2010s- China is in Action- Aquatic Wildlife Conservation.
2010s- Xiaomoishn Sea World.
2010- Part 1 of 2: Follow Professor Turtle as he Searches for the Green Sea Turtle. In Chinese.
2010- Part 2 of 2: Follow Professor Turtle as he Searches for the Green Sea Turtle. In Chinese.
Gilman et al. Editors (2010) Proceedings of the Fifth International Fishers Forum on Marine Spatial Planning and Bycatch Mitigation. In Chinese and English.
Gu et al. (2010) Sex Identification and Pivotal Temperature for Sex Determination in Hatchling Green Sea Turtles.
2010- The 10th Stone Bixi located lonely in Chiayi Park.
2010- Hong Kong's Living Fossil Sea Turtle. AFCD Brochure.
2011- Chinese & Western Wedding Customs Postage Stamps
2011- The Handbook of Sea Turtle Health Assessment and Necropsy. In Chinese
2011- Freshwater Turtles of Hong Kong. Connie Ng AFCD.
Ng and Wan (2011) Public support results in the successful rescue of a juvenile green turtle. Hong Kong Biodiversity.
Ng (2011) Sea Turtle Conservation in Hong Kong SAR China. Profile of the Month- Indian Ocean-South East Asia Marine Turtle MOU Newsletter.
2011- Penghu Aquarium Guidebook. Excerpts in Chinese.
2011- Aloha, China! United Airlines Hemispheres Magazine.
2011- National Gankou Sea Turtle Reserve Brochure.
2011- The Lu Family from the Penghu Islands of Taiwan. New York Times.
2011- Stone Fish Weir "Shi Hu" Penghu Islands Taiwan. From <http://www.daweir.npu.edu.tw/copyright.php>.
Zhang, Li, Gu and Ye (2011) Hematology, morphology, and ultrastructure of blood cells of juvenile olive ridley sea turtles. CCB.
Kobayashi et al. (2011 In Chinese) Loggerhead turtle movement of the coast of Taiwan: Characterization of a hotspot in the East China Sea. ICES.
2011- Turtle Watch- Networks are Built on Trust. Financial Times.
Benson et al. (2011) Large-scale movements and high-use areas of western Pacific leatherback turtles. Ecosphere.
2012 - 2018 CV and First-Authored Journal Papers by Connie Ng
Connie Kayan Ng Interview (2012) Sea Turtle Rescue in Hong Kong. Smarties Magazine. In Chinese.
2012- Release of Satellite Tagged "Yaya" the loggerhead in Taiwan. In Chinese.
Xia and Gu (2012) Reports of Satellite Tracking Green Turtles in China. Sichuan Journal of Zoology.
2012- Creating a World of Compassion- English and Chinese.
2012- Huge deposit of Jurassic turtle remains found in China. Science News.
Lam et al. (2012) Market Forces- An examination of marine turtle trade in China and Japan.
2012- Turtle-Shaped Tombs at the Lingshan Islamic Cemetery Quanzhou, Fujian Province.
2012 National Gangkou Sea Turtle Reserve Booklet.
2012- Turtle Release Program for June 6 at Oceania Point, Guandong China.
Ng and Balazs (2012) Exploration and partnership research at the Gangkou National Sea Turtle Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, PRC.
Ng and Balazs (2012) Exciting Observations of Numerous Green Turtles Foraging in Coastal Waters of Liuqiu Island, Taiwan.
Ng and Balazs (2013) Exploratory Trips for Sea Turtles in Guangdong Province, China: A Road to Conservation from Tradition, Culture and Science.
Ng and Balazs (2013) From Tradition, Culture and Science: Exploratory Trips for Sea Turtles in Taiwan.
2013- 142 Sea Turtles Rescued from Illegal Deal, 11 Died. China Through a Lens.
2013- Foreseeing Red: Lee Kuan Yew on China and other articles.
2013- Kubishan and Chi Islets, PengHu Taiwan.
Balazs, Ng, Wang, Tsai, Zeng, Hung, & Wang (2014) Turtles, People, Temples and Gods. Presentation Abstract in English & Chinese.
2014-Taiwan's Billion Dollar Funeral Industry; Tiananmen Memory Flickers in Mini Museum. Taipei Times.
Ng, Chen and Balazs (2014) Flying fish egg harvest off Keelung, Taiwan uncovers occurrence of pelagic-phase green turtles. MTN.
Yeh, Balazs, Parker, Ng and Shi (2014) Novel Use of Satellite Tracking as a Forensic Tool to Determine Foraging Ground of a Rescued Green Turtle. MTN.
Work (2014) Chinese Version of Sea Turtle Necropsy Manual. USGS HFS.
2014- In China's Sights- A new missile threatens the US Navy's biggest warships. Time Magazine.
2014- Ruins of Yin.
