1973-2015: Fall and Rise of the Hawaiian Honu by George Balazs.

1990s- G. H. Balazs Composite Slide Presentation.

1996- Marine Turtle Research- Protected Species by George Balazs

Hanauma Bay Green Turtles, 1992-2014.

Magnificent and Mystical Marine Turtles (1990s)

2000s- Hawaiian Sea Turtle Stranding Summary- Photos and Graphic.

2000s- George Balazs and East Island French Frigate Shoals Over the Decades. Assembled by Marc Rice, HPA.

Balazs et al. (2002) Hawaiian Green Turtles- A Decade of Captive Rearing for Educational Display.

2002- Vision for the Future at Kiholo Bay & East Island French Frigate Shoals by George Balazs & Marc Rice.

2002- Evidence for near shore nocturnal foraging by green turtles.

2004- How to attach a satellite transmitter- a pictorial depiction by Denise Parker.

2004- Stochastic Simulation Model of Southwestern Pacific Hawksbill Population Dynamics by Milani Chaloupka, Ecological Modelling Services Pty Ltd.

2005- Introduction to Argos by Denise Parker.

2005- A Hotspot for Loggerhead Turtles: the Kuroshio Extension Bifurcation Region. Yokohama Fisheries Meeting.

2005- Biology and Pollicy: 100+ Days of the Laniakea Show Turtles Aloha Campaign.

2006- Fibropapillomatosis- Palaau, Molokai.

2006- Outreach and Research, Policy and Biology: 300 Days of the Laniakea Show Turtles Aloha Campaign.

2006- Marine Turtle Research Program Presented by Shawn K.K. Murakawa

2006- Educational Outreach by Shawn Murakawa

2006- Sea Turtle Satellite Tag Attachment, Tracking, and Techniques by Denise Parker.

2006- Clinical evaluation of live sea turtle strandings in the Hawaiian Islands 1996-2005 by Robert A. Morris DVM.

2007- Fieldwork Training.

2007- Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Update.

2007- The Hawaiian Green Turtle: On the Road to Recovery by Stacy Kubis and George Balazs.

2008- Walk Softly: A Pictorial History of Green Turtle Research at French Frigate Shoals by George H. Balazs.

2009- Marine Turtle Strandings MTRP by Cody Hooven.

2009- Marine Turtle Research Program Hawksbill Update in Hilo Hawaii by Stacy Hargrove May 18.

2009- Signs of a Hatched Sea Turtle Nest by Stacy Hargrove.

2009- Protected Species Workshop by Shawn Murakawa and Cody Hooven.

2010- PDF Hawaiian Sea Turtles and More by Robert A. Morris DVM.

2010- MTRP Overview of Tagging, Data processing, and Data storage by Stacy Hargrove.

2010- Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking by Denise Parker.

2010- An Alternate Method for Assessing Body Condition of Hawaiian Green Turtles by Stacy Kubis Hargrove.

2010- Sea Turtles Slide Presentation.

2010- PIFSC Marine Turtle Research: Focus of Investigations and Activities.

BALAZS PP Sea Turtle Stranding Network- Chinese

2010- Sea Turtle Species Photo Presentation.

2011- Sea Turtle Standing Network in Hawaii- with Chinese Text.

2011- Title Pages of 26 Major MTRP Publications.

2011- PIFSC Marine Turtle Research: Focus of Investigations and Activities.

2011- 39 Nesting Seasons with the Honu at French Frigate Shoals.

Kittinger et al. (2011) The ecological impacts of shipwreck survivor camps in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

2012- Aquatic Wildlife Conservation and Management in China by Fan Xiangguo MOA.

2012- Partnership research of marine turtles at the PIFSC: Hawaii, East Asia and the North Pacific. Shanghai, PRC.

2012- Partnership Research of Marine Turtles at the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center: Hawaii, East Asia, and the North Pacific. Shanghai.

2012- Sea Turtle Research and Conservation in China by Huang Honghui.

2012- Research in Partnership for Hawaii, East Asia and the North Pacific- Chinese Text- USA/China Shanghai.

2012- Partnership Research of Marine Turtles at the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center: Identifying Loggerhead Pelagic Foraging Ecology. Shanghai Ocean University.

2013- Visions of sustainability for people and turtles in East Asia: Imagination is more important than knowledge.

2013- Sea Turtle Experiences by George Balazs in Xunliao Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China.

Partnership overview of Southern Hemisphere loggerhead satellite tracking 2007-2014.

2014- China/USA Sea Turtle Workshop Day 4 and 5 Activities. Photos by Denise Parker.

2014- Short Sea Turtle Presentation by Connie Ng of Hong Kong.

Huang Honghui et al. (2014) Sea Turtle and Sousa chinensis Research and Conservation in China.

The Hawaiian green turtle’s 50-year history of changing ecology and restoration. 2014.

2014- China-USA Research Partnership for the Study of Marine Turtles in the Pacific Ocean by Jeffrey Seminoff and George Balazs.

2014- Version A: Magnificent Marine Turtles of the Hawaiian Islands. Japanese Text.

2014- Version B: Magnificent Marine Turtles of the Hawaiian Islands. Japanese Text.

