1916-2001- John Bardach HIMB

1943-1973 Turtle Catch Data & Miscellaneous DLNR G.H. Balazs File.

1947- Hawaii Division of Fish & Game Fisheries Chart No. 2. for Catch Reporting.

1948-1973 Sea Turtle Catch State of Hawaii Reported for Years 1948-73 Compiled by HIMB George Balazs.

Hyatt (1950) Measurements of Green Turtles in Coco Isle Pond Caught at Moanalua Bay. HIMB.

1960s-1970s Part 1 of 2: Hawaiian Green Turtle Tagging with USFWS & HSDF&G Inscriptions Assembled by George H. Balazs from FWS Files.

1960s-1970s Part 2 of 2: Hawaiian Green Turtle Tagging with USFWS & HSDF&G Inscriptions Assembled by George H. Balazs from FWS Files.

1962-2018 HIMB Ruth Gates.

Bardach (1968) Aquaculture. Science.

Ross and Balazs (early 1970s) Draft Manuscript Preliminary Feeding Studies with Captive Hawksbill Turtles.

1970s- Part 1 of 2- Animal Species Advisory Commission (ASAC) Balazs HIMB File.

1970s- Part 2 of 2: Animal Species Advisory Commission (ASAC) Balazs HIMB File.

1970s- Turtle 'Farming' Studied. Quotes by George Balazs HIMB.

1970s- Old Law New Threat to Turtles.

1970s Turtle Catch Statistics Balazs Folder

1970s- Sea Turtle Survey G.H. Balazs Folder

1970s Aerial Surveys Balazs File

1970s- The Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology- Descriptive Booklet.

1970s- Marine Turtles State of Hawaii Fish & Game Regulations G.H. Balazs File.

1970s- New York Zoological Society File of George Balazs.

1970s PEACESAT Pacific File of George Balazs.

1970s- Turtle Sighting Letter to George Balazs from Bill Coops HIMB.

1970s- List of HIMB Sea Turtle Tag Numbers.

1970s- Draft Preliminary Growth and Feeding Studies with the Captive Hawksbill Turtle by Ross and Balazs.

1970s Map of Reef Locations in Kaneohe Bay.

1970s- Data on the Hawaiian Green Turtle Nesting Colony at French Frigate Shoals by George Balazs. Outline Draft HIMB.

1970s- Wildlife of the Hawaiian Leeward Islands. A Marine Lecture by George Balazs HIMB.

1970s-Turtle Fishermen List Compiled by HIMB Alan K.H. Kam and George Balazs.Kam and George Balazs

1970s- Egg Clutch on Natural Nesting Beach- Flowchart by George Balazs.

1970s- Pocket Notebook of George Balazs.

1970s Part 1 of 2: Historical Catch Survey Notebook Data for Hawaiian Marine Turtles Compiled by Mr. Shimizu, Alan Kam and George Balazs.

1970s Part 2 of 2: Historical Catch Survey Notebook Data for Hawaiian Marine Turtles Compiled by Mr. Shimizu, Alan Kam and George Balazs.

1970s- Customer information regarding farmed turtle products.

1970s George Balazs Handwritten Note Book.

1970s- Miscellaneous Lecture Notes by George Balazs HIMB.

1970s- Sea Turtle Culture by George Balazs HIMB.

1970s- Check List for Identifying Marine Turtles. HIMB.

1970s- Kaneohe Bay Weather Data coordinate collection by George Balazs HIMB

1970s TASS Aerial sightings of sea turtles coordinated by George Balazs. HIMB.

1970s- Data on the Hawaiian green turtle colony at French Frigate Shoals- Draft Table of Contents by George Balazs.

1970s- Some Aspects of the Green Sea Turtle in Hawaii- Miscellaneous Draft Notes by George Balazs.

1970s- Marine Turtle Lipid Samples Submitted by George Balazs HIMB.

1970s- Marine Turtles- Man's Gift from the Sea. For How Long? Notes by George Balazs.

1970s- 2635 and 2636 Tagged by Skip Naftel and Jerry Johnson.

