1928-2019 Richard Shomura- Founding Father of the MTRP Marine Turtle Research Program.
1970s-1990s 1 of 4: G.H. Balazs Work & Awards File HIMB & NMFS.
1970s-1990s 2 of 4: G.H. Balazs Work & Awards File HIMB & NMFS.
1970s-1990s 3 of 4: G.H. Balazs Work & Awards File HIMB & NMFS.
1970s-1990s 4 of 4: G.H. Balazs Work & Awards File HIMB & NMFS.
1976-2006: Diseased, Stranded, Longline and Euthanized Marine Turtles from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Necropsied by Thierry Work in collaboration with MTRP.
1979- Draft Plan for Marine Turtle Research in the Central and Western Pacific for United States and International Conservation by NMFS Honolulu Lab Director Richard Shomura.
1980- National Marine Fisheries Service Joins in Marine Turtle Workshop. Hawaii Tribune-Herald.
Altonn (1980) Transmitters Reveal Turtles' Way of Life. HSB
Hendrickson and Hendrickson (1980) Living Tags for Sea Turtles. SWFC Report 80-17C.
1980 USFWS Permit Branch Denial Letter for Sea Turtle Research Permit.
1980s- The Sea Turtle: Cyrus Noble Original. Gift from Bill Gilmartin to George Balazs.
1980s Public Sighting Information for Turtles and Seals SASE Postcard Reports Conducted by MTRP George Balazs.
Balazs (1980s) Status of Marine Turtle Conservation and Research in the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian Sea Turtle Recovery Team. NMFS SWFSC HL.
1980-1984 Information Relating to Autografting of Hawaiian Green Turtle Hatchlings by John & Lupe Hendrickson & Autografting at French Frigate Shoals.
1980s-1990 Public Sighting Information for Turtles and Seals SASE Postcard Reports Conducted by MTRP George Balazs.
1981- Green Turtles Released at Turtle Beach, Makaha. Country Living.
Whitten (1981) Scientists Use Brawn to Assist Sea Turtles. HSB.
1981- NWHI Ocean Dumping of Radioactive Waste- Memo from George Balazs to William Gilmartin.
1981- NMFS Memo from George Balazs regarding dumping of radioactive waste in the NWHI.
Balazs (1981) A plan for the ocean release of 1-year-old Hawaiian green turtles raised in captivity.
1981- Tagging Records for Captive-Reared Green Turtles Released at Mokuleia, Bellows, Kilauea Point, Makaha, Kewalo, FFS, Paia, Hanauma, Chun's Reef and Hilo (including 5690).
1982-2018 Hawaii Strandings: Data Table to 2020 and Stranding Graphic to 2018.
1982- Waimanalo Leatherback Stranding and Necropsy Notes by G.H. Balazs & Colleagues
1982- Letter from Dale Coggeshall, USFWS Pacific Islands Administrator, to NMFS Lab Director Richard Shomura About Improving Dealings with Others.
1982- Seminar Announcement- Some Biological and Historical Aspects of Sea Turtles at Rose Atoll and the Manua Group of American Samoa by George Balazs.
1982- Note to George Balazs from Kim Wright USFWS Law Enforcement Agent.
1982- NMFS Internal Memo from George Balazs to Bill Gilmartin on a Sea Turtle Take Exemption and Review of ESA Listing.
1982-1983 Miscellaneous Notes & Items About MTRP Auto-Grafting Green Turtle Hatchlings.
1982-1983 Photo Notes and Contact Sheets of Auto-Grafting Green Turtle Hatchlings at French Frigate Shoals.
1982-2015: 732 Diseased and Injured Stranded Marine Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands Requiring Euthanasia.
1982-2015- Cause of Green Turtle Stranding Trends in the Main Hawaiian Islands, 1982-2015.