2014- Version Supplement: Magnificent Marine Turtles of the Hawaiian Islands. Japanese Text.

2014- The Life of Dr. Sun Yat-sen His Family & Connection to Maui

The Xunliao Guangdong Province Experience 2014.

2014- Hawaiian green turtles: 50-year history of changing ecology and restoration.

2014- USA/CHINA Workshop in Honolulu, Hawaii.

2014- Magnificent and Mystical Marine Turtles: Cultural Links to Conservation. CUHK by GHB.

2014- Tradition, Religion, and Culture- Releasing sea turtles in China.

2015- Historical Overview of Core Marine Turtle Data Streams by George Balazs.

Farman (2015) Migrations des tortues caouannes (Caretta caretta) nichant à Bourail, Nouvelle Calédonie. Presentation Colloque Groupe Tortues Marines France 8-11 September.

~2015- Body Condition Examples of Hawaiian green turtles by Study Site Locations.

Marusek (2015) Time for Soup? UHH Karla McDermid MARE495 Class Reports.

Yoshida (2015) Hawaiian Green Turtles as a Distinct Population Segment. UHH Karla McDermid MARE495 Class Reports.

Martin (2015) Chelonia mydas and the IUCN. UHH Karla McDermid MARE495 Class Reports.

Amundson (2015) Challenges for the Central North Pacific Green Turtle: Present and Projected. UHH Karla McDermid MARE495 Class Reports.

2015- Early Program History: Historical initiation, continuation, and publication of high-value marine turtle research data.

2015- Early History of the MTRP Marine Turtle Research Program by George Balazs.

2015- Amami sea turtle satellite tracking- STAJ Presentation by Katsuki Oki/Arata Team.

2015. Conservation implications of the genetric structure and habitat use of green turtles in the South China Region and baseline contaminant levels in green turtles and Burmese pythons. By NG Ka-yan, Connie.

2015- Hanauma Bay by George Balazs

2015- Downs and Ups of the Hawaiian Honu- HCC by GHB.

2015- Oceania Region IUCN/MTSG Annual Report by Regional Vice Chairs George Balazs and Thierry Work

2015- Phoenix rising from the ashes: The Hawaiian green turtle- a 42-year history of changing ecology and restoration.

2015- Sea Turtle Rehabilitation and Euthanasia in Hawaii by Thierry Work and George Balazs.

2016 – Tourism and Conservation Not Always An Easy Fit: Why Hatchling Retention Can Be Harmful by Irene Kelly.

Parker and Balazs (2016) Partnership overview of Southern Hemisphere loggerhead satellite tracking 2007-2014. ISTS-36 Lima.

Amami Satellite Tracking 2016.

2016- Satellite tracking of a loggerhead and a green turtle nesting individual in Amami-oshima by Katsuki Oki and others.

2016- Oceania Region IUCN/MTSG Annual Report by RVC’s George Balazs and Thierry Work

2016- Satellite tracking of a loggerhead and a green turtle nesting individual in Amami-oshima by Katsuki Oki and others.

2016- The sea turtle stranding and rescue network in the Hawaiian Islands (with Chinese Text).

Sea Turtle Stranding Research Network in the Hawaiian Islands 2016 (with Chinese/English Titles) by G. Balazs and S. Brunson.

2017- Fall and Rise of the Hawaiian Honu. Xiamen University.

2017- Tracking Vonu Back Home to Fiji.

2018- Ships of Opportunity: Releasing satellite-tagged little loggerheads on the high-seas to study their pelagic ecology- Kobe, Japan.

2018- Studying North and South Pacific Juvenile Loggerheadhead Pelagic Phase Turtles by Marc Rice ISTS-38.

2018- East Island green turtle rookery: Gompertz State-Space Model Trend by Milani Chaloupka.

2018- Analyzing Argos Data by Denise Parker.

2018- Magnificent Marine Turtles of the Hawaiian Islands- 30th Anniversary Hiwasa Japan Presentation.

2018- Releasing Little Loggerheads on the High Seas. Kobe, Japan Marc Rice HPA Presentation.

Kinch (2018) Custom(er) and Consumption, Lore and Law: Pragmatic Practicalities of Protecting Sea Resources in Papua New Guinea. Suva, Fiji Workshop.Turtles

2019- Diseases of Sea Turtles by Thierry Work.

2019- Sea Turtle Species w/Chinese Title for Kids in Beijing May 22.

2019- Turtle Spot Taiwan by Chialing Fong and Team Presentation at Penglai CSTCA Meeting.

2019- Hawaiian Green Turtle Presentation at INHA University Korea by George Balazs.

2019- Partnership research identifying loggerhead pelagic foraging ecology Presentation at Jeju, Korea by George Balazs.

Lynch, Jung, Balazs, Work, Brunson, Gaos and Jones (2019) Sea Turtles as Indicators of Plastic Marine Debris Quantities and Types in the Central Pacific. PICES.

Kim et al. (2019) The feeding preference for the color of plastic debris in the hawksbill turtle. Pices Presentation.

Polovina (2019) The New Normal: The Impact of a Warming Climate on Hawaii’s Environment.