2014- Letter from George Balazs to NTOU President Chang Ching Fong. In English and Chinese.
2014- City University of Hong Kong: 30 Years of Research and Innovation
2014- Balazs, Ng, Wang, Tsai, Zeng, Hung and Wang. Turtles, People, Temples and Gods: Cultural Adventures at Xiao Liuqiu Island Building Connections for Conservation Between Taiwan, Hong Kong and Hawaii. In Chinese & English. ISTS-34.
Wyneken (2015) Part 1 of 3- The Anatomy of Sea Turtles. Chinese Translation, Jinan University Press.
Wyneken (2015) Part 2 of 3-The Anatomy of Sea Turtles. Chinese Translation, Jinan University Press.
Wyneken (2015) Part 3 of 3- The Anatomy of Sea Turtles. Chinese Translation, Jinan University Press.
Yang et al. (2015) Genetic structure and diversity of green sea turtle from South China Sea inferred by mtDNA control region sequence. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.
Cheng (2015) Report of International Symposium on Research/Conservation and Future Prospects of Sea Turtles in Taiwan. MTN.
2015- Tomb Unearthed: Chinese villager discovers strange turtle-shaped tomb. 5 October.
2015- LuCoral Museum a Hidden Gem in Waikiki.
Parker et al. (2015) China-USA 2014 Workshop in Hawaii: Moving Forward into the Future with Trust and Friendship to Advance Sea Turtle Research and Conservation. ISTS-35.
Ng et al. (2016) Marine Macrophytes and Plastics Consumed by Green Turtles in Hong Kong, South China Sea Region. CCB
Balazs, Parker and Seminoff (2016) China/USA Strategic Plan Document for 2014-2016. PIFSC, NOAA Hawaii, August 2016, Unpublished Report, 23p.
2016- Taipei 228 Memorial Museum Exhibition Guide.
2016- The 1884 French Occupation of Keelung and Penghu, Taiwan.
Huang et al. (2016) Can private management compensate the ineffective marine reserves in China?. Ambio.
Ng et al. (2016) Satellite Tracking of Rehabilitated Sea Turtles in the South China Sea. Animal Behavior and Ecology Congress at Taichung.
Zhang (2016) Chinese fishermen in disputed waters. Marine Policy.
2016- Hong Kong Slowly Bleeding to Death.
2016- Chinese Version of Democracy Doesn't Fit Western Notions.
Cheng (2017) Part 1 of 2: Green Turtle. In Chinese.
Cheng (2017) Part 2 of 2: Green Turtle. In Chinese.
2017- Koji Ceramics Brochure.
Chao and Chao (2017) Resident and visitor perceptions of island tourism: green sea turtle ecotourism in Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan.
2017- Guangdong Overcame the Captive Breeding Technology of Sea Turtle- Press Conference on October 16, 2017.
2017- CABE Symposium/Workshop 11 Papers Relating to Sea Turtles. January 2017 in Kaoshiung Taiwan.
2017- Turtle Garden Honoring Tan Kah-Kee.
Kuo, Fan, Ng, Cai, Balazs and Li (2017) Tale of the unlucky tags: the story of a rescued, rehabilitated and released green turtles in Taiwan.
2017- Sea Turtle Interview with Connie Ng in Hong Kong by Green Media.
Balazs and Ng (2017) In English: Suggestions to Assist Captive Breeding Efforts at the Huidong Gangkou Sea Turtle National Nature Reserve.
Balazs and Ng (2017) In Chinese: 關於人工繁殖海龜的建議 Captive Breeding Suggestion to Gangkou Reserve PRC.
2017- Tan Kah Kee Memorial Brochure. Fujian, China.
2017- Xiamen China Symposium Sea Turtle Workshop.
Tzu-Ming Liu (2017) Unexpected threat from conservation to endangered species: reflections from the front-line staff on sea turtle conservation. JEPM.
羅柳墀 Liu-Shih Luo (2017) Final Report of Penghu County Sea Turtle Conservation Management Plan (106).
2017- 99 Small Turtles Released in Huizhou "Turtle Bay" Their Birth Has Created a Domestic No. 1. Nanfang Daily.
2018- GEI Insight.
羅柳墀 Liu-Shih Luo (2018)- Final Report of Penghu County Sea Turtle Conservation Management Plan (107)
2018- Year of the Dog Postage Stamps Issued by Hong Kong.
2018- Pound Net, Set Net, Stake Net in China. Illustrations.
2018 Liuchiu Sea Turtle Post Cards.
2018- Sea Turtles- An Uncertain Future: China Current Situation on Threats, Demand and Trade. Lead Author Li Yifan. WildAid, San Francisco USA.
2018- The Flower Lady of Nanri Island. In Chinese by LanLan Double Blue Zhang.
