Lucke (1938) Studies on Tumors in Cold-Blooded Vertebrates. Carnegie Institute of Washington Year Book 37.

Smith and Coates (1938) Fibro-epithial growths of the skiin in large marine turtles. Zoologica New York Zoological Society.

Smith and Coates (1939) The Occurrence of Trematode Ova in Fibro-epitelial Tumors of the Marine Turtle Chelonia mydas. Zoologica NYZS.

Smith et al. (1941) A papillomatous disease of the gallbladder associated with infection by flukes occurring in the marine turtle Chelonia mydas. Zoologica.

Nigrelli and Smith (1943) The Occurrence of Fibro-Epithelial Tumors on Marine Turtles Chelonia mydas. Z-NYZS.

Moore (1946) Leeches from the Hawaiian Islands, and two new species from Pacific Region in the Bishop Museum Collection.

Schlumberger and Lucke (1948). Tumors of Fishes Amphibians and Reptiles. Cancer Research.

1950s Second-Hand Report of Tumors Seen on Green Turtles in Hana Maui.

Harshbarger (1965-1979) Activities Report of the Registry of Tumors in Lower Animals (RTLA). Selected Entries.

1966- Tumor-Forming Viral Diseases. Veterinary Pathology.

1966- Warty turtles baffle fishermen on Keys.

1970s-1980s Fibropapilloma File of George H. Balazs.

Benedict and Pollard (1972) Three Classes of Immunoglobulins Found in Sea Turtles. Folia Microbiologica (A Rare Paper)

Billups and Harshbarger (1976) XII. Reptiles. In Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science. CRC Press.

Harshbarger (1977) Role of the Registry of Tumors in Lower Animals in the Study of Experimental Carcinogenesis in Aquatic Animals.

1980s-1990s Fibropapilloma File Collected by G.H. Balazs.

1981- Turtle Recuperating at Ala Wai Harbor. HSB.

1982-2015 Graphic- FL numbers are NOT actual EU cases. They are based on if FL used same criteria as Hawaii to deem a turtle an EU case, then that’s how many would be euthanized in FL based on actual strandings/rehabs.

Cruz (1985) The Warty Green Turtle (with Photos) Excerpt from Saga of the Sea Turtle.

Balazs (1986) Incidence of Fibropapillomas in Hawaiian Green Turtles. ISTS-6 Waverly, Georgia USA.

Balazs (1986) Fibropapillomas in Hawaiian Green Turtles. MTN.

1986- Letter to Barbara Schroeder from George Balazs About Tumors on Stranded Turtles.

1987- Green Sea Turtles Battle Disease. The Tampa Tribune.

Dailey & Balazs (1987) Digenetic Trematodes as Possible Etiologic Agent for Fibropapillomatosis in Hawaiian Green Turtles. IAAAM.

1987- Veterinary Cancer Medicine- Papillomatosis & Fibromatosis.

1987- Hard times for green sea turtles. Honolulu Star-Bulletin,

1989- Plague killing sea turtles a grim puzzle for science. Sunday Star-Bulletin & Advertiser.

1990-2000s Green Turtle Fibropapillomatosis in Hawaii and Necropsies. Photo Album by George H. Balazs.

Balazs and Jacobson (1990) Health Advisory for Fibropapilloma Disease. MTN.

Jacobson (1990) An Update on Green Turtle Fibropapilloma. MTN.

McDonald & Dutton (1990) Fibropapillomas on Sea Turtles in San Diego Bay, California. MTN.

1990- Marine Viruses Sort of Like a Flu Bug.

1990 - Letter to George Balazs from Pam Plotkins Texas A & M University about tumors on olive ridleys.

Jacobson (1990) An Update on Green Turtle Fibropapilloma. MTN.

Limpus and Miller (1990) The Occurrence of Cutaneous Fibropapillomas in Marine Turtles in Queensland.

1990s- Tumors, Anemia Could Sink Green Sea Turtle Comback. Makai UH Sea Grant.

1991- THE DISEASE. Excerpt from Research Plan for Marine Turtle Fibropapilloma. Including Executive Summary of the 1990 Honolulu Workshop.

1991- Letter to George Balazs from Lily Venizelos Founder of MEDASSET.

Fast, Balazs and Dailey (1991) A preliminary investigation of parasites of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, in the Hawaiian Islands. Project Report.