PIFSC Science Plan 2019-2023

George Balazs 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop- Brief Introductory Reflections.

Marc Rice and Laura Jim 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation (Shown by Thierry Work)- Growth Rates of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Several Sites on Hawaii Island from 1995-2018.

Shandell Brunson 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation- Contemporary Assessment of ForeStomach Contents from Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles in Kane’ohe Bay, Oahu.

Ronald Kittle III 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation- What’s in the Gut? Insights into the Gastrointestinal Microbiome in the Hawaii Green Turtle.

Migiwa Kawachi 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation- Eutrophication, Invasive Algae, and Green Turtle Fibropapillomatosis.

John Stimson 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation- Thirty Years of Changes in the Benthic Algal Community in Kaneohe Bay, and the Possible Role of Green Sea Turtles.

Ku’ulei Rogers 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation- Observations of a Rapid Decline in the Invasive Macroalgae Gracelaria salicornia associated with Chelonia mydas Grazing in the Moku O Lo’e Marine Reserve.

Lance Bookless 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation- Green Turtles on the Move for Food: Newly Found Foraging Grounds in the Nu’uipa Ponds, Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

Kimberly Fuller 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation- Invasive Algae Management in the State of Hawaii.

Cynthia Hunter 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation- Exploring Patterns of Foraging by Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles on Gracilaria salicornia in Kaneohe Bay.

Jennifer Lynch 2/9/2020 Diet Workshop Presentation- Implications of Plastic Ingestion by Green Turtles.

2020- Autografting: Living Tags and What to Look for Explained by Jennifer Lynch NIST/HPU.

Smith (2021) Availability and Nutritional Composition of Forage Plants for Green Turtle in the Wailoa Estuary, Hilo, Hawai’i. Senior Thesis Proposal Presentation.

2021- SPREP Regional Marine Species Meeting Series: Short Presentation on MTSG Oceania by George Balazs July 29.

Shaw et al. (2021) Quantifying harm to sea turtles from ingested plastic: Review of literature and guidelines for reporting evidence of harm. SETAC.

Akaka and DeMello (2022) Native Hawaiian Cultural and Traditional Practices of Honu Harvest. 2nd Annual HPU Sea Turtle Workshop.

2022- Justin Greenman NOAA Long Beach Presentation on San Gabriel River Habitat for Southern California Green Turtles.

Lynch et al. (2022) Biomonitoring program for plastic pollution in the Pacific Ocean: Ocean Sciences: Sea turtles from the Hawaiian and American Samoan longline observer programs.

2022- The Turtle Life and Times of Doc Lew Ehrhart, 1943-2022 Assembled by Steve Johnson.

Dentlinger (2023) Four Decades of Green Turtle Strandings on Hawaii Island (1983-2022): Causes and Assessing Trends. Marine Science Senior Symposium UHH.

Ballard et al. (2023) Foraging behavior and dietary preferences of Chelonia mydas based on coastal benthic cover and nutritional composition of macroalgae on windward Oʻahu, Hawai‘i. UH BIOL403.

Chapman (2023) Hungry Hungry Honu: A Look at the Feeding Ecology of Hawaiian Green Turtles Utilizing Stable Isotopes. Marine Science Senior Symposium UHH.

Maassen (2023) The Last Meal: Diet Analysis of Stranded Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) on East Hawai‘i Island. Marine Science Senior Symposium UHH.

Balazs (2023) 1977-2023: Some Reflections on Fijian and Hawaiian Sea Turtles Sea Turtle Populations. Suva USP Workshop.

Jim and Rice (2023) Mauna Lani Sea Life Park Honu Opportunities. December 1st Get-Together Presentation. HPA.

Clemans and Murakawa (2023) A Summary of Sea Turtle Stranding Threats and Trends in the Main Hawaiian Islands (2003-2023). 3rd Annual HPU Sea Turtle Workshop.

2023- Adapting to Climate Change: A Case Study of the Flatback Turtle, Natator depressus. by Colin Limpus.

Briscoe et al. (2024) Multi-decade northward shift of loggerhead sea turtle pelagic habitat as the eastern North Pacific Transition Zone becomes more oligotrophic. PICES Honolulu.

Marshall (2024) Monitoring Green Turtles Behavior and Abundance in Kaneohe Bay: Do Basking Coves Indicate Coral Substrate Selection? HPU Capstone Symposium.

2024- Assessing the Population Dynamics of Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles in Coastal Waters of Hawai’i Island by Rachael Pecoraro UH-Hilo.

Work & Balazs (2024) Collaborations Between Biologists and Veterinarians Yield Insights Into Marine Turtle Fibropapillomatosis. USGS Wildlife Health Workshop in Hilo.

Balazs (2024) Puzzling Important Questions About the Conservation Status of Hawaiian Honu and Their Ecosystem. 4th HPU Workshop.

2025- STRETCH 2023 y 2024- Que Aprendimos? by Alberto Abreu.

Balazs (2025) A 50-Year Witness to Cultural and Conservation Change.

2025- Selected Slides from FFS Green Turtle Nesting Research and Monitoring Presentation at HPU by Marylou Staman, NOAA MTBAP.