Ancient- Human Burial with Green Turtles.
True (1887) The Turtle and Terrapin Fisheries.
True (1893) Useful Aquatic Reptiles and Batrachians of the United States.
1899- The Trade in Tortoise Shell. Nature.
1900s- Archaeologists Burial Reconstruction Ras Al-Hamra Oman.
Reese (1917) Reptiles as food. Scientific Monthly.
Gudger (1919) On the use of the Sucking-fish for catching fish and turtles. Amer. Naturalist.
Averett (1920) Lower California Green Turtle Fishery. Pacific Fisherman.
1930s-1970s Turtle Cookbook Recipe Delights Over the Decades Assembled by GHBalazs.
Moorehouse (1933) Notes on the Green Turtle. Reports of the Great Barrier Reef Committee.
Gilmore (1937) A New Marine Turtle from Miocene of California.
Beebe (1937) Turtle Sanctuary. Harpers Magazine.
1943- Capturing Giant Turtles in the Caribbean by David Duncan.
1952- Nature's Tank the Turtle.
1954- Laboratory Anatomy of the Turtle & Vertebrate Dissection 1970.
1956-1957 The Eggs (Turtle) and I. The Biologist.
Harrisson (1956) The Edible Turtle in Borneo.
Harrisson (1956) Tagging Green Turtles, 1951-56. Nature.
Smith and James (1958) The Taxonomic Significance of Cloacal Bursae in Turtles. TKAS.
Hendrickson (1958) The Green Sea Turtle in Malaysia and Sarawak. Proc. Zool. Soc. London V130.
1959- New Herds to Roam Our Vacant Undersea Pastures. Middle America.
Caldwell (1960) The Turtle Hunters. Walkabout.
Parsons (1962) Part 1 of 2- The Green Turtle and Man.
Parsons (1962) Part 2 of 2- The Green Turtle and Man.
Harrisson (1962) Present and Future of the Green Turtle. Oryx.
1962- The Story of Green Turtle Soup. Atlantic Fisherman.
Ho Lien-kwei (1963) The Cultural Status of Tortoise.
Harrisson (1964) Memorable Meals. Geographical Magazine.
Hinds (1965) The Green Turtle in South Arabia. Port of Aden Annual.
Limpus (1965) The Lonely Struggle. Wildlife in Australia.
Pritchard (1966) Sea Turtles of Shell Beach British Guiana. Copeia.
Harrisson (1967) Notes on Marine Turtles 18: A Report on the Sarawak Turtle Industry.
1967- The Turtle Decoy- Odd Catching Methods Once Used.
Bustard (1967) Mechanism of Nocturnal Emergence from the Nest in Green Turtle Hatchlings. Nature.
Matthiessen (1967) A Reporter at Large to the Miskito Bank. TNY.
LeBuff (1969) The Marine Turtles of Sanibel and Captiva Islands, Florida. Special Publication #1.
Harrisson (1969) The Turtle Tragedy. Oryx.
Conway (1970) What's "Endangered"?
1970- A Study Guide for the Coustea Film The Green Sea Turtle.
1970- The Green Sea Turtle- From the Film Series The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau.
1970- Odds and Ends and Turtles. ITTSJ.
1970s-1980s Life & Death in Oaxaca by PCH Pritchard & The Great Turtle Expose. Defenders.
1970s-1980s Hindu, Egyptian, and Other Turtle Mythology File of G.H. Balazs.
1971- Julie Booth: The Lady Crusoe of Australia's Tropical Islands. Smithsonian.
Harrisson (1971) Easter Island: A Last Outpost. Oryx.
Frazier (1971) Observations on sea turtles at Aldabra Atoll. PTRS London.
Manton et al. (1972) Chemoreception in the Migratory Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas. Biological Bulletin.
1972- MTSG Letterhead Letter from Peter Pritchard to Ernest Ross.
Booth and Peters (1972) Behavioural Studies on the green turtle in the sea. Animal Behaviour.
Ernst & Barbour (1972) Turtles of the United States: Marine Turtles- 1969 Molokai hawksbill nesting.
Bustard (1973) Sea Turtles- Their Natural History and Conservation. Conservation Chapter Excerpt.
1973- Arribada. Photography by David Hughes.
1973- Turtles Get a Sea Going Party- Miami Seaquarium.
1973- One Strange Night on Turtle Beach.
1973- Part 1 of 2: Kay's Turtles.
1973- Part 2 of 2: Kay's Turtles.
1974- Excerpts from Joy of Cooking. Turtle Recipes.
Thurston & Rainey (1974) Where Birds Soar and Turtles Nest. Oceans.
Ehrenfeld (1974) Conserving the Edible Sea Turtle. Can Mariculture Help. American Scientist.
Bustard (1974) Part 1 of 2- Sea Turtles- Their Natural History and Conservation.
Bustard (1974) Part 2 of 2- Sea Turtles- Their Natural History and Conservation
Nietschmann (1974) When the turtle collapses, the world ends. Natural History.
Hirth et al. (1974) Stable Populations. Copeia.