Bromwell (1991) A comparison of growth rates for the turtle barnacle Chelonibia testudinaria from the carapace of healthy and tumored green sea turtles Chelonia mydas in Hawaiian waters. Final Project Botany 455.

1991- George Balazs Interview with Spencer Tinker Former Director of the Waikiki Aquarium Regarding Charles Cutress and Sea Turtle Tumors.

Balazs and Pooley (1991) Research Plan For Marine Turtle Fibropapilloma.

1992- Tumors Still Plague Hawaii Sea Turtles.

1992- Letter About FP Transmission to Humans from Elliott Jacobson to George Balazs.

1992- Memo About Handling Tumored Turtles from J.C. Lewin, Director State of Hawaii Department of Health.

Balazs (1993) Recent Developments in the Fibropapilloma Problem Affecting Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. Transcript of Presentation Gainesville, Florida.

Burch (1993) Fibropapillomas in Green Sea Turtles of Oahu, Hawaii. Student Report.

Williams et al. (1994) An Epizootic of Cutaneous Fibropapillomas in Green Turtles of the Caribbean: Part of a Panzootic?

Aguirre and Graczyk (1994) ELISA Test for the detection of anti-blood fluke antibodies in juvenile green turtles with and without fibropapillomas in the Hawaiian Islands. Admin Report H-94-09C.

Limpus and Miller (1994) The occurrence of cutaneous fibropapillomas in marine turtles in Queenslands. Current Research and Management.

Aguirre et al. (1994) Organic contaminants and trace metals in the tissues of green turtles with fibropapillomatosis in the Hawaiian Islands. MPB.

Aguirre et al. (1994) Evaluation of Hawaiian green turtles for potential pathogens associated with fibropapillomatosis. JWD.

Herbst (1994) Fibropapillomatosis of Marine Turtles. ARFD.

Morris and Balazs (1994) Experimental use of cryosurgery to treat fibropapillomas in the green turtle. ISTS-13.

Kolinski (1994) Carapace Lesions of Chelonia mydas Breeding in Yap State are Diagnosed to Be Fibropapilloma. MTN.

1994-1998 Maui Articles and Correspondence Relating to FP Tumors on Green Turtles & Other Topics.

Papadi, Balazs & Jacobson (1995) Flow cytometric DNA content analysis of fibropapillomas in green turtles Chelonia mydas.

Dailey & Morris (1995) Relationship of Parasites and Their Eggs to the Occurrence of Fibropapillomas in the Green Turtle.

1995- Recognizing the Importance of Research into the Cause and Cure of Fibropapilloma. Resolutions of The Senate & House of Representatives of the State of Hawaii.

Aguirre et al. (1995) Adrenal and hematological responses to stress in juvenile green turtles with and without fibropapillomas. Physiological Zoo.

1995- Fibropapillomatosis tumors at Honokowai. From by Peter Bennett and Ursula Keuper-Bennett.

Herbst and Klein (1995) Green turtle fibropapillomatosis: challenges to assessing the role of environmental cofactors. EHP.

1995- Elliott Jacobson-Terry Spraker Correspondence About FP Fibrosarcoma.

Frutchey (1995) Plasma levels of Vitamin A and E in Marine Turtles. University of Central Florida MS Thesis.

1996- Fibropapilloma Green Turtles Sampled by Elliott Jacobson from Kaneohe Bay.

Raidal & Prince (1996) First Confirmation of Multiple Fibropapillomas in a Western Australian Green Turtle. MTN.

1996- Letter from Peter Bennett and Ursula Keuper-Bennett About Turtle Tumor Disease on Maui.

1996- Embattled sea turtle also fighting disease. The Honolulu Advertiser.

Williams and Bunkley-Williams (1996) Fibropapillomas in Hawaiian Sea Turtles. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers No. 46. *Validity of Hawaiian Hawkbill with FP Questioned by GHB*.

Balazs (1996) Protocol for collecting green turtle eggs at Sea Life Park for use in research to identify the disease-causing agent responsible for fibropapillomatosis.

1996- Embattled Sea Turtle Also Fighting Disease. THA.

Swimmer (1997) Physiological consequences of basking, disease and captivity in the green turtle, Chelonia mydas. PhD Dissertation University of Michigan.

