.

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2021- Study reveals 'exciting' history of humans in Pacific. But critics blast lack of indigenous input. Science.

2021- SPREP Regional Marine Species Action Plans Implementation Review.

2021- Introduction for SPREP Marine Species 7-2021 Meeting to the MTSG 2020 Report on Sea Turtles of Oceania. T. Work, D. Parker and G. Balazs, Editors.

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2021- What is Parachute Science? Turning the Tide. Current Biology.

2022- Pacific Islands Regional Marine Species Programme 2022–2026.

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Prakash et al. (2022) Kinship genomics approach to study mating systems in a depleted sea turtle rookery. Regional Studies in Marine Science.

2022- Pacific Leprosy Newsletter. May Issue.

2022- Program of the 2nd Annual Workshop on Sea Turtle Research and Conservation in the Hawaiian Islands-Oceania at Hawaii Pacific University.

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Jim et al. (2022) Destination Revealed: Post-Nesting Migrations of Hawksbill Turtles from Moso Island, Republic of Vanuatu. Micronesica.

Shanker et al. (2023) Decolonizing Sea Turtle Conservation. SWOT Volume XVIII.

Read et al. (2023) Twenty Years of Sea Turtle Strandings in New Caledonia. Zoological Studies.

2023- New Book: Decolonize Conservation: Global Voices for Indigenous Self-determination, Land, and a World in Common', Survival.

2023- Nuclear Descendants In Hawaii Are Incensed By Blown Bikini Atoll Reparation Funds.

Hickey, Aromalo & Straza (2023) A Review of the Management and Conservation of Sea Turtles in Vanuatu. SPREP, Apia, Samoa.

O'Garra et al. (2023) National-Level evaluation of a community based marine management initiative. Nature Sustainability.

Roden et al. (2023) Population structure of Pacific green turtles: a new perspective from microsatellite DNA variation.

Conrad et al. (2023) Anthropogenic Uranium Signatures in Turtles, Tortoises, and Sea Turtles from Nuclear Sites.

Hof et al. (2023) From rookeries to foraging grounds: understanding regional connectivity and genetic diversity in hawksbill turtle.

2023- Policies and Global Agreements Must Benefit Rural Dwellers, Says Veitayaki.

Pilcher (2023) The SPREP Sea Turtle Monitoring Manual.

Staines et al. (2023) Short-term resilience to climate-induced temperature increases for equatorial sea turtle populations. Global Change Biology.

Fretey, Read et al. (2023) From terra incognita to hotspot: the largest South Pacific green turtle nesting population in the forgotten reefs of New Caledonia. Oryx.

2023- Assessment of the Conservation Status of the Hawksbill Turtle in the Western Pacific Ocean Region. CMS TSP No. 45.

2023- Confiscation Disappoints Chiefs. 11-25-2023 Fiji Times.

2023- Program for Conservation of Sea Turtles within the Cultural Context of Oceania - What We Have Learned. 22nd & 23rd November, Suva Fiji.

2023- Who Owns the Sea Turtles in Pacific Islands Oceania Cultures? Chat GPT's Answer.

2023- Turtles Without Borders- New Caledonia Marine Turtle Argos Tracking. WWF.

2023- Voyages: Stories of an Ocean People.

2023-Jack's of Fiji Brochure

Hamilton et al. (2023) Freedivers Harvest Thousands of Sea Turtles a Year in the Solomon Islands.

2023- Summary Documents of the Oceania Sea Turtle Workshop 2023. Suva, Fiji.

2024- TREDS Summary Report 1970-2018. SPREP.

2024- What True Conservation Of The Pacific Remote Islands Involves by Angelo Villagomez & Steven Manaoakamai Johnson.

Rice, Jim, Hickey & Balazs (2024) Post Nesting Migrations of Hawksbill Turtles Nesting at Moso Island, Republic of Vanuatu. Preliminary Report 7-12 January.

2024- Cook Islands Turtle Tour Operators Sign Conservation Agreement.

2024- People of the Vaka. Hana Hou.

2024- A Shower and Toilet for Petelo. Pacific Leprosy Newsletter with Donation Information.

2024- New Caledonia- UN Experts Alarmed by the Situation of the Kanaks. Tahiti-Infos.

2024- Rocks On Rapa Nui Tell The Story Of A Small Resilient Population. Honolulu Civil Beat.

2024- Conflict Islands Conservation Initiative & The Coral Islands Ltd 2023 – 2024 Turtle Nesting Season End of Season Report.

Finucci and Dunn (2024) Post-release survival for leatherback turtles caught in New Zealand surface longline fisheries.

2024- FestPAC- Protecting Oceania And Charting Future Voyages. Honolulu Civil Beat.

Balazs and Batibasaga (2024-2025) Ratu Honor to George from Aisake with Faith in the Turtles Resiliency.

Robbins et al. (2025) Report from the Decolonising Sea Turtle Conservation Walking the Talk Workshop at the 42nd International Sea Turtle Symposium, Pattaya, Thailand. Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter 41-07.