1973-2015: Fall and Rise of the Hawaiian Honu by George Balazs.
1990s- G. H. Balazs Composite Slide Presentation.
1996- Marine Turtle Research- Protected Species by George Balazs
Hanauma Bay Green Turtles, 1992-2014.
Magnificent and Mystical Marine Turtles (1990s)
2000s- Hawaiian Sea Turtle Stranding Summary- Photos and Graphic.
Balazs et al. (2002) Hawaiian Green Turtles- A Decade of Captive Rearing for Educational Display.
2002- Evidence for near shore nocturnal foraging by green turtles.
2004- How to attach a satellite transmitter- a pictorial depiction by Denise Parker.
2005- Introduction to Argos by Denise Parker.
2005- Biology and Pollicy: 100+ Days of the Laniakea Show Turtles Aloha Campaign.
2006- Fibropapillomatosis- Palaau, Molokai.
2006- Marine Turtle Research Program Presented by Shawn K.K. Murakawa
2006- Educational Outreach by Shawn Murakawa
2006- Sea Turtle Satellite Tag Attachment, Tracking, and Techniques by Denise Parker.
2007- Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Update.
2007- The Hawaiian Green Turtle: On the Road to Recovery by Stacy Kubis and George Balazs.
2009- Marine Turtle Strandings MTRP by Cody Hooven.
2009- Marine Turtle Research Program Hawksbill Update in Hilo Hawaii by Stacy Hargrove May 18.
2009- Signs of a Hatched Sea Turtle Nest by Stacy Hargrove.
2009- Protected Species Workshop by Shawn Murakawa and Cody Hooven.
2010- PDF Hawaiian Sea Turtles and More by Robert A. Morris DVM.
2010- MTRP Overview of Tagging, Data processing, and Data storage by Stacy Hargrove.
2010- Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking by Denise Parker.
2010- Sea Turtles Slide Presentation.
2010- PIFSC Marine Turtle Research: Focus of Investigations and Activities.
BALAZS PP Sea Turtle Stranding Network- Chinese
2010- Sea Turtle Species Photo Presentation.
2011- Sea Turtle Standing Network in Hawaii- with Chinese Text.
2011- Title Pages of 26 Major MTRP Publications.
2011- PIFSC Marine Turtle Research: Focus of Investigations and Activities.
2011- 39 Nesting Seasons with the Honu at French Frigate Shoals.
2012- Aquatic Wildlife Conservation and Management in China by Fan Xiangguo MOA.
2012- Sea Turtle Research and Conservation in China by Huang Honghui.
Partnership overview of Southern Hemisphere loggerhead satellite tracking 2007-2014.
2014- China/USA Sea Turtle Workshop Day 4 and 5 Activities. Photos by Denise Parker.
2014- Short Sea Turtle Presentation by Connie Ng of Hong Kong.
Huang Honghui et al. (2014) Sea Turtle and Sousa chinensis Research and Conservation in China.
The Hawaiian green turtle’s 50-year history of changing ecology and restoration. 2014.
2014- Version A: Magnificent Marine Turtles of the Hawaiian Islands. Japanese Text.
2014- Version B: Magnificent Marine Turtles of the Hawaiian Islands. Japanese Text.
2014- Version Supplement: Magnificent Marine Turtles of the Hawaiian Islands. Japanese Text.
2014- The Life of Dr. Sun Yat-sen His Family & Connection to Maui
The Xunliao Guangdong Province Experience 2014.
2014- Hawaiian green turtles: 50-year history of changing ecology and restoration.
2014- USA/CHINA Workshop in Honolulu, Hawaii.
2014- Magnificent and Mystical Marine Turtles: Cultural Links to Conservation. CUHK by GHB.
2014- Tradition, Religion, and Culture- Releasing sea turtles in China.
2015- Historical Overview of Core Marine Turtle Data Streams by George Balazs.
~2015- Body Condition Examples of Hawaiian green turtles by Study Site Locations.
Marusek (2015) Time for Soup? UHH Karla McDermid MARE495 Class Reports.
Martin (2015) Chelonia mydas and the IUCN. UHH Karla McDermid MARE495 Class Reports.
2015- Early History of the MTRP Marine Turtle Research Program by George Balazs.
2015- Amami sea turtle satellite tracking- STAJ Presentation by Katsuki Oki/Arata Team.
2015- Hanauma Bay by George Balazs
2015- Downs and Ups of the Hawaiian Honu- HCC by GHB.
2015- Oceania Region IUCN/MTSG Annual Report by Regional Vice Chairs George Balazs and Thierry Work
2015- Sea Turtle Rehabilitation and Euthanasia in Hawaii by Thierry Work and George Balazs.
Amami Satellite Tracking 2016.
2016- Oceania Region IUCN/MTSG Annual Report by RVC’s George Balazs and Thierry Work
2016- The sea turtle stranding and rescue network in the Hawaiian Islands (with Chinese Text).
2017- Fall and Rise of the Hawaiian Honu. Xiamen University.
2017- Tracking Vonu Back Home to Fiji.
2018- East Island green turtle rookery: Gompertz State-Space Model Trend by Milani Chaloupka.
2018- Analyzing Argos Data by Denise Parker.
2018- Releasing Little Loggerheads on the High Seas. Kobe, Japan Marc Rice HPA Presentation.
2019- Diseases of Sea Turtles by Thierry Work.
2019- Sea Turtle Species w/Chinese Title for Kids in Beijing May 22.
2019- Turtle Spot Taiwan by Chialing Fong and Team Presentation at Penglai CSTCA Meeting.
2019- Hawaiian Green Turtle Presentation at INHA University Korea by George Balazs.
Polovina (2019) The New Normal: The Impact of a Warming Climate on Hawaii’s Environment.
George Balazs 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop- Brief Introductory Reflections.
2020- Autografting: Living Tags and What to Look for Explained by Jennifer Lynch NIST/HPU.
2022- The Turtle Life and Times of Doc Lew Ehrhart, 1943-2022 Assembled by Steve Johnson.
2025- STRETCH 2023 y 2024- Que Aprendimos? by Alberto Abreu.
Balazs (2025) A 50-Year Witness to Cultural and Conservation Change.