1997- Recognizing the Importance of Research into the Preservation of Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. State of Hawaii Senate Resolution 29.

1997- Tumors Threaten Green Sea Turtles- Worldwide Plight. HSB.

Varela (1997) The immunology of green turtle fibropapillomatosis. MS Thesis, Florida Atlantic University.

1997- Priority Recommendations of the Workshop Participants: 1997 Honolulu Workshop on Marine Turtle Fibropapillomatosis.

Moore et al. (1997) Preparation, Cryopreservation, and Growth of Cells Prepared from the Green Turtle. MCS.

Balazs et al. (1997) Occurrence of oral fibropapillomas in the Hawaiian Green Turtle: Differentical Disease Expression.

Bennett & Keuper-Bennett (1998) GTFP on the World Wide Web. ISTS-17.

Aguirre (1998) Fibropapillomas in Marine Turtles- A Workshop at the 18th Annual Symposium on Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles. MTN.

Klein (1998) Association of a Unique Chelonid Herpesvirus with Sea Turtle Fibropapillomas. MTN.

1998- Hunting of Green Sea Turtles and Fibropapilloma Tumors by Thane Milhoan. Hilo Tribune Herald.

1998- Rescuers race against time to salvage sick sea turtles. USA Today.

Quackenbush et al. (1998) Three Closely Related Herpes viruses associated with Fibropapillomatosis. Virology.

Aguirre, Spraker, Balazs and Zimmerman (1998) Spirorchidiasis and fibropapillomatosis in green turtles from the Hawaiian islands. JWD.

1998 & 2003 Part 1 of 2- Moreton Bay & Heron Is. Australia. Survey of FP and Other Potential Disease Agents of Green & Loggerhead Turtles Including Data and Correspondence.

1998 & 2003 Part 2 of 2- Moreton Bay & Heron Is. Australia. Survey of FP and Other Potential Disease Agents of Green & Loggerhead Turtles Including Data and Correspondence.

Zamzow (1999) Cleaning symbioses between Hawaiian reef fishes and green turtles with and without fibropapillomas. MS Thesis.

Quackenbush et al. (1999) Phylogeny of Herpesvirus Sequences from Normal and FP Tissues of Green & Loggerhead Turtles in Morton Bay, Australia. ISTS-19.

Aguirre et al. (1999) Survey of FP and Other Potential Diseases in Marine Turtles from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. ISTS-19.

Bennett, Keuper-Bennett, and Balazs (1999) Photographic evidence for the regression of fibropapillomas afflicting green turtles. ISTS-19.

Lu et al. (1999) Establishment and Characterization of 13 Cell Lines from a Green Turtle with Fibropapillomatosis.

1999- Sea Sickness. Science News.

1999- Dead Turtle Found Tumors Probably to Blame. The Maui News.

1999- Sea Turtle Tumors Still a Mystery. THA.

Landsberg, Balazs, Steidinger, Baden & Work (1999) The Potential Role of Natural Tumor Promoters in Marine Turtle Fibropapillomatosis. JAAH.

Aguirre et al. (1999) Pathology of firbropapillmatosis in olive ridley turtles nesting in Costa Rica. JAAH.

Work and Balazs (1999) Relating tumor score to hematology in green turtles with fibropapillomatosis in Hawaii. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.

Herbst et al. (1999) Comparative Pathology and Pathogenesis of Spontaneous and Experimentally Induced Fibropapillomas of Green Turtles. Vet. Path.

Aguirre and Balazs (2000) Blood Biochemistry Values of Green Turtles With and Without Fibropapillomatosis. Camparative Haemotology International.

2000- Diagnostic Report of Green Turtle Tumor by Dr. Terry Spraker CSU.

Herbst (2000) Marine Turtle Fibropapilomatosis: Hope floats in a sea of ignorance. ISTS-19.

Lu et al. 2000. Herpesviral sequence in the saddleback wrasse. JAAH.

D'Amto & Moraes-Neto (2000) First documentation of fibropapillomas verified by histopathology in Etretmochelys imbricata. MTN.

Curry et al. (2000) Persistent infectivity of a disease-associated herpesvirus in green turtles after exposure to seawater. JWD.

Aguirre, Limpus, Spraker and Balazs (2000) Survey of Fibropapillomatosis and Other Potential Diseases in Marine Turtles From Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. ISTS.