Xia et al. (2018) Research in captive reproduction of sea turtles. ISTS-38. Kobe, Japan.
2018- GEI见解: 为了一个清新和自由的世界 | GEI Insight: For a Wet & Wild World.
2018- Sea turtle studies presented in the 2018 CABE Symposium in Taiwan.
2018- The Legend of Nanri Island- by Lanlan Zhang.
2018- Conservation of Rare and Endangered Aquatic Wildlife in China- Brochure in Chinese & English.
2018- Aquatic Wildlife Conservation: China is in Action. Brochure in Chinese and English.
2018- Shenzhen Appointment of Geoge Balazs
Cai (2018) Results of the project on satellite tracking of rehabilitated sea turtles in Taiwan. Marine National Park Headquarters Taiwan.
2018- A rapid assessment on the trade in marine turtles in Indonesia, Malaysia and Viet Nam. TRAFFIC.
2019- Wan Hwa Cheng. In- Women and GIS: Mapping Their Stories.
2019 Taiwan Annual Stranding Report.
2019- Medicine Chest of the Emperor.
2019- Bixi: One of the Nine Sons of the Dragon.
Cheng et al. (2019) Twenty-Three Years of Sea Turtle Stranding/Salvage Research in Taiwan. Zoological Studies.
2019-- Cultural Conflict Hinders Taiwan’s Green Sea Turtle Conservation.
2019- The Full Program for the Gangkou National Sea Turtle Nature Reserve Workshop Convened on January 14 2019. In Chinese.
2019- The Impacts of Sea Turtle Volunteer Tourism on Tao Culture and Society and on Natural Resource Conservation. In Chinese with English Abstract. 國立臺中教育大學永續觀光暨遊憩管理碩士學位學程碩士論文
Tzu-Ming Liu (2019) Applying Ostrom's common resource management principles to analyze institutional factors for the failure of the volunteer tourism program for green sea turtles conservation in Lanyu (Orchid Island) Taiwan. JTCC.
2019- George Balazs CSTCA Certificate Letter of Appointment.
2019- Bohai Bay Turtles Are Released. People's Daily May 28, 2019.
2019- Yantai Haichang Whale Shark Aquarium.
2019- Penglai Resort Ocean Aquarium Knight's Hotel Brochure.
2019- World Turtle Day Theme Promotion was successfully held in Penglai, Baxian Crossing Resort, Shandong Province.
2019- China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance CSTCA Water-Color Artistry Brochure.
JIA (2019) Migration pattern and nesting ground status of sea turtles. Masters Thesis Xiamen University PRC.
Jia, Wang, Balazs and Liu (2019) Nest productivity for green turtles at Qilianyu of Xuande Islands, South China Sea, P.R. China: Preliminary findings. CCB
2019- Chinese Version- Chimelong Zhuhai Ocean Kingdom Brochure Guide.
2019- English Version- Chimelong Zhuhai Ocean Kingdom Brochure Guide.
2019- TRA Taiwan Train Magazine.
2019- Kindness Hotel Taiwan Brochure.
Chen (2019) Evaluation Model for Sustainable Tourism at Orchid Island Taiwan.
2019- Yantai Haichang Whale Shark Museum.
2019- Turtle Breathing Qigong (In Chinese).
2019- Liuchiu Ferry Boats and Map of Island.
Padgett (2019) Taiwan and China Sea Turtle. China Geographic.
Wang et al. (2019) Threatened Status and Recommendations on Sea Turtle Conservation in China. Chinese Journal of Wildlife.
2020- Taiwan Annual Stranding Report.
2020- China Sea Turtle Conservation Fact Sheet 海龟保护—鉴别与救助 by CSTCA.
2020- Baby Turtles Protectors Newsletter: We Love Xiao Liu Qiu Taiwan. In Chinese.
2020- Tigers that once terrorized Hong Kong are almost extinct.
Gaillard et al. (2020) Lost at sea: determining geographic origins of illegally traded green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) rescued on Hainan Island, China. Wildlife Research.
Li, Cai, Wu, Ng and Balazs (2020) Lesson to Learn from an Endangered Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas): Marine Debris Ingestion, Rehabilitation and Satellite Tracking. Indian Journal of Animal Research.
Ye et al. (2020) Observations on the courtship and mating behavior of captive green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Herpetological Conservation and Biology.
2020- Chinese Years and Animals, 1924-2025.
Zhang et al. (2020) Investigation of beach debris at spawning ground of green sea turtles at Qilianyu Islands, Northeastern Xisha Islands. Chinese Journal of Ecology.
2021- George Balazs Appreciation Statement for Sylvia Yunjun Chen Recital "Harmony of the Wind". National Recital Hall, Taipei, Taiwan.
Ye et al. (2021) Satellite-Tracking Reveals and Highlights: Migration Route and Key Foraging Sites for Headstarting Juveniles (Chelonia mydas) from Huidong National Sea Turtle Reserve, China.
