1936-1994 Leatherback Behavior File of Letters, Publications, and Notes Assembled by George Balazs.

1960s-1970s Miscellaneous Hawaii News Articles + Old Collected by G.H. Balazs.

1960s-1990s Fish Poisoning File of George Balazs

1964- With Hawaii's Radio Amateurs by Katashi Nose KH6IJ.

1965- Honolulu Back in the Days.

1966- Why Must Our Men Die & Kill in Vietnam?

Chad Blair-Honolulu Was Already Transformed By Tourism In 1969 Honolulu Civil Beat

1967- 764-Pound Turtle Caught "Pots and Pots of Turtle Soup and Piles of Cutlets" The Honolulu Advertiser.

Hugh and Brooks (1969) Computing and Balancing Swine Rations.

1970s- Miscellaneous Articles File of George Balazs

1970s-1990s Barnacle and Other Invertebrate Papers, Articles, and Correspondence Assembled by George Balazs.

1970s-1990s Correspondence and Articles About the Subsistence Use of Sea Turtles Assembled by George Balazs.

Conway (1970) What's Endangered? Animal Kingdom.

1971- Fruit for the Home.

1972+ Hawaii Marine Turtle Newspaper Articles Collected by G. H. Balazs.

1972-1975 Animal Species Advisory Commission Historical Documents (December 1, 1972 - June 24, 1975). Relating to protection for Hawaiian Marine Turtles.

1973- Growing Raspberries and Other Plants.

1973-1999 Selected Newspaper Article Favorites of George H. Balazs.

1973- Ecologist- Shoot Fawns. Honolulu Advertiser.

Alika Cooper (1973) Letter to Division of Fish and Game, Land and Natural Resources about Public Hearing Testimony. 9-16-1973.

1974- Regulation 36 Relating to the Protection of Marine Turtles. State of Hawaii, DLNR, Division of Fish and Game.

1974- Turtle Steak Loophole Honolulu Newspaper Articles.

1975- Questions About Furs by Linda R. Evans HSB.

1975- Hawaii State Sunshine Law is in Effect Today.

1975- A Survey of the Marine Benthos in the Vicinity of the Kahului Generating Station Maui, Hawaii. Excerpts.

1975-1978 Marine Turtles-Land Turtles Articles & Items Including 1980s Marine Debris Files Collected by George Balazs.

1976- The Turtle as a Compass Needle + Related Articles.

Whitten (1976) Sea Turtles- Common Sense. Our Environment Column. Honolulu Star-Bulletin. 9/27/1976

1977- Sea Turtles by Marion Kim, Marine Aquarium Observer.

1977- The Pentagon's Deadly Pets.

Weiss (1977) Introduction to the film The Turtle People.

1978- Skiers Complete San Diego to Waikiki Crossing. LA Examiner.

1978- Marine Turtles, Land Turtles Newspaper Articles. George H. Balazs File.

1978-George Balazs' Life in the Field by Vic Lipman.

1978- Waikiki Aquarium turtles come home.

1979- USFWS Response to WPRFMC J. Marr Regarding Questions Posed by Alika Cooper.

1979- World Conference on Sea Turtle Conservation. MTN.

Lipman (1980) Interview with Clare Booth Luce. Honolulu Magazine.

1980- The Mystery of the Shroud.

1980- Kansas or Bust: Wired Turtle Sound Idea But Was Carried too Far.

1980-George H. Balazs- Dillingham Tide Calendar About the Photographer.

1980- How to Outsmart the Bureaucrats by Jack Anderson.

1980- Why I Tell Secrets by Jack Anderson.

1980s- Happy Ho-Ho Honu Holidays. Roz, Laura John & Bev The Honu Project Christmas Card.

1980s Entanglements and Plastics George Balazs Folder

1980s G.H. Balazs Pigmentation File.

1980s- Plastics & Debris File Assembled by George H. Balazs.

1980s- Correspondence and Articles About the Subsistence Use of Sea Turtles in the USA Pacific. Assembled by George Balazs.

1980s Part 1 of 3: Marine Turtle Poisoning File of G.H. Balazs.

1980s Part 2 of 3: Marine Turtle Poisoning File of G.H. Balazs.

1980s Part 3 of 3: Marine Turtle Poisoning File of G.H. Balazs.

Lipman (1980) Bombs, Birds and Whales: The little-known story of Kaula. Honolulu Magazine.

1980 USFWS Permit Branch Denial Letter for Sea Turtle Research Permit.

1981- Let's Hear it for Kansas- Letter Responding to Foolish Comment by George Balazs.

1981- Sea Turtles Find Friend in Court- Antonio Suarez Fined. Miami Herald.

1981- Scientists Use Brawn to Assist Sea Turtles by Harry Whitten HSB + 12-1980 Cleanup Fact Sheet.

Whittow and Balazs (1981) Basking Green Turtles. Sea Frontiers.