2000-2001 Honokowai Nohonani Polzbarney and Stranded Tumored Turtle Rehab Cryosurgery Experiments by Dr. Robert Morris. Photo Album by George Balazs.

Keuper-Bennett, Bennett & Balazs (2001) The Eyes Have It- Manifestation of Ocular Tumours in the Green Turtle Ohana of Honokowai, West Maui. ISTS-21.

Lutz et al. (2001) Studies of the Association Between Immunosuppression and FP Within Three Habitats of Chelonia mydas. H-10-10C.

Miao, Balazs, Murakawa and Li (2001) Congener- specific profile and toxicity assessment of PCBs in green turtles from the Hawaiian Islands. The Science of the Total Environment.

2001- Turtle Trauma by Burl Burlingame. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

Osha Gray Davidson (2001) Outbreak Chapter from Fire in the Turtle House.

Work, Rameyer, Balazs, Cray and Chang (2001) Immune status of free-ranging green turtles with fibropapillomatosis from Hawaii. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.

2001- Fire in the Turtle House. Paperback Edition Excerpted Pages of Preface, Contents, Praise, and Acknowledgements.

2002- Dermex Trials on Fibropapillomas- by Robert Morris DVM & George Balazs.

Godley (2002) Book Review of 2001 Fire in the Turtle House. MTN.

Anderson (2002) The ecological relationship between the tumor-promoting dinoflagellate Prorocentrum spp. and fibropapillomatosis in green turtles in Hawaii and Florida. MS Thesis, UF.

2002- Letter from Karen Ashley Benjamin of Molokai to George Balazs About Fibropapillomatjosis.

Pepi (2002) Effects of green turtle fibropapillomatosis on the reproductive success and egg composition of green turtles nesting at French Frigate Shoals, HINWR. MS Thesis UH.

Aguirre et al. 2002. Oral Tumors in Hawaiian green turtles. JAAH.

Bresette et al. (2003) The First Report of Oral Tumors Associated with Fibropapillomatosis in Florida. MTN.

2003- Photos of Fibropapilloma Sampling of Nesting Green Turtles at Heron Island, Australia.

2003- Preface to 2003 Edition of Fire in the Turtle House- Selected Pages.

Naumoff (2003) Land Use Change in Hawaii, 1950-2000: Relationship to environmental co-factors affecting prevalence of fibropapillomatosis in the Hawaiian green turtle.

Nigro (2003) Sequencing and characterization of the potentially pathogenic genes of green turtle herpesvirus. MS Thesis, University of Hawaii.

Herbst and Jacobson (2003) Practical approaches for studying sea turtle health and disease.

Hirschmann (2003) An investigation of vertical transmission in the spread of disease-associated HPV in marine turtles. MS Thesis University of Central Florida.

2004 & 2012 Emergency Manual EU and Thierry Work Necropsy. Photo Album by George Balazs.

Aguirre and Lutz (2004) Marine turtles as sentinels for ecosystem health: is FP an indicator? Ecohealth.

Work, Balazs, Rameyer and Morris (2004) Retrospective pathology survey of green turtles with fibropapillomatosis in the Hawaiian Islands, 1993-2003. DAQ.

Herbst et al. (2004) Tumor outbreaks in marine turtles are not due ot recent herpesvirus mutations. Cb.

Greenblatt et al. (2004) The Ozobranchus leech is a candidate mechanical vector for the fibropapilloma-associated turtle herpesvirus. Virology.

Greenblatt et al. (2005) Genomic Variation of the Fibropapilloma-Associated Marine Turtle Herpesvirus across Seven Geographic Areas and Three Host Species.

Greenblatt et al. (2005) Geographic variation in marine turtle fibropapillomatosis. J Zoo & Wildlife Medicine.

Keuper-Bennett et al. (2005) The eyes have it: Manifestation of ocular tumours in the green turtle ohana of Honokowai, West Maui. ISTS-21.

Ene et al. (2005) Distribution of Chelonid FP-Associated Herpesvirus Variants in Florida. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.

Chaloupka and Balazs (2005) Modelling the effect of fibropapilloma disease on the somatic growth dynamics of Hawaiian green sea turtles. Marine Biology.

Foley et al. (2005) Fibropapillomatosis in stranded green turtles from the Eastern United States 1980-1998. JWD.