1975- Saltwater Turtles. Bottoms Up Cookery Excerpt.
1975- IUCN Principles and Recommendations on Commercial Exploitation of Sea Turtles.
Treville (1975) A Trionyx carapace from an ancient Egyptian tomb. Chelonia.
1976- The Revolutionary Turtle. Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
1976- Turtles and other reptiles.
1976- Editorial by MTN Founding Editor N. Mrosovsky. Marine Turtle Newsletter No. 1.
1976- Green Sea Turtle Farming: Special Report. Chelonia V3, N2.
Ehrenfeld (1976) The Conservation of Non-Resources. American Scientist.
Moll (1976) West Malayian Turtles: Utiization and Conservation. Herpetological Review
1976-1983 Marine Turtle Newsletter Index to Issue Nos. 1-30.
1976-1984 Part 1 of 2: Marine Turtle Newsletter No. 1-30. Library of George H. Balazs.
1976-1984 Part 2 of 2: Marine Turtle Newsletter No. 1-30. Library of George H. Balazs.
1977- Sea Turtles- Technical Terms and Principal Measurements Used. FAO Sheets.
Weiss (1977) Introduction to the film The Turtle People. 2-page typescript.
Hughes (1977) Sea Turtles a Guide. Natal Parks, South Africa.
Cahill (1978) The Shame of Escobilla. Outside Magazine.
Pritchard (1978) Comment on Tim Cahill's Article "The Shame of Escobilla." MTN.
Hirth (1978) A Model for the Evolution of Green Turtle Migrations. Herpetologica.
1978- The Reef- Uncertain Land of Plenty. Excerpt from Exploration North.
Pritchard (1979) 'Head Starting' and Other Conservation Techniques for Marine Turtles.
1979- Marine Turtle Newsletter No. 10. Articles by G.H. Balazs and C. J. Limpus.
1979- Hamadryad- Newsletter of the Madras Snake Park Trust. 4 No.3.
1979- Participants & Speakers at the World Conference on Sea Turtle Conservation. Washington, D.C.
1979- President Marcos Creates Task Force Pawikan.
1979- Sea Turtle Fact Sheet. World Conference on Sea Turtle Conservation.
Limpus et al. (1979) Movement induced mortality of loggerhead eggs. Herpetologica.
1979- Sultanate of Oman Sea Turtles by Mahmoud Ahmed Mehdi Mashouq. In Arabic.
Armitage & McCarthy (1980) Turtle Remains from a Late 18th Century Well at Leadehall Buildings.
1980- Management of Turtle Resources. James Cook University of North Queensland.
Hendrickson (1980) The Ecological Strategies of Sea Turtles. American Zoologist.
Morales (1981) Defendiendo A Las Tortugas. Ecnica Pesquera.
1981- Letter from Jenny Hanover to NMFS Charles Oravetz About "Comotose" Turtles.
1981- Yankee Don't Go Home. National Wildlife by Mark Wexler.
1982- The Shame of Escobilla Part II: On the Trail of Antonio Suarez.
Owens et al. (1982) The Imprinting Hypothesis and Sea Turtle Reproduction. Herpetologica.
1983- The Esophagus of Sea Turtles- Study by Dr. Fred N. White. Scripps Annual Report.
1983- Culture and Conservation: A Missing Link in the World Conservation Strategy? IUCN Bulletin.
Welsh (1983) Book Review of Conserving Sea Turtles authored by Nicholas Mrosovsky.
1983- Part One: Conserving Sea Turtles by Nicholas Mrosovsky.
1983- Part Two: Conserving Sea Turtles by Nicholas Mrosovsky.
1984-2009 Part 1 of 2: Front Covers of Marine Turtle Newsletter Issues 31-125. GH Balazs Collection.
1984-2009 Part 2 of 2: Front Covers of Marine Turtle Newsletter Issues 31-125. GH Balazs Collection.
.Frazier (1984) Part 1 of 2- Marine Turtles in the Comoro Archipelago.
Frazier (1984) Part 2 of 2: Marine Turtles in the Comoro Archipelago.
Frazier (1984) Plates for- Marine Turtles in the Comoro Archipelago.
Bjorndal (1984) IUCN-SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group Bulletin. Issues 1-4.
Loftin (1984) The morality of hunting. Environmental Ethics.
Silas and Fernando (1984) Turtle Poisoning. Chapter 9. Sea Turtle Research. CMFRI Bulletin 35:62-75.
Dodd (1985) Conserving Sea Turtles: Constructive Criticism Still Needed. Herpetologica.
1985- The medical treatment of wild animals. Environmental Ethics.
1988-2023 Proceedings of the 8th-41st ISTS International Sea Turtle Symposium
Wexler (1988) Modern Mission to Save an Ancient Mariner. National Wildlife.
Hughes (1989) Sea Turtles- A Guide. Natal Parks Board.
Chan and Liew (1989) The Leatherback Turtle- A Malaysian Heritage.
1989- The Plight of the Turtle. Newsweek.
Hughes (1990-1993) A Tag in Ten Thousand.
Zug (1991) Age Determination in Turtles.
1991- Sea Turtles in the Sultanate of Oman by Rod & Susan Salm.
1991- Turtle Kraals Museum Key West, Florida.
1991- Sea Turtles in the Sultanate of Oman by Rod and Susan Salm.
1992- A Dubious Battle to Save the Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle.
Bane (1992) First Report of a Loggerhead Sea Turtle From Alaska. MTN.
Loftin (1992) Scientific Collecting. Environmental Ethics.
Bowen et al. (1992) Global Population Structure and Natural History of the Green Turtle
Van Buskirk & Crowder (1994) Life-History Variation in Marine Turtles.
1994- Sea Turtles- Race for Survival.
Witzell (1994) The origin, evolution and demise of the US Sea Turtle Fisheries. MFR.
1995- Sea Turtle Encounters at Mon Repos Conservation Park.
Bolten and Balazs (1995) Biology of the Early Pelagic Stage- "The lost year."
Klemens & Thorbjarnarson (1995) Reptiles as a Food Resource.
Read et al. (1996) Body Temperature and Winter Feeding in Immature Green Turtles in Moreton Bay.
G.S. de Silva (1997) International Tag Returns for Turtle Islands Park, Sabah, Malaysia 1985-1995.
Roth and Merz (1997) Wildlife Resources- A Global Account of Economic Use. Excerpt.
Ye Xiang-kui (1997) A summary of fossil turtles in China.
1998- Alaska Rare Beast. Juneau Empire.
1998- Recovery Plan for US Pacific Populations of the Green Turtle.
1998- Recovery Plan for US Pacific Populations of the East Pacific Green Turtle.
Witzell (1998) Guest editorial: Messages in bottles. Marine Turtle Newsletter No. 80.
Webb (1999) Sea Turtles and Tree Trunks. IWMC World Conservation Trust.
1999- Heron Island GBR Australia Historic Restaurant Menu
1999- IUCN/MTSG Research and Management Techniques Manual.
2000- Human Use of Turtles. Chapter in Turtle Conservation.
2000- On the Trail of Sea Turtles.
Mrosovsky (2000) Sustainable Use of Hawksbill Turtles- Contemporary Issues in Conservation.
Hodge and Wing (2000) Occurrences of Marine Turtles in Alaska Waters: 1960-1998.
Wing and Hodge (2001) Occurrence Terminology for Marine Turtles. MTN.
2001- Update: A Global Strategy for Marine Turtles. MTN.
2001- Turtle Watching Guide Mon Repos Conservation Park.
Wyneken (2001) The Anatomy of Sea Turtles by Jeanette Wyneden.
Campbell (2002) Use Them or lose Them?
Mrosovsky (2002) Hype. MTN Editorial.
Shanker (2002) The Swampland of Sea Turtle Conservation: In Search of a Philosophy. MTN.
2003- 100th Issue of Marine Turtle Newsletter.
Higenaka (2003) Oil and Sea Turtles: Biology, Planning and Response. NOAA NOS.
Mrosovsky and Godfrey (2003) Living Tag, Living Reputation. MTN 99.
Limpus et al. (2003) The green turtle population of Raine Island 1843-2001.
2003- Sea Turtle Conservation: Beach Management and Hatchery Programmes. Edited by Kartik Shanker.
Frazier (2004) Marine Turtles- Whose Property,? Whose Rights?
Chaloupka, Dutton and Nakano (2004) Status of sea turtle stocks in the Pacific. FAO.
2005- Turtles. Excerpt from The Culinary Herpetologist Compiled by Ernest Liner.
Limpus et al. (2005) Monitoring green turtle population dynamics in Shoalwater Bay: 2000-2004.
Frazier (2005) Traditional and Cultural Use of Marine Turtles. IOSEA.
Frazier (2005) Marine Turtles- the ultimate tool kit: a review of worked bones of marine turtles.
2006- The Unsolved Mysteries of Sea Turtles by Rod Mast SWOT Volume II.
2006- A Guide for Tagging of Sea Turtles in the Southeast Asian Region by Ahmad Ali et al.
2006- The Ecology and Conservation of green turtles in Penghu County Taiwan. Forestry Bureau COA.
Broderick et al. (2006) Are green turtles globally endangered? Global Ecology and Biogeography.
2007- Green Sea Turtle 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation. NMFS & FWS.
Pritchard (2007) A Response to Nicholas Mrosovsky- Sustainable Use of Hawksbill Turtles.
Bowen (2007) Sexual Harassment by a Male Green Turtle. MTN.
Bowen and Karl (2007) Population genetics and phylogeography of sea turtles. Molecular Ecology.
2007- Life and Death in Oaxca. Excerpt from PCH Pritchard.
2008- Researchers Find Rare Giant Turtle in Vietnam.
Salmon (2008) Book Review of Tales from the Thebaide. MTN.
2008- Turtles at New Frontier- San Gabriel River California. LA Times.
Frazier (2009 ) Call of the Wild. Chapter 16, p341-369.