1982-2018- Hawaiian Green Turtle Stranding Events by Cause Graphic, 1982-2018
1982-2018- MTRP/MTBAP Hawaii Green Turtle Seven Causes of Stranding Graphic with Case-by-Case Data 1982-2020.
1983- Suggested Checklist of Some Sea Turtle Research Activities from George Balazs to Bill Gilmartin NMFS.
1983- Position Description for NMFS New Hire FTE George Balazs Signed by William Gilmartin & Richard Shomura.
1983- Scientific Collecting Permit 84-18. DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources.
1983-2013: Report- 70 of 6,584 sea turtle strandings (1.1%) involving puncture-related trauma. IR-13-021.
Balazs (1983) Status review document for Pacific sea turtles. SWFSC AR H-83-15.
1984- French Frigate Shoals Green Turtle Hatchling Marking.
1984- MTRP Green Turtle Necropsy Report.
Balazs (1984) Recruitment, growth, and developmental habitat requirements of green turtles in their nearshore foraging pastures. UH Sea Grant Proposal.
1984- Tagging and Release of Green Turtle 6790-6791 March 21 by G.C. Balazs and G.H. Balazs.
1984- SCP State of Hawaii Permit Report of Turtle Taggings.
1984- Notes by George Balazs Regarding Meeting with NMFS Honolulu Laboratory Director Richard Shomura.
1985- Green Turtle Blood and Fat Samples Sent to Sylvia Braddon by George Balazs.
1985- Memo from George Balazs to E. Charles Fullerton About Recently Constituted Hawaii Sea Turtle Recovery Team.
1985- Brief Overview of Marine Turtle Research at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
1986- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Turtle Work at French Frigate Shoals in 1986 by George Balazs..
1986- Hawaiian Sea Turtle Recovery Team Meeting Notes by George Balazs.
1986- The Tale of the Wounded Turtle.
1986- Letter to George Balazs from Huang Chu-chien Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica Beijing, PRC.
1987- NMFS Memo to Bill Gilmartin from George Balazs About Environmental Contaminants at French Frigate Shoals.
1987 - NMFS Memo to Bill Gilmartin from George Balazs About Pre-Act Captive Sea Turtles.
1987- Memo from Richard Shomura Director NMFS Honolulu Lab to Doyle Gates NMFS WPPO.
1987- Memorandum from Richard Shomura to Doyle Gates on Tern Island Biological Opinion.
1987- Certificate of Recognition to George Balazs for Quality Step Increase from NMFS Center Director Izadore Barrett.
1987- George Balazs correspondence with Mr.Robert (Bobby) Hind about Kiholo Bay Turtle Tagging.
1988- George Balazs Memo to William Gilmartin Regarding NMFS/FWS Green Turtle Tagging Study at French Frigate Shoals.
Wetherall (1988-2004) Hawaiian Sea Turtle Recovery Definitions, Viable Population, and Related FFS Data.
1989- Plague Killing Sea Turtles a Grim Puzzle for Science (Includes Interview with George Balazs) Two Competing Theories on Origins of Epidemic. Sunday Star-Bulletin & Advertiser.
1990- August 1982 FFS Hatchling AutoGraft Recaptured August 1990 Kaneohe Bay SCL 53.3 Flipper Tagged Z201 by Russ Miya & GH Balazs.
1990- George Balazs Letter to HIMB Director Phil Helfrich About Sea Turtle Flipper Tags With HIMB Address.
1990-Turtle Net Purchase Orders for Nylon Net Company.
1990- Note of Appreciation from Glynnis Nakai to George Balazs.
1990s- Hawaiian Sea Turtles G.H. Balazs File of Newspaper Clippings etc.
1990s Part 1 of 2- Public Sighting Information for Turtles and Seals SASE Postcard Reports Conducted by MTRP George Balazs.
1990s Part 2 of 2- Public Sighting Information for Turtles and Seals SASE Postcard Reports Conducted by MTRP George Balazs.
1990-2013: Rescue, Rehabilitation and Ocean Return of 835 Marine Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands, January 1990 - October 2013.
A Life's Work (1990s) NMFS Honolulu Laboratory Poster Featuring George Balazs.
1990s- Note cards by George Balazs for Mazu and Penghu Presentations.
1990s- Kaneohe Bay with the Marine Turtle Research Program. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.
1990s-2000s Hawaii Sea Turtle News Articles. G.H. Balazs Folder
1990s-2000s The Marine Turtle Research Program. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.
1990-2016: Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Ocean Return of 985 Marine Turtles in the Hawaiian Islands, January 1990-September 2016.
1991- George Balazs Comments to Phil Williams on Draft Sea Turtle 5-Year Status Review.
1991- Cooperative USFWS-NMFS Five Year Work Plan to Address Recovery Actions for Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles at FFS. Draft.
1991- Letters Relating to Delay in Issuing Hawaiian Sea Turtle Recovery Plan- G. Boehlert, P. Williams, W. Fox, S. Scott, Senator Inouye & Others.
1992-1993 NMFS Memos from George Boehlert and Gary Matlock Relating to Turtle Stranding Responsibilities.
1992-Preface by Jerry Wetherall and George Balazs TO Users Manual Marine Turtle Data Management System by Reese A. Tokunaga NMFS, SWFSC Honolulu Laboratory CD0192-H.
1992 Part 1 of 3: Users Manual Marine Turtle Data Management System by Reese A. Tokunaga NMFS, SWFSC Honolulu Laboratory CD-0192-H.
1992 Part 2 of 3: Users Manual Marine Turtle Data Management System by Reese A. Tokunaga NMFS, SWFSC Honolulu Laboratory CD-0192-H.
1992 Part 3 of 3: Users Manual Marine Turtle Data Management System by Reese A. Tokunaga NMFS, SWFSC Honolulu Laboratory CD-0192-H.
MTRP Stranding and Salvage Group SSG personnel 1992-2011
1994- NOAA Awards Bronze Medal to George Balazs. Includes Letters of Congratulations.
1995- Hawaii Kai Scientist's Efforts Help Restore Dwindling Population of Green Sea Turtles. Hawaii Kai Sun.
1995- Turtle Disposal. The Maui News.
1996- Letter & Photos from Wadsworth Yee to Mike Laurs NMFS HL Director.
Work, Balazs and Brunson (1996-2010). Microchips recovered during necropsies of 92 stranded Hawaiian green turtles.
1996-2011: Non-Marine Turtle Reports Received by the Marine Turtle Research Program.
~1997- Dead Sea Turtle Found at Heeia. THA.
1997- Cigarette Butts and Sea Turtles. Kokua Line HSB.
1997- Summary of green turtles tagged and resighted off the South Shore of Molokai N=1388 Compiled by G.H. Balazs.
1998- Memo from NMFS Mike Laurs and Dick Neal to Balazs & Polovina et al. About the Need for Technology Satellite Telemetry.
1998- Note from Julie Rocho at French Frigate Shoals to George Balazs.
1998- Part 1 of 2: Satellite Tracking Manual for Visiting Sea Turtle Research and Information Exchange Program. Compiled by G.H. Balazs & D. Parker.
1998- Part 2 OF 2: Satellite Tracking Manual for Visiting Sea Turtle Research and Information Exchange Program. Compiled by GH Balazs & D Parker.
Surgical Amputations of Sea Turtle Flippers, 1998-2010.
1999- Rules Not Helping Some Marine Life- Featuring Crusader Ken Nichols. The Honolulu Advertiser.
1999- Turtle Entangled in Fishing Line. HSB.
1999- Turtles Entangled in Fishing Lines. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
1999 Marine Turtle Research SWFSC NMFS.
1999- Hilde Cherry Handwritten Note to George Balazs.
MTRP 67 Journal Publications 1999-2011.
2000- Call Experts to Help Sick Sea Turtles by June Watanabe Kokua Line HSB.
2000- NMFS SWFSC Sea Turtle Research Planning Meeting in La Jolla California Notes by George Balazs.
2001- Hawaii Sees Increase in Stranded Turtles. Pacific Islands Fishery News.
How Many Honu? (2001) Chapter 2 from Fire in the Turtle House- by Osha Gray Davidson
Chaloupka (2002) Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle Population Model Forum.
2002- Vision for the Future at Kiholo Bay & East Island French Frigate Shoals by George Balazs & Marc Rice.
Chaloupka (2002) Workbook for Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle Simulation Model Development.
2002-2009: Mototooled turtles on the North Shore of Oahu.
Ripley's Believe It Or Not (2003) MTRP Hawaiian Captive-Bred Green Turtle's Roundtrip Journey.
2004- Comeback- After 25 Years of Protection Turtles Turn Around.
2004- The Turtle Doc of Hawaii. Mid-Week.
2005- National Wildlife Federation National Conservation Achievement Awards & Dinner.
2005- MTRP Hilite for Week of January 10-14, 2005.
2005- MTRP Staff User Policy for the Honulani Cam
Balazs (2005) Report of activities carried out under the authority of special use permit 12521-04005 issued 9/2004 by the Pacific Remote Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex FWS.
2006- Message from GHB About Review of Hawaiian Green Turtle Stock Assessment Potential Harvest Manuscript.
2006-2019 Pearl Harbor/Hickam Sea Turtle Strandings.
2006- MTRP Risk Management Assessment: for Ocean Capture of Turtles. Facilitated by Chad Yoshinaga
2006- Sea Turtle's Case of Bad Gas has a Happy Ending. The Maui News.
2006- Center for Independent Experts: Report by Professor Graeme Hays on green turtle research by the MTRP.
2006- "Simplified" Flow-Chart Draft of PIFSC SIS Publication Approval Process by Stacy Kubis.
2006 PIRO and WPRFMC Memo by Brandee Gerke and Irene Kinan - Results of meeting 7 July.
Snover et al. (2007) US Pacific Islands Research Plan for Green (excluding Hawaii) and Hawksbill Turtles. Marine Turtle Assessment Program PIFSC.
Kubis and Balazs (2007) Research Plan for the Hawaiian green turtle. MTRP/NMFS.
2007- Tracker Key MTRP Test of GPS Tracker.
2007- Report by Stacy A. Kubis on NWHI Green Turtle Activity Survey May 18-June 4, 2007. MTRP NMFS OES-0704
Hargrove (2008) Special report on marine turtle activity along Oahu's south shore and in the Waikiki area. PIFSC Internal Report IR-08-031.
Hargrove (2008) Special report on marine turtle activity in the Maunalua Bay area, Oahu. PIFSC Internal Report IR-08-20.
Nurzia-Humburg and Hargrove (2008) Special report on marine turtle beach use in the areas of South-East Oahu and North-West Lanai. PIFSC Internal Report IR-08-034.
MTRP Checklist of Policies and Procedures. 2008 Revision.
2008- Oahu green turtle stranding data analyzed by Milani Chaloupka for publication Chaloupka, Work, Balazs, Murakawa and Morris (2008)
2008- Letter of Recommendation for Shawn Murakawa by Geoge Balazs.
2008-2010 1 of 2: South Pacific Longline By-Catch Green Turtle Necropsy Reports by Thierry Work (N=13).
2009- Length (SCL cm) - Weight (lbs) Graphic for Hawaiian Green Turtles by Stacy Hargrove & G.Balazs MTRP.
2010- Message about signage to PIRO Division Chief Lisa Van Atta cc Others from George Balazs Leader MTRP PIFSC.
2010- Overview of the Marine Turtle Research Program for La Jolla, California Meeting.
2010- Marine Turtle Research Program/PSD Council Report for May-July.