Aguirre et al. (2005) Low-grade fibrosarcomas in green turtles in the Hawaiian Islands. ISTS-21.

Spring (2006) Histological comparison of tumor characteristics in adult female and foraging Hawaii green turtles- regression and age. MS Thesis Columbia University.

Swimmer (2006) Relationship between basking and fibropapillomatosis in captive green turtles. CCB.

Williams and Bunkley-Williams (2006) Early Fibropapillomas in Hawaii and Occurrences in All Sea Turtle Species: the Panzootic, Associated Leeches Wide-Ranging on Sea Turtles... WITH REBUTTAL by James Casey. JV.

Formia, Deem, Billes, Ngouessono, Parnell, Collins, Sounguet, Gibudi, Villarubia, Balazs & Spraker (2007) Fibropapillomatosis confirmed in Chelonia mydas in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa. MTN.

Foley et al. (2007) Distribution, relative abundances, and mortality factors for sea turtles in Florida from 1980 through 2007 as determined from strandings. FFFCC.

Hirama and Ehrhart (2007) Description, prevalence and severity of green turtle fibropapillomatosis in three developmental habitats on the East Coast of Florida. Florida Scientist.

2007-2009- Eye Tumors Regression Photo Documentation

2008- SickBay Bibliography from the TRAX Web Site.

Chaloupka et al. 2008. Cause-specific temporal and spatial trends in green sea turtle strandings in the Hawaiian Archipelago (1982-2003). Marine Biology (2008)154:887-898.

Chaloupka, Balazs and Work (2009) Rise and Fall over 26 Years of a Marine Epizootic in Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. JWD.

Van Houtan, Hargrove and Balazs (2010) Land Use, macroalgae, and a tumor-forming disease in marine turtles. PLoS One.

Tristan, Shaver et al. (2010) Identification of fibropapillomatosis in green sea turtles on the Texas Coast. JHerpMedSurgery.

Alfaro et al. (2010) Synopsis of infections in sea turtles caused by virus, bacteria and parasites: an ecological review.

Zellner (2011) Site fidelity and fibropapillomatosis tumor incidence in green sea turtles on Hawaii Island. Senior Thesis, UH Hilo.

2011- Surgery Saves a Sea Turtle with Tumors.

Morris, Work and Balazs (2011) Guidelines for euthanasia decisions of fibropapilloma green turtles in the Hawaiian Islands.

Zellner (2011) Site fidelity and fibropapillomatosis tumor incidence in green sea turtles on Hawaii Island. Senior Thesis, University of Hawaii at Hilo.

Ikeda et al. (2012) Arginine inactivates human herpesvirus 2 and inhibits genital herpesvirus infection. IJMM.

Ackermann et al. 2012. The genome of the chelonid herpesvirus 5 harbors atypical genes. PLOSone.

Kawachi (2012) Testing links among eutrophication, blood, algae, and green turtle fibropapillomatosis. UH MS Thesis.

Dutra et al. 2012. Visceral fibromas associated with cutaneous fibropapilloma in Chelonia mydas in rehabilitation.

Guimaraes et al. (2013) Evidence of regression fibropapillomas in juvenile green turtles caught in Brazil. DAO

Hama & Fretey (2014) Cas de Fibropapillomatose en Mauritanie- Une Menace Supplementaire pour C. mydas dans ces Eaux. African Sea Turtle Newsl.

Mil Van (2014) Fibropapillomatosis affecting green turtles (Chelonia myday). Research Report, Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire.

Balazs (2014) Parsimony Prevails? Analysis of Green Turtle Plasma for Arginine. Correspondence.

2014- Scientists disputes tumor finding. The Garden Island (Kauai).

Rodenbusch et al. 2014. FP in green turtles in Brazil: Characteristics of tumors and virus. DAO.

Balazs (2014) Schematic Model for Fibropapillomasis Disease Transmission in Hawaiian green turtles.

Work et al. (6 coauthors) 2014 Rebuttal "The story of invasive algae, arginine and turtle tumors does not make sense. PeerJ.

Van Houtan, Smith, Dailer and Kawachi (2014) Eutrophication and the dietary promotion of sea turtle tumors. PeerJ.