Balazs (mid-1970s) Marine Turtle Information Useful to George Balazs.

1970s- Sea Turtles- Notes by George Balazs Waikiki Aquarium. HIMB.

Balazs (1970s) Note on commercial farming of green turtles.

1970s-1980s Alan Kam Notes and Papers HIMB.

1970s-1980s Part 1 of 2: Waikiki Aquarium File of Tag Data, Letters, and Articles Assembled by G. H. Balazs.

1970s-1980s Part 2 of 2: Waikiki Aquarium File of Tag Data, Letters, and Articles Assembled by G. H. Balazs.

1970s-1980s Bone Aging File Assembled by George H. Balazs.

1970s-1980s MAC Marine Affairs Coordinator Marine Turtle Management Study G. H. Balazs HIMB File.

1970s-1980s File of ESA, State of Hawaii, and Bellows AFS Permit Materials of George Balazs.

1971-1977 Marine Turtle Regulations File Assembled by George Balazs.

1972- Biologist Balazs in Stew Over Tasty Turtle. Dallas Times Herald.

1972- Commission Probes Possible Protection for Green Sea Turtles.

1972- Hawaiian Crow Becoming Scarce. Honolulu Advertiser.

1972- Noise Could Hamper Sea Turtle Hatching. HSB.

1972- Letter from Alan Banner PCV in Western Samoa to George Balazs HIMB.

1972- Letter from Ronald Lau Maui to Alan Zeigler Bishop Museum.

1971-1972: Ernest Ross Archives- Green and Hawksbill Turtle Nutrition Projects, Proposals, Notes and Correspondence Scanned by George Balazs.

1972-1973: Sea Grant Newsletter & Coastal Zone Communique from Dr. Ernie Ross Library Scanned by George Balazs.

1972-1979 Part 1 of 2: Marine Turtles/Land Turtles G.H. Balazs HIMB Files.

1972-1979 Part 2 of 2: Marine Turtles/Land Turtles G.H. Balazs HIMB Files.

Balazs and Ross (1972) Pacific Green Turtle Egg Hatching Project. HIMB.

1972- Noise Could Hamper Sea Turtle Hatching. Interview with George Balazs for Articles in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

1972- OEO Sponsors Shrimp Farm Project.

1972-1975 Animal Species Advisory Commission Historical Documents (December 1, 1972 - June 24, 1975). Relating to protection for Hawaiian Marine Turtles.

Olsen (1973) Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge Expedition Report June 1-5 with John Wheeler & George Balazs' First Trip to FFS.

1973- Waikiki Aquarium: 11 Turtles to Get Ride Out to Sea. HA.

1973- Operation Turtle. Pacific Shield USCG Hawaii.

1973- 11 Turtles (from the Waikiki Aquarium) To Get Ride Out To Sea. Honolulu Advertiser.

1973- Testimony Presented by George H. Balazs September 21, 1973 Concerning Regulation 36 Relating to Protection of Marine Turtles in Hawaiian Waters.

1973- Here in Hawaii: Last Outpost for the Green Turtle. HSB by Helen Altonn.

1973- Endangered Species Permit Issued to Dr. Ernest Ross by USDI FWS.

Balazs (1973) Summary Results of the 1973 French Frigate Shoals Green Turtle Investigation. HIMB.

~1973- Tag Series of Monel Tags.

Balazs (1973) Amateur Photos of Green Turtle Embryonic Development.

1973- Marine Turtle Research at HIMB. Note by George Balazs.

1973-1974 Hawaiian Marine Turtles G.H. Balazs HIMB File of Newspaper Articles.

1973-1977 Part 1 of 2: Hawaii State Legislature & Regulation 36 G.H. Balazs File.

1973-1977 Part 2 of 2: Hawaii State Legislature & Regulation 36 G.H. Balazs File.

1974- Index Cards of Volunteering at East Island FFS and Turtles Tagged.

1974- Endangered Turtles. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Editorial.

1974- Green Turtle & Related Type News. State of Hawaii Representative Anson Chong.