2021- Lucky Charm 話題徵文:幸運小物】馮加伶/起點 by Chialing Amber Fong.
2021-The SEE Foundation et al. Releases 160 Sea Turtles Into The Xisha Sea.
2021- PRC 8-Minute Video about Fujian Province-
2021- Sea Turtles in the East Asia Region. MTRP Draft Regional Report Edited by K. Ng and Y. Matsuzawa.
Yeh, Lin, Zhang, Green, Martin, and Shi (2021) Advancing sea turtle conservation in the South China Sea via U.S.-China Diplomacy. Environ Prog Sustainable Energy.
2021- Taiwan Annual Stranding Report.
2021- What are China's artificial islands in the South China Sea and why are there concerns about them. Explainer.
Tsai et al. (2021) Antimicrobial-resistance profiles of gram-negative bacteria isolated from green turtles in Taiwan. Environmental Pollution.
2021- Huidong Reserve Battles to Save Endangered Sea Turtles.
Zhang et al. (2021) Rapid Authenticity Testing of artificially bred green turtles using microsatellite and mitochondria DNA markers. PeerJ.
Liu et al. (2021) Sea turtle demand in China threatens the survival of wild populations. IScience.
2021- A Quick Guide to Island Hopping in Penghu - Taiwan Scene | Taiwan Digital Travel Magazine.
2021-Sylvia Yunjun Chen Recital "Harmony of the Wind" with Appreciation Statement by George Balazs on Page 9. National Recital Hall, Taipei, Taiwan.
2021- Xiaoliuqiu Sea Turtles and Us.
Tsung-Hsien Li et al. (2022) Lethal Lesions Caused by Propeller Cuts on the Endangered Green Turtle Chelonia mydas on Liuchiu Island, Taiwan.
2022- Marine Animal Rescue Network 年 年 度 海洋保育類野生動物救援組織網 淺 報 告 Ocean Conservation Administration, Taiwan ROC.
Song, Lin, Jia, Dutton, Kang, Balazs & Liu (2022) New management unit for conservation of the Endangered green turtle at the Xisha (Paracel) Islands, South China Sea. ESR.
Zhang et al. (2022) Microplastic pollution at Qilianyu, the largest green sea turtle nesting grounds in the northern South China Sea. Peer J.
2022- Fun Facts About Sea Turtles assembled by Wang Jing.
2022- CCTV News Video: Guangdong Huidong STNNR has released over 65,000 sea turtles since its establishment.
2023- Huidong Turtle Release, CCTV Morning News- https://content-static.cctvnews.cctv.com/snow-book/video.html?item_id=16713386977833417015&t=1684891060088&toc_style_id=video_default&share_to=wechat&track_id=b43a3ba6-fd1a-4070-b0ec-f1a9128459aa
2023 Chen et al. Records and population status of sea turtles in the Zhejiang sea area of China. Biodiversity Science.
Li et al. (2023) Revisiting the genetic diversity and population structure of the endangered Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) breeding populations in the Xisha (Paracel) Islands, South China Sea. PeerJ.
2023- The Islands of Penghu. Travel in Taiwan.
2024- Saving the Sea Turtle: Turtle Shelters and the Marine Animal Rescue Network.
Zhang et al. (2024) Microplastic Distribution Characteristics and Sources on Beaches That Serve as the Largest Nesting Ground for Green Turtles in China.
Ng et al. (2024) Overview of the population genetics and connectivity of sea turtles in the East Asia Region and their conservation implications.
Zhang et al. (2024) Accumulation rate and sources of plastic marine litter at nesting grounds of green turtles on the North Island of Qilianyu, Xisha Islands, South China Sea. MPB.
2024- Turtleback Tomb.
Chen et al. (2024) Tracking the Confiscated Green Sea Turtles in the South China Sea: Where Did They Come From? Where Will They Go?
Hsiang-Pei et al. (2024) Synovial fluid analysis in healthy green turtles Chelonia mydas in Taiwan.
XIA Zhong-rong (2024) Summary of Captive Breeding Green Turtles at Guangdong China 2017-2023.
Li Jian et al. (2024) Influence of habitat utilization strategies on trace element signatures in egg contents of green turtles nesting on Xisha Islands, South China Sea.
2024- Turtle Bay & Dr. XIA Video: https://tv.cctv.com/2024/10/09/VIDEjoRPdElvOaJdDNJxCrO4241009.shtml
Zhang et al. (2025) Nest Site Selection by Green Sea Turtles and Implications for Conservation on Qilianyu, Xisha Islands, South China Sea
Ng & Liu (2025) Overview of the Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities of Sea Turtle Research and Conservation in China – Finding the Key to Navigate Conservation Actions across Disciplines and Boundaries. XMAS Poster.