Work, Dagenais, Balazs, Schettle and Ackermann (2014) Dynamics of virus shedding and In Situ confirmation of Chelonid Herpesvirus 5 in Hawaiian green turtles with fibropapillomatosis. VP.

Keller, Balazs, Nilsen, Rice, Work, and Jensen (2014) Investigating the potential role of persistent organic pollutants in Hawaiian green sea turtle fibropapillomatosis. EST

2015- Suppershedders May Be Involved in Transmission of Tumor Viruses. USGS-NWHC-HFS.

Chaloupka (2015) Modelling the dynamics of fibropapilloma disease in the Hawaiian green sea turtle population. Report to the WPRFMC.

2015- Scientists Seek Insight on Lethal Turtle Malady by Tim Hurley.

Stringell et al. (2015) Fisher choice and Fibropapillomtosis.

2015- Cancer cells in seawater spread leukemia in clams.

2016- Executive Summary of Proceedings of the 2015 International Summit on Fibropapillomatosis: Global Status, Trends & Populations Impacts.

Rossi et al. (2016) Challenges in Evaluating the Severity of Fibropapillomatosis: A Proposal for Objective Index and Score System for Green Sea Turtles in Brazil.

2016- New Analysis Highlights Hawaii Green Turtle Resilience to Tumor-Causing Disease.

Alfaro-Nunez et al. (2016) Further evidence of Chelonid herpesvirus 5 (ChHV5) latency: high levels of ChHV5 DNA detected in clinically healthy marine turtles. PeerJ.

Patricio et al. (2016) Novel insights into the dynamics of green turtle fibropapillomatosis. MEPS.

Bennett and Keuper-Bennett (2016) Fibropapillomatosis tumors at Honokowai: Underwater observations with potential for broad application. MTN.

Hargrove, Work, Brunson, Foley and Balazs (2016) Proceedings of the 2015 International Summit on Fibropapillomatosis: Global Status, Trends and Population Impacts

Balladares et al. 2017 Prevalence of fibropapillomatosis on stranded sea turtles in the Venezuelan coast.

Schroeder and Stacy (2017) Fibropapillomatosis and Sea Turtles- Guidelines Meeting. 6 September 2017.

Duffy et al. (2018) Sea turtle fibropapilloma tumors share genomic drivers and therapeutic vulnerabilities with human cancers.

Yan et al. (2018) The Risk of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Facilitating Tumors in Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. IJER.

Rossi et al. (2019) Monitoring green sea turtles in Brazilian feeding areas: relating body condition index to fibropapillomatosis prevalence.

Donnelly (2019) Plasma Bleomycin Concentrations during Electrochemotherapeutic Treatment of Fibropapillomas in Green Turtles. JAAH.

2019- Laser Surgery in Aquatic Animals. Chapter 21 by Burkhalter and Norton.

Page-Karjian (2019) Tumor re-growth, case outcome, and tumor scoring systems in rehabilitated green turtles with fibropapillomatosis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.

Page-Karjian (2019) Fibropapillomatosis in Marine Turtles. Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy, Volume 9.

Murakawa and Balazs (2019) Bibliography of Fibropapillomas in Marine Turtles.

Stacy et al. (2019) Report of the Technical Expert Workshop: Developing Recommendations for Field Response, Captive Management, and Rehabilitation of Sea Turtles with Fibropapillomatosis. NOAA TM.

Shaver et al. (2019) Fibropapillomatosis Prevalence and Distribution in Green Turtles in Texas. DAO.

2019- Sentinels of the Sea.

Jones et al. (2020) Molecular evidence for horizontal transmission of chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 at green turtle foraging grounds in Queensland, Australia.

Li and Chang (2020) The impact of fibropapillomatosis on clinical characteristics, blood gas, plasma biochemistry, and hematological profiles in juvenile green turtles. Bulletin of Marine Science.

2020- Fibropapilloma Virus in Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles: Analysis by Lewis, Scheeler and Wong. MARE 250 Honu Group Statistics Project Taught by Dr. John Burns UH Hilo.

Kelley et al. (2021) Novel disease state model finds most juvenile green turtles develop and recover from fibropapillomatosis.

Mashkour et al. (2021) The Concurrent Detection of Chelonid Alphaherpesvirus 5 and Chelonia mydas Papillomavirus 1 in Tumoured and Non-Tumoured Green Turtles.