1974- Neighbor Islands This Week Free Tourists Brochure, November 6-12 with Green Turtle Menu Advertisements.

1974- Turtle Steak Loophole Honolulu Newspaper Articles.

Balazs (1974) Marine Turtle Research at HIMB.

Balazs (1974) Marine Turtle Research at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology.

1974-1977 Green Sea Turtle Catch Reports Under Regulation 36 DLNR Hawaii Division of Fish and Game.

1974-1980 Part 1 of 2: NWHI Newspaper & Other Articles Collected by G.H. Balazs.

1974-1980 Part 2 of 2: NWHI Newspaper & Other Articles Collected by G.H. Balazs.

1975- Letter from State of Hawaii Governor George Ariyoshi to USFWS Director Lynn Greenwalt Regarding Green Turtle Protection.

1975- Letter From Hawaii State Governor George Ariyoshi to NOAA Harvey Hutchings Regarding Green Turtle Protection.

Balazs (1975) Information relating to the release of captive reared juvenile green sea turtles.

1975- Hawksbill Turtle Products Turtle Data by Janet Blair.

1975- Availability of Hawaii's Seabirds, Turtles and Seals.

Balazs (1975) Research Reports- FFS by F. Wayne King in Animal Kingdom NYZS.

1975-1976 Notes on George Balazs Visits to French Frigate Shoals October to January Pages 88-97.

1975-1978 Hawaiian Marine Turtles G.H. Balazs HIMB File of Newspaper Articles.

1976- State Sponsors Survival Study of Green Sea Turtle Press Release. Office of the Governor, Marine Affairs Coordinator.

1976- Number of adult green turtles tagged at FFS and tag recovery records. Working Draft Document by George Balazs

1976 PeaceSat Pacific Islands Sea Turtle Discussions- Notes by George Balazs.

1976-77 Sample List Handwritten by Alan K.H. Kam.

1976-1978 Aerial Observations of Sea Turtles on Oahu by George Balazs.

1976-1980 Hawaiian Green Turtle Research Program Schedule of HIMB Field Activities by GH Balazs.

1976-1983 Collection of G.H. Balazs Letters and Documents Relating to Regulation 36 Repeal, Subsistence Use, and Public Hearings.

Kam (1977) Sampling Green Sea Turtles with Nets on the Island of Hawaii. MOP-HIMB.

1977-1983 Part 1 of 2- Sea Turtle Sighting Reports Assembled by George Balazs HIMB.

1975-1982 Part 2 of 2- Sea Turtle Sighting Reports Assembled by George Balazs HIMB.

1977- RCUH Annual Report Fiscal

1977- Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Coconut Island Newsletter- March Tidings.

Balazs (1977) Tattooing Green Turtles. HIMB Draft.

Balazs (1977) Ecological Aspects of Green Turtles at Necker Island. HIMB Report.

1977- Turtles and Seals Find a Home by Helen Altonn Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

Balazs (1977) Marine Affairs Coordinator Green Turtle Project Activities Report.

Balazs (1977) Report on the experimental use of large mesh nets as a live-capture technique in the research of Hawaiian green turtles.

Balazs (1977) An investigation of the growth and migrations of immature green turtles under natural conditions: Research Proposal.

Balazs (1977) Information on the recently initiated sale of canned turtle products at Liberty House, Ala Moana Center.

1977-1978 Alan Kam Student Research Assistant. MOP UH Annual Report.

1977-1979 Part 1 of 2: Miscellaneous Taggings, Bellows & Mortality Recoveries George Balazs Field Notebook.

1977-1979 Part 2 of 2: Miscellaneous Taggings, Bellows & Mortality Recoveries George Balazs Field Notebook.

1978- TASS Helps With Sealife Research. The Hawaiian Falcon.

Kam (1978) A Survey of Green Turtles at Select Locations in the Hawaiian Archipelago. MOP UH-Manoa.

Kam (1978) Log of a Preliminary Shark Fishing Expedition from Midway to Honolulu FRV Townsend Cromwell. HIMB.

1978- Customer Information Regarding Farmed Turtle Products. Tropic Seas Food by Lee Mench.

1978- Reported Catches of Green Sea Turtles Permitted Under Hawaii Fish & Game Regulation 36. Compiled by G.H. Balazs.

1978- Working Model of Habitat Useage by Hawaiian Chelonia.

Kam (1978) A survey of green sea turtles at select locations in the Hawaiian Archipelago, May-August 1977. Marine Skill in Marine Turtle Studies. University of Hawaii, Marine Option Program.

Balazs (1978) Data Abstracts from Reproductive Ecology of Green Turtles at French Frigate Shoals.

Balazs (1978) HIMB Letter to NMFS Richard Roe Concerning the Subsistence Use of Green Turtles.

Balazs (1978) Sea Turtles of Kahoolawe Island: A Preliminary Study. HIMB.

Balazs (1978) Recovery data for adult green turtles observed or originally tagged at French Frigate Shoals.

Balazs (1978) Preliminary Suggestions for a NMFS Sea Turtle Program. (Unpublished Manuscript, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, August, 4p. (NOTE prepared 3 years prior to the actual creation of a NMFS sea turtle program in the Pacific. The State of Hawaii's sea turtle program started in 1972 and continued until 1981 without NMFS involvement.)

Balazs (1978) Ten days alone on Necker Island: Photographic reflections of a sea turtle biologist.

Balazs (1978) Data abstracts from Survival, Growth and Movements of Captive-Reared Hawaiian Green Turtles Returned to the Wild.

Alan Kam (1978) Notes of Sea Turtle Surveys in Kaneohe Bay April 8, 13, 17 and 28.

1978- HIMB Bone Sectioning Studies and Other Sea Turtle Notes by Alan K.H. Kam.

1978- Sea Turtle Protection Plan Announced. US Dept. Commerce News.

1979- Pig Tale: Pigs and Fish. Sea Grant.

1979- Hawaiian Sea Turtles G.H. Balazs HIMB File of Newspaper Clippings etc.

Balazs (1979 Compiler) Preliminary list of the dietary components recovered from green turtles in the Hawaiian Islands ID's by Dennis Russell. HIMB

Alan Kam (1979) Notes of Sea Turtle Surveys at Bellows Waimanalo Bay and Kaneohe Bay. September.

1979- Alan Kam Oahu Sea Turtle Survey Notes. HIMB.

1980- Don Chapman Column About Andy Anderson's Restaurant 3 Green Turtles.

1980- Alan Kam Lanikai Oahu Sea Turtle Survey Notes. HIMB.

Balazs (1980) Illegal Turtle on Sale Here. 'Elepaio.'

1980- Eric Schlemmer Telephone Interview by George Balazs on March 30th.

1981- Sources of sea turtles for head-start projects. Graphic by George Balazs.

Balazs (1982) Turtle Tagging Tips for Laysan and Lisianski Field Camps.

1982- Waimanalo Leatherback Stranding Necrospy Findings March Notes by George Balazs et al.

1982- Notes on ESA Listing of Pacific Sea Turtles by George Balazs April-May.

1982- "Return to Paradise" 1953 Movie: Notes by G.H. Balazs.

1982- Notes Regarding Turtle Fisherman Alika Cooper by George Balazs.

1983- Letter of Designation for Tagging Green Turtles Issued by Philip Helfrich HIMB Director under Federal Fish & Wildlife Permit PRT 2-3593 & State of Hawaii HSCP 84-18.

Balazs (1983) Notes on Exotic Sea Turtles Known to Have Been Released or Escaped into Hawaiian Waters.

1983- WATS I, East Pacific Workshop & IUCN MTSG Costa Rica George Balazs Notebook.

1983- Alika Cooper Notes by G.H. Balazs.

1984- Interview with Mr. Yee Hee Regarding Heiea Pond Kaneohe Bay Conducted by George Balazs.

2020- Mahalo from Ku'ulei Rogers to George Balazs October 18, 2020.