1981-1982 Alika Cooper Correspondence to the WPRFMC and between NMFS and the State of Hawaii relating to traditional green turtle harvest by Hawaiian People.

1982-2018 Green Turtle Strandings in the Hawaiian Islands by Seven Cause-of-Stranding Categories.

Lipman & Balazs (1983) The Lost Hawaiian Island. Honolulu Magazine

Markrich (1983) The Turtle Question. Honolulu Magazine.

1984- Buried Alive! by Norine Rouse.

1984 - Artificial Flippers.

1984- Meeting on the Hawaiian Green Turtle. WPRFMC, Hawaii State Capitol. Including 1983 Testimonies by A., K. & M. Cooper, R. Sylva, W. Ritte, & T. Nahiwa.

1984- Memo by NOAA Charles Fullerton A Review of the Uses of Subsistence Exceptions Relevant to Taking of Sea Turtles.

1984- Note, Photos, and News Clippings from Spencer Tinker Director Waikiki Aquarium to George Balazs.

1984-1998 Subsistence Taking of Sea Turtles in the Central and Western Pacific. 122 Pages by Various Authors Involving Decision Memorandum by E.C. Fullerton NOAA.

Herb Kane Letter to George Balazs 4/5/1984

Lipman (1984) Johnston Atoll- Hawaii's nearest neighbor. Honolulu Magazine.

Klemm (1984) Tagging Turtles May Save Their Lives. Magazine of Mid-Pacific Airlines

1985- Correspondence Between George Balazs & Chuck Johnston, Hawaii Fishing News.

1985- Plan for Hawaii's Wildlife by Harry Whitten.

1985-Artificial Reef to be Tested off Penguin Bank. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

Henderson and Pillos (1985) Abstract- Accumulation of net fragments and other marine debris in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

Norris (1986) A Tide of Plastic. Audubon Magazine.

Lipman (1986) When Shark Meets Man. Honolulu Magazine.

1986- Sea Turtles and Shrimp Trawlers. CEE.

1986- MOP Student Barry Choy Values Job Experience. SeaWords.

1987- Dynamiting Turtles- To Save Them. Washington Post.

1987- Tsunami Was Complete Wipe-Out at Queen's Beach. East Oahu Sun Press.

Henderson, Austin and Pillos (1987) Summary of Webbing and Net Fragments Found on Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Beaches, 1982-86. SWFC Admin. Report H-87-11.

1987- New MOP Certificate Stresses Academics. SeaWords.

1988- Upside Down Leatherback Photos from Helicopter in the Eastern Tropical Pacific by MSL.

1988- OceanWatcher by Susan Scott. Excerpts on Sea Turtles with Photos by George Balazs.

Gregg (1988) Of Soup and Survival- The Plight of Sea Turtles. Sea Frontiers

1989- Turtle Attack is Reported- Amorous Loggerhead Molests Divers.

1989- He's Not Making This Up- Lovelorn Turtle Attacks. Honolulu Advertiser.

1989- 20 Years of Adventures and Research with Endangered Hawaiian Sea Turtles Presented by George Balazs. Members Meeting California Academy of Sciences.

1989-1991 Turtle Feces File Assembled by George Balazs.

1989- Chris Luinbuhl The Man Who Tracks Leatherbacks.

Forsyth and Balazs (1989) Species profiles: Life histories and environmental requirements of coastal vertebrates and invertebrates Pacific Ocean region: Report 1. Green turtle, Chelonia mydas.

1989- Bishop Museum Distinguished Lectures Series: Magnificent & Mystical Marine Turtles by George Balazs.

Choy and Balazs (early 1990s) Growth curves for green turtles, Chelonia mydas, at Pearl and Hermes Reef. Rough Draft.

1990- Turtle Tagging with QUEST by Cheryl Rosenfeld. Seawords MOP.

Altonn (1990s) Turtles Drowning in a Sea of Plastic.

1990s Pogg Collection by George Balazs.

1990s- MTSG Certificate of Merit

1991- Channel Eruption of 1956 Pinpointed. THA.

1991- Alika Cooper Correspondence with George Balazs.

Penisten and Dudley (1991) Turtle Tag. Hawaii Magazine

1991- The Green Sea Turtle by Mark Rauzon Isles of Refuge.

1993- Study- Animals Just Like Humans. THA.

1993- Satellites Used to Study the Oceanic Migrations of Hawaii's Green Sea Turtles. MTN.

White (1993) Mechanism of Sea Turtles Being Hooked During Longline Fishing: A Brief Analysis.

Balazs (1994) Turtles Need Protection. The Maui News.

1994- The Use of Induced Vago-Vagal Response for Short-Term Restraint. Reptile Clinician's Handbook.

1994- Rare turtles spotted on Kihei Road. The Maui News.

1995- Ocean Life Revolves Around Long-Term Cycles. THA.

1995- Marine Turtle Specialist Group Historical Background.

1996- Beached Balls-Glass Floats Newspaper Articles.

1996- Government Rules Can't Save Troubled Species by Keith Robinson.

1996- Hello, Honu. Hawaii Magazine.

Bolten, Wetherall, Balazs & Pooley- Compilers (1996) Status of Marine Turtles in the Pacific Ocean Relevant to Incidental Take in the Hawaii-Based Pelagic Longline Fishery.

1996- Kaneohe Bay Harboring a Floating City.

1997- Box Jellyfish Sting About 800 Swimmers- from Hanauma Bay to Waikiki. THA.

Hirth (1997) Synopsis of the Biological Data on the Green Turtle. FWS Biological Report.

Fender and Stimson (1997) Nesting site disbursement for the green sea turtle in Kaneohe Bay. Unpublished Project Report.

1997- Endangered Green Sea Turtle Provides Theme for Sheraton Renovation. THA.

1997- Endangered Sea Turtle Dies at Aquarium. The Monterey County Herald.

Puleloa (1998) Hawaiians Value Green Sea Turtles: *Just as we have accepted you and your idiosyncrasies, so too we ask to be accepted here in our own home.

1998- Turtle Tracks. Ann Rillero The Maui News.

1998- Letter "Thanks for Recognizing Balazs" to The Maui News from Ursula Keuper-Bennett and Peter Bennett.

1998- Correspondence About K12 Tagged Green Turtle at Makena Landing, Maui.

1998- Barbados Walk with Castro for Freedom; Day to Honour Air Crash Victims; 7 Exiles Charged with Plotting to Kill Castro.

1998- Navassa: Unsullied by Humans USA Island is a Biological MotherLoad. The Washington Post.

Altonn (1999) UH Group Investigating Ocean Toxins- Estrogen Everywhere. HSB.

1999- Stretch of Kaneohe Bay Contaminated with PCBs.

1999- Rafters Never Found After Fateful Trip.

Rosen (1999) A Turtle Tale of Significance.

2000s- Sea Turtle Postcard Collection of George Balazs.

2000- Sea Dreams: Conservation Efforts Are Helping But Extinction Looms. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

How Many Honu? (2001) Chapter 2 from Fire in the Turtle House- by Osha Gray Davidson

Tale of a Sea Turtle Has a Happy Ending. Christian Science Monitor, October 22, 2002

2003-2005- McCoy-Puleloa Correspondence About Molokai to Marshall Islands Tags 6597 and 6598.

2003-2010 Green Turtle Gorgona Morphotypes

2003- Seven Fast Growing Green Turtles: Summary by Ursula Keuper-Bennett and Peter Bennett.

Meadows (2004) Behavior of Green Sea Turtles in the Presence and Absence of Snorkelers. MTN.

"Comeback" Honolulu Star-Bulletin 2004

Wexler (2004) Steering species onto the road to recovery. National Wildlife Magazine.

2004-2005 Honolulu Newspaper Front Page Articles About Hawaiian Sea Turtles.

2005- Sea turtle biologist wins national recognition. HSB.

2005- Diet Choices for Captive Green Turtles by Dr. Bob Morris DVM.

Kinan and Dalzel (2005) Sea Turtles As a Flagship Species: Different Perspectives Create Conflicts in the Pacific Islands. MAST.

2006- Turtles key suspects in UFO debate by Charles Memminger. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

2006 PIRO and WPRFMC Memo by Brandee Gerke and Irene Kinan - Results of meeting 7 July.

2006- Sea Turtles Both Familiar and Mysterious by Susan Scott.

Smith et al. (2006) Characterization of fish and benthic communities of Pearl Harbor and Pearl Harbor Entrance Channel, Hawaii.

2007- Honu Nesting Season Waiehu, Maui.

2007- Deborah Kerr's Kiss Remembered for 'Eternity'. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

2007- Excerpt from Chaloupka and Balazs Estimate of ~61,000 Neritic Habitat Green Turtles in Hawaii. Ecological Modelling.

Honu Heros (2007) Collaborative Research Program Turns 20. Ma Ke Kula, Hawaii Preparatory Academy

2008- A Survivor. The Maui News.

Weiss (2008) Researcher Spotlight: George Balazs. Sea Turtle Foundation Newsletter.

Mapping the Void (2008) by Dennis Hollier, Hana Hou Hawaiian Airlines Magazine.

Mobley (2008-2009) Aerial surveys contract reports to NAV Pacific-marine mammal and sea turtle surveys (4 reports).

2009- Map of Vigia in the North Pacific.

Bare (2009) Maunalua Bay Honu Survey Report. Biology 499 Directed Research Report UH Manoa.

Chaloupka, Balazs, Bell, Ciccione and Limpus (2010) First Symposium on Marine Turtles in French Polynesia: The Recommendations of International Scientific Advisors.

2010- Oh Deer! National Wildlife.

Scott (2010) Basking in the Sun Makes Our Green Turtles Unique