Wood et al. (2021) Sea turtles across the North Pacific are exposed to perfluoroalkyl substances. Environmental Pollution.

Loganathan et al. (2021) First Evidence of Chelonid Herpesvirus 5 (ChHV5) Infection in Green Turtles from Sabah, Borneo. Pathogens.

Rittenburg et al. (2021) Marine leech parasitism of sea turtles varies across host species, seasons, and the tumor disease fibropapillomatosis. DAO.

Kane et al. (2021) Gene expression changes with tumor disease and leech parasitism in the juvenile green sea turtle skin transcriptome. Gene.

Kelley et al. (2021) Novel disease state model finds most juvenile green turtles develop and recover from fibropapillomatosis. Ecosphere.

Balazs et al. (2002) Remote intereactive digital imaging: implementation of a SeaTurtle Cam system in the Hawaiian Islands. ISTS-20 Orlando, Florida.

Manes et al (2022) Occurrence of Fibropapillomatosis in Green Turtles in Relation to Environmental Changes in Coastal Ecosystems in Texas and Florida: A Retrospective Study.

Martin et al. (2022) Adaptive evolution of major histocompatibility complex class I immune genes and disease associations in coastal juvenile sea turtles. Royal Society.

Garefino and Milton (2022) Influence of Sunlight on Vitamin D and Health Status in Green (Chelonia mydas) Sea Turtles with Fibropapillomatosis. Animals.

Li et al. (2022) Preparation of recombinant glycoprotein B (gB) of Chelonid herpesvirus 5 (ChHV5) for antibody production and its application for infection detection in sea turtles.

Silva et al. (2022) What do we know about sea turtle fibropapillomatosis studies in the American continent? A bibliographic review. (Deficient in Work et al. Citations-GHB) LAJAR.

Manes et al. (2023) Green Turtle Fibropapillomatosis: Tumor Morphology and Growth Rate in a Rehabilitation Setting.

Sawyer-Kerr & Wambua (2023) Collaborative Community-Based Conservation Work and Scientific Research: Understanding Fibropapillomatosis Disease Affecting Sea Turtles. AJSTB&C.

2023- IUCN SSC MTSG Fibropapillomatosis Vigilance and Mitigation Task Force (FPTF) Terms of Reference.

Adkins et al. (2023) Immunogenetic diversity and transcriptomic response to disease in Hawaiian green sea turtles. Evolution 2023.

Anibal Origlai et al. (2023) Fibropapillomatosis Associated with Chelonid Alphaherpesvirus 5 (ChHV5) in a Green Turtle Chelonia mydas in Argentine Waters.

Li et al. (2023) Evidence of chelonid herpesvirus 5 infection in green turtle indicated a possible tumorigenesis activation by transcriptome analysis.

Lawrence (2023) The Emergence of Fibropapillomatosis in Marine Turtles is Attributable to Rising Ocean Temperatures. Thesis, Applied Animal Welfare Science, University of Hull.

Vanstreels et al. (2023) Exploring the relationship between environmental drivers and the manifestation of fibropapillomatosis in green turtles in eastern Brazil.

Ginah-Marine Lione Marten et al. (2023) Analyzing the abundance of fibropapillomatosis in green sea turtles from Curacao. ISTS-41.

Ricardo et al. (2023) Diet composition of green turtle juveniles with fibropapilloma in a feeding area of Villa Clara, Cuba. ISTS-41.

Perez et al. (2024) First case report of fibropapillomatosis tumor regression identified through photoidentification and histopathology in a Chelonia mydas in Itapirubá, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Dupont et al. (2024) Future research avenues for the study of fibropapillomatosis in sea turtles.

Work & Balazs (2024) Collaborations between biologists and veterinarians yield insights into marine turtle fibropapillomatosis. Abstract. Asia-Pacific Wildlife Health Workshop in Hilo

Saladin and Freggi (2024) Recommendation of consensus definition of sea turtle fibropapillomatosis. Wildlife Letters.

Lelong et al. (2025) Fibropapillomatosis Dynamics, Severity and Demographic Effect in Caribbean Green Turtles.

Sleeman, J.M., Compiler (2025) Proceedings of the 2024 Asia-Pacific Wildlife Health Workshop—Collaborating against shared threats: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2024-1081.

For More FP Journal Publications First-Authored by Thierry Work, Please